Sharon Swan

Cowboys And Cradles

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hills when he found himself elected to give riding lessons?”

      “Uh-uh. He had an emergency—nothing real serious,” he tacked on before she could ask. “His oldest granddaughter called from Bisbee. Her husband’s out of town and her car broke down in the middle of the highway while she was driving one of her kids to a doctor’s appointment. Zeb and another hand went to see if they could get it started again, or at least get the kid to the doctor. If the head honcho were around, he might have taken Zeb’s place instead of me, but he left for Tucson this morning and he’s not back yet.”

      Puzzled, Eve asked, “The head honcho?”

      “Ryder Quinn. To the men who work here, he’s the head honcho. You’re the owner now, so you’re the big boss.”

      Not only the boss, the big boss. Because the title amused her, and because she was sure it would not amuse the “head honcho,” Eve smiled. “Why don’t we get started?”

      Cody nodded his agreement. “Come in through the gate next to the stable and I’ll introduce you to Buttercup.”

      If the long-suffering look in her eyes was any indication, Buttercup wasn’t overjoyed to meet her owner, and Eve decided the feeling was mutual after a frustrating hour of coaxing the mare around the corral and achieving no more than a snail’s pace.

      Finally she’d had it. She halted at the spot where Cody leaned against the fence. “There have to be horses on this place with a little more zip.”

      He nudged his hat back and gazed up at her. “Buttercup’s the one the head honcho picked out for you, Miz Eve.”

      That information didn’t merit a second thought, not as far as she was concerned. “Well, I’m ready to pick something else. I’ve got the basics down, but I’ll never get beyond them if the Old Gray Mare won’t even break into a trot.”

      Cody pushed away from the fence. “Guess you have a point. But the head—”

      “I’ll deal with him,” Eve assured the ranch hand, and went on before he could offer any further objection. “Let’s look at some of the other horses.”

      There were three in the stable, she found as they entered through wide double doors with Buttercup trailing behind. The huge stallion she’d almost collided with occupied the first stall they came to. He snorted a greeting.

      “This is Lucky,” Cody said. “He belongs to Ryder Quinn. No one else rides him,” he added hastily, as though he were afraid she might decide to do exactly that.

      She ran her tongue around her teeth to foil a grin and moved on. The two remaining occupants were less impressive than Lucky, she had to admit. Still, they had to be more lively than Buttercup. She’d parted her lips, ready to ask a question about a cinnamon-colored horse, when a high-pitched whinny drew her attention to the back of the building.

      “That’s Sable,” Cody told her as she turned toward the sound. “She’s only been here a few weeks. Could be they’ll hitch her up with Lucky when the time’s right.”

      Sable. A fitting name, Eve decided after walking forward for a closer look. Black as coal and sleek as satin, the mare pranced to the front of the stall, then tilted her head at a playful angle and blew out a soft breath. Obviously far beyond lively, she was a strong, spirited mixture of muscle and grace. And a beautiful, dark-eyed flirt, as well.

      Eve was entranced. “Does she belong to Ryder Quinn, too?”

      “No, she’s yours,” Cody replied, moving to stand next to her.

      Hers. Up to that moment she’d considered the animals that had come with the ranch as merely part of the property. Now she knew just how wrong she’d been. There was a bond here, she realized, and with it came responsibility. Ultimately the fate of this and every other animal she owned rested with her. And, when it came to this particular one, there was also a thrill of possession she couldn’t deny.

      She reached up and gently rubbed the mare’s ebony forehead, watching as dark eyes viewed her with a saucy gleam. “I want to ride her.”

      “I don’t think that’s a good idea, Miz Eve.” Cody’s easygoing manner abruptly turned serious. “Sable can be a handful when she sets her mind to it.”

      Eve dropped her arm and turned to face him. “Are you saying she’s dangerous?”

      “No,” he admitted reluctantly. “Just…frisky.”

      One corner of Eve’s mouth quirked up. “Hmm. Maybe even…sassy?”

      He lifted a hand to rub the back of his neck. “Yeah, I suppose.”

      That did it. In a flash, the prospect of riding Sable became irresistible. “Saddle her up, Cody Bodeen.”

      He let out a resigned sigh. “The head honcho’s probably gonna be teed off when he finds out about this.”

      “And I told you I’d deal with him,” she countered smoothly yet firmly. “Remember, I’m the big boss.”

      Another high whinny seconded that statement.

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