Cindi Myers

Say You Want Me

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I’ll bet you were soaking wet.”

      If he only knew…She closed her eyes against his penetrating gaze and shivered as his mouth moved down her throat to her collarbone, trailing heat along the V neck of her uniform top. “Physical reaction…is different…from love,” she gasped.

      “Maybe. Let’s call it lust then.” He cupped her right breast in his palm. “Tell me you’re not lusting after me right now.”

      “Of…of course not.”

      He ran his thumb across her erect nipple, sending shock waves rippling through her. “Liar.”

      She tried to pull back, but only managed to flatten herself against the door. “What if I am? It doesn’t mean anything.”

      “Then it won’t hurt to act on those feelings.” He put his hands on either side of her, flat against the door. “If I locked this door and we went after it right now, it wouldn’t make any difference in how you looked at me tomorrow?”

      She glared at him. “You do that and I won’t be looking at you at all tomorrow.”

      He stepped back, startling her with the suddenness of the movement. She sagged against the door, shaken and panting. She didn’t know whether to be angry at him for putting her in this position, or for leaving her like this, hungry for more.

      “I will never force you to do anything,” he said, retreating to the table. “But don’t lie about what you’re feeling either. If you want me, don’t be afraid to say so.”

      Of all the conceited, arrogant—She glared at him. “In your dreams.”

      He grinned. “Oh, you’re already there, sugar.” He fished a donut from the box on the table and took a bite. “So what time is Grandma’s get-together tomorrow?”

      His question cut off the biting remark forming in her head. She blinked. Was he changing the subject to unsettle her further, or to give her time to cool off?

      She thought his fingers trembled as he raised the donut to his lips again and she held back a smile. Maybe he was giving them both time to calm down. “It starts at five o’clock, though my dad will probably be up at five that morning to start the brisket cooking.”

      “What time do you want me to pick you up?”

      She rubbed her arms. She hadn’t planned on letting him know where she lived. That made this all too personal. “I thought you could meet me at my parents’.”

      He shook his head. “That won’t work. Not if we’re supposed to be crazy in love. We should show up together.”

      She frowned. “I don’t see what difference it makes.”

      “You want to convince your grandmother, don’t you?” He wiped his hands with a paper napkin. “I’ll pick you up and we’ll come in, the inseparable lovebirds. Your grandmother will go home satisfied you’ve found the perfect man at last.”

      “Don’t get too far into the role, okay?” She scribbled her address onto another napkin and handed it to him.

      He read it and stuffed it into his pocket. “What should I say when people ask how we met?”

      “That’s easy. Tell them we met at the hospital. Cops come in here all the time.”

      “And we’ve been dating how long?”

      “Six weeks.”

      “I’m a fast worker, huh?”

      “G.P. knew my grandfather six weeks when they got married.”

      “How long were they married?”

      “Forty-one years.”

      He laughed. “And you don’t believe in fate!”

      “G.P. and Grandpa were lucky. That doesn’t happen very often.” She didn’t want to talk about her grandparents’ marriage with him. She opened the door. “I have to get back to work.”

      He stopped and kissed her cheek on his way out. “I’ll see you tomorrow evening. I’m looking forward to it.”

      She stared after him, still feeling the warmth where his lips had been. One moment she was furious with him, and the next he did something that made her positively melt. He’d crashed into her quiet, ordered life like a meteorite. She figured the sooner they ended their deal and parted company, the better off she’d be.

      His earlier words to her echoed in the back of her mind (or was that her conscience again?): Liar.

      CARTER ARRIVED at Joni’s apartment promptly at 4:45, having circled the block half a dozen times to avoid showing up too early. He ate half a pack of breath mints while he was waiting and cranked the air conditioner full blast, praying his antiperspirant didn’t fail. Though he hoped he didn’t show it, his stomach was in knots at the thought of meeting Joni’s family, especially the infamous G.P.

      He didn’t have much experience with families, though as a cop he’d seen plenty of family feuds gone wrong. If the rest of the family was anything like prickly Joni, he’d have one hell of a time keeping his cool tonight. But he intended to give it his best shot. Joni might be difficult at times, but he couldn’t shake the feeling that the two of them could make some magic together. Call it destiny, fate, or mere coincidence, but Joni had come into his life from out of nowhere, and he wasn’t about to let her leave too soon.

      She greeted him at the door, dressed in an orange tank top and white shorts. He had a tough time not staring, and had to continually pull his gaze away from her long, tanned legs and soft curves. “You look great,” he said.

      She smiled and surveyed his jeans, boots and knit polo. “You clean up pretty good yourself.”

      “I brought you something.” He handed her a pink rabbit’s foot key chain.

      “What’s this for?” She inspected the rabbit’s foot.

      “For luck. You said you don’t believe in it, but the rabbit’s foot works whether you believe or not.”

      She laughed. “All right. I’ll humor you.” She clipped the key chain to her purse. “Are you ready?”

      He took a deep breath. “I’m ready. By the end of the evening, your grandmother will love me.” And maybe her granddaughter’s feelings will be a little more affectionate as well.

      The drive to her parents’ home in Alamo Heights took only a few minutes. The house was already surrounded by cars, and a trio of little girls chased each other across the front lawn. “You have a big family,” he said.

      “Not that big. I have three brothers, Matt, Greg and David. Then there are their wives and children—the girls on the lawn belong to Greg and Matt. David has a baby boy. Aunt Lisa and Uncle Richard will probably be here, and my cousins Marcus and Larry. Uncle Leo and Aunt Lucy, and their sons, Bruce and Peter. Bruce’s wife Penny and their two boys, Zach and Thomas…”

      “Like I said. A big family. Must be nice.” He found a parking space down the street and guided the car in. “Three brothers, huh? So you’re the only girl. And the youngest, I’ll bet.”

      “David is younger, but, yeah, I’m the only girl.”

      He grinned. “No wonder you don’t like being bossed around.”

      She stuck her tongue out at him. He was still chuckling when they walked through the front door. The roomful of people fell silent. He looked at her and saw the telltale flush creeping up her neck. “You didn’t tell them you were bringing me, did you?”

      She gave him a look of apology. “I, uh, I forgot.”

      A woman in her fifties with Joni’s eyes moved toward them. “Well, don’t just stand there. Come in!” She took Carter’s arm and led him farther into the room.

      “Mama, I’d like you to meet Carter Sullivan.