Teresa Carpenter

Her Boss by Arrangement

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taking the car to him, she controlled the where, when and how long.

      What she hadn’t planned on was finding him half-naked. The man was seriously built, broad shoulders, muscular arms and oh, those abs. He’d been ill, okay laid up with a broken leg. He had no right to look so good. Flustered, she’d embarrassed herself by staring.

      He’d thanked her at the same time he made his annoyance clear; declaring he never left the car out at night. It wasn’t enough she went out of her way to return his car; he had to guilt her into moving the car into the garage for him.

      She managed to keep her cool by remembering they would be working together very soon. Something she kept in mind as she replied to his email.

      TO: [email protected]

      FROM: [email protected]

      SUBJECT: Re: Cleaning bill

      Mr. Black, it distresses me to think of your lovely vehicle being marred in any way. Payment will be forwarded promptly.

      PS: How is the cat?

      “I knew this matchmaking thing was going to bite us in the butt someday,” Lauren announced in the car on the way to an impromptu meeting with Obsidian Studios.

      “Yes,” Tori agreed. “But I always thought it would be a failed relationship that caused the problem. I mean, really, we have a 100 percent success rate. You’d think one of the couples would experience troubles.”

      “True. Even Kate and Brad from high school are still going strong. I was talking to Mom the other day and she mentioned they’re expecting their third child.”

      “That’s so cool.” She pleated her skirt and thought about her gift. “How does it feel for you?” She glanced at Lauren. “When you know two people belong together?”

      For a full heartbeat, her twin met her gaze before turning back to the road. “It’s a warm glow, like a surge of happiness, when I see them together.”

      “Me, too.” Tori nodded. “It’s a total sense of rightness. But I have to see them together. I never get a sense someone would be good with anyone else.”

      “No, me, neither,” Lauren confirmed. “And we’re stronger when we’re together.”

      “I’ve noticed that, too. And only with people who are open.”

      “What do you mean?” Lauren frowned at her.

      “Some people are more open than others.” Tori tried to explain what she’d always felt but never expressed. “Sometimes I can actually pick up on moods if they’re strong enough—happiness, sadness, fear, anger, guilt.”

      “Sorry to tell you this, sis, but those emotions are pretty easy to read.”

      “Ha-ha.” Her sister completely missed the chiding glance Tori sent her. “I mean from across the room. People I don’t even know. Do you ever get that?”

      Lauren lifted the shoulder closest to Tori and let it drop. “Yeah, I guess. If I concentrate. I choose not to concentrate.”

      “I know, me, too.” It was uncomfortable picking up on other people’s emotions. Made her feel intrusive. “But if they’re close I get blips of emotion. I think that’s what we’re cluing into when we feel the connection.”

      “Okay, that makes sense. Why all the psychoanalysis?” A touch of irritation crept into Lauren’s voice.

      “Because Black is as closed up as a teenage girl’s locked diary. Standing or sitting right next to him, I got nothing.”

      “Really?” Lauren sounded surprised, drawing Tori’s gaze to her profile. “You get no feeling from him at all?”

      “No. Why? Did you?” Tori turned as much as the seat belt would allow. “You didn’t mention you saw Black at the party.”

      “There was no reason to since you’d already advised me it was best not to introduce ourselves. But I saw you chatting with him before he left.”

      “Did you see him steal my candy?” Jerk. Lauren gave her “the look,” the one that said “focus.” “Okay, not relevant. Still, it wasn’t nice.”


      “Right. So did you get a read on him with anyone? It would really help if you did, because the starlet trio is counting on us.”

      Quiet filled the car for a moment and then she muttered, “I’m not sure.”

      Tori started to ask what she meant but they’d reached the studio. Lauren turned into the drive and up to the guard station. She gave their names and was directed to a building two down and one over, top floor.

      Once they were in the elevator, Tori demanded her sister explain her comment.

      “I just meant we told Jenna, Cindy and Olivia we’d try to find someone for Black. We didn’t make any promises. They don’t know how it works for us.”

      “No, but they’re going to be looking for results. And there’s no dodging them, either. We’re working with them on the engagement party, the bridal shower and the wedding. We need to keep them happy or life will be miserable.”

      “I hear you. But we aren’t responsible if we don’t have access to the man. They think we will because we’re handling the events for Obsidian at the film festival, but the likelihood of us actually interacting with Black is very slim.”

      Tori liked the way her sister thought. It was the perfect out. For the matchmaking and for her. She wasn’t looking forward to encountering Garrett Black again. He bothered her in a curious way. It was the brooding. She never did well with brooding.

      Her chest constricted as memories rose up. The slow pulling back, the moodiness, that tragic final call.

      Shane. She hadn’t purposely tried to tune into anyone since she tried to read him at the height of his withdrawal. The pain and anger had overwhelmed her to the point she never tried again. And she really had no interest in putting any feelers out to Garrett Black. She’d learned her lesson there.

      Thankfully the elevator opened into a reception area. From sheer force of will, she pushed the past back where it belonged and followed Lauren to a wide glass desk. Lauren gave the thirty-something blonde manning the desk their names.

      “Welcome.” The woman immediately bounced to her feet. “Mr. Black is expecting you.” The woman came around the desk to lead them toward an inner door.

      Behind her back Lauren mouthed, “Black?”

      Tori shrugged, no happier than her sister at the prospect of a meeting with Black. Mystified, Tori followed Lauren toward the inner sanctum. What was this all about? They received a call at By Arrangement yesterday requesting this meeting regarding the film festival. There had been no mention of Black’s involvement.

      She stutter-stepped, dread filling her. Had he called them here to fire By Arrangement? Had she not been fast enough, humble enough in her acquiescence to his demand for payment? She suddenly regretted the jab about the cat.

      If it were just her, she’d suck it up, take the loss and move on. But there was Lauren. The contract with Obsidian Studios was the biggest and most prestigious By Arrangement had earned. It was the first true step on the road to their goal of staging the ultimate Hollywood party, the Governors Ball after the Academy Awards.

      Plus they’d already put a lot of time and effort into the plans for the film festival. She hated confrontation, but for Lauren she would fight.

      She wouldn’t let Black blow them off over a set of toe prints.

      “Ms. Randall, Tori.” Garrett stood up as she entered the room behind Lauren. Gone were the ill-fitting suits. He looked imposing in an impeccable black suit custom-made to fit the broad stretch of his shoulders. He waved them to a conversation area