Teresa Southwick

A Decent Proposal

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Mrs. McKnight. Marriage looks good on you.” In spite of his dark mood it was impossible not to smile in the presence of a woman glowing the way this one was. “You’re positively radiant.”

      “Thank you, kind sir.” She put her hand on his arm. “Love does that to a person. You should try it sometime.”

      “Been there, done that. It didn’t work out.”

      She wrinkled her nose. “That wasn’t love. Brenda was selfish and self-absorbed. Probably still is.”

      “Almost certainly,” he agreed.

      The Holden and Halliday families had been friends for years and partners in various business ventures, including a small stake in the project he was here to work on.

      “How’s Liam?” she asked. “He’s how old now?”

      “Eight. Getting big.”

      “You must miss him when you have to be away on business,” Cam said.

      Burke nodded ruefully. “It’s not easy.”

      “The time goes by so quickly.” She sighed. “My little girl is growing so fast.”

      “That’s right. You’re a mom now.” He grinned. “Motherhood agrees with you. How old is...” He didn’t know the child’s name and shrugged apologetically.

      “Amanda—Ben and I call her Mandy. She’s fifteen months. You have to meet her while you’re here.”

      “I’d like that—”

      A flash of red coming around the corner caught his eye and he did a double take. The blazer belonged to Sydney McKnight and she wore it over a white silk blouse tucked into jeans that fit her like a second skin. High heels made her legs look a lot longer than he knew they were. She was pretty in her work clothes and stunning in the sophisticated outfit.

      Camille followed his gaze. “Ah, my sister-in-law. Wow, she really cleans up well. But then she always dresses like a fashion model when she’s not at the garage. She looks fabulous.”

      Burke had noticed. Earlier her hair had been pulled into a sassy ponytail but now it fell like dark silk past her shoulders. Layers framed her small face and highlighted her big, brown eyes. She could be in Car and Driver magazine or grace the cover of Glamour or Cosmopolitan.

      Sydney saw the two of them and looked surprised for a moment before heading in their direction. She stopped in front of them.

      “Cam, it’s nice to see you.” She leaned in for a quick hug. Then she looked at him. “So, you’ve met my sister-in-law?”

      “Actually we’ve known each other for years,” he explained. “As a matter of fact, the Hallidays have invested in my resort.”

      Sydney blinked. “You own the development company?”

      “With my cousin, yes.” Her surprised expression was genuine. “Why?”

      “You just said your company owned the land.”

      “We do,” he said.

      “I just thought you were on the payroll, not the guy who signed the paychecks for everyone.” Syd glanced at Cam, who nodded a confirmation. “Be sure to share with my father that you know this guy. He had your back today.”

      “Oh?” Cam said.

      “That’s right,” Burke agreed. “I brought my car into the garage for an oil change and he gave me the third degree about the new project followed by a subtle warning that it better not put the lodge out of business.”

      “I’ll be sure and tell Tom not to worry. He’s so thoughtful. I’m so happy he finally found someone, and the mayor is a good woman.” Cam looked first at Burke, then her gaze rested on Sydney. “Is this a coincidence you two meeting here?”

      Sydney dangled a ring of keys on the end of her finger. “Like Burke said, he brought his car in for an oil change and I’m delivering it now.”

      “And I appreciate the service.”

      “Happy to oblige.”

      “So everyone is happy.” Cam grinned at both of them then released a regretful sigh as she checked the watch on her wrist. “I’d love to stay and chat but I really need to get home to Ben and the baby.”

      “Give them both a hug for me,” Sydney said.

      “I will.” She looked at Burke. “We’ll put a date on the calendar soon for dinner so you can meet my husband and Mandy.”

      “I look forward to it,” he said.

      Cam smiled, then turned and walked out of the bar, leaving him alone with Sydney. Their gazes locked and he felt something squeeze tight inside him. He wasn’t sure what it meant but knew she’d completed her errand and would leave if he didn’t come up with a reason for her to stay. And he really wanted her to stay.

      “Can I buy you a drink?” he asked. “It’s the least I can do. What with you going out of your way to bring my car back here to the lodge.”

      “I’d like that.” She gracefully slid onto the bar stool beside his. Without hesitation she said, “Chardonnay, please.”

      Burke signaled the bartender and asked her to open the best white she had. He toyed with the empty beer bottle in front of him. “I can’t decide if this delivery system of yours is good customer service or you just wanted to drive my car.”

      “Both. And for the record it’s a really nice car,” she said, grinning. Then the amusement faded and she couldn’t quite meet his gaze, which was different from the uniquely direct woman he’d met this morning.

      “You look very chic.”

      She glanced down. “Thanks. Are you surprised?”

      “Because you make your living working on cars?” He thought for a moment and decided to be completely honest. “You’re a beautiful woman, Sydney. I was surprised from the very first moment I saw you this morning.”

      “What a lovely thing to say. And I appreciate it.” Her smile was a little shy, but also...nervous? “Because there’s something I’d like to ask. A really big favor—”

      “Your drinks.” The twentysomething blonde waitress put down a small, square napkin, a wineglass and another beer in front of him. She picked up the empty bottle and said, “Let me know if you need anything else.”

      “Will do. Thanks,” Burke said. He held up his beer. “To new friends.”

      Sydney touched her glass to his bottle. “Friends.”

      She was definitely nervous about something. Then her words sank in. Favor. Something to ask. “What’s up?”

      “This is harder than I thought.”

      “Just spit it out,” he advised. “That’s usually best.”

      She took a long drink of Chardonnay, then set the glass down and looked him straight in the eye. “Nothing ventured...”

      “Now I’m really curious.” His impression of her from their first meeting was of a confident, forthright woman so this hesitation struck him as out of character. “The worst that can happen is I’ll say no.”

      “Actually that’s not the worst. And saying yes would not be the smartest answer.”

      “Come on, Syd.” Shortening her name came easily and naturally, but he didn’t have time to wonder why that was. “Just tell me what’s on your mind.”

      “Okay.” She took a deep breath. “I really need you to go out with me on a date.”

       Chapter Two