Rebecca Winters

The Billionaire's Baby Swap

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That’s not to say that it happened to you, but to remove all doubt, call the doctor and have the DNA test done. I’ll take you to the hospital in the morning and we’ll get this thing settled.”

      Though she wanted to be more independent, she didn’t know how she could do this alone and was grateful for Rini’s loving support.

      They hugged good-night and she went to her room, leaving the doors open so she could hear Ric when he woke up for his next bottle. Unable to sleep, she got on the internet and researched switched-baby stories. The latest one had come out of France. But the switch hadn’t been discovered until twenty years later.

      How horrible that must have been for both sets of parents. If Valentina’s baby was given to the wrong mother, then she wanted her own baby back as soon as possible. But she wanted Ric, too. He was her very heart. How could she possibly give him up? They’d already bonded. Tears streamed down her cheeks.

      Was there a mother out there who was worried that her baby didn’t look like her, either, and wondered if some terrible mistake had been made? If so, then she’d already bonded with Valentina’s birth baby. Valentina could hardly bear it.

      She spent the rest of the night in agony. Instead of sleeping, she went in the nursery and sat in the rocker, holding Ric. The nursing just didn’t give him enough milk. She fed him bottles to satisfy him at two different times during the night. Morning couldn’t come soon enough. There wasn’t any time to lose getting to the hospital to learn the truth!

      * * *

      Giovanni fed Vito his early-morning bottle before turning him over to Stanzie. He hadn’t expected her to be a babysitter to Vito and had decided to hire a nanny. But when Stanzie heard that, she begged to do the honors.

      In two weeks his boy was filling out and so much fun to play with, Giovanni had a hell of a time leaving the villa to put in a day’s work at his office. He’d had visits from his parents and sisters since he’d brought the baby home. Violeta had begged to see him. He could hardly refuse her.

      Giovanni realized she was a doting grandmother and could understand her pain over her daughter’s refusal to see Vito. His son would be lucky to have the love of two grandmothers who already worshipped him.

      After his flight to work, he met with Ernesto Bruno over a working lunch in his office conference room. The man’s company did advertising for major companies, including the Montanari Corporation. For the last little while Giovanni had been working to buy Bruno’s failing advertising business. He’d settled on a price that would be very lucrative for him. A win-win situation.

      But by the end of the meeting, it became clear that Signor Bruno was still stalling. Maybe Giovanni had underestimated his loyalty to the Montanari family. It appeared the new CEO Rinieri Montanari, a shrewd entrepreneur, wanted to make Bruno Advertising a part of his company. Giovanni realized that in order to get to the root of the problem, he needed to go through Rinieri himself to settle this one way or the other.

      He and Ernesto agreed to look at numbers and meet again in a week. After the other man left, Giovanni went back to his office to look over last month’s accounts. He should have done it before, but Vito’s arrival had consumed him.

      Giovanni told his secretary to hold all calls. To his surprise she walked in on him, disturbing his concentration. “Signor Laurito? Forgive me, but there’s a call for you on line two. It’s Signor Conti, the administrator of the hospital in Positano. He said it was extremely urgent.”

      The administrator? Why?

      He thanked his secretary and got on the phone. “This is Giovanni Laurito. You wished to speak to me?”

      “I realize you’re an important man, but something has come up I need to discuss with you. Could you come to the hospital this afternoon? Because of confidentiality, I can’t talk about this over the phone.”

      Giovanni’s brows knit together. Maybe this was about Tatania. But if she’d changed her mind about seeing the baby, she’d go through her attorney surely, not to mention her mother. “I’ll be there as soon as I can.” He hung up and alerted his pilot. Before leaving his office, he called the villa to inquire about Vito.

      “He’s being a perfect boy and is taking his nap.”

      “That’s good. Thank you, Stanzie. I’ll be home for dinner. Ciao.”

      A half hour later he was invited in the administrator’s office. “Thanks for getting here so quickly.”

      They shook hands and he sat down, but Giovanni was on edge. “Tell me what’s wrong.”

      “I won’t beat around the bush. Today we discovered that two babies from the hospital’s nursery went home with the wrong mothers.”

      Giovanni felt his gut twist.

      “This is the kind of mistake every parent dreads. One I dread. Someone in the nursery put the wrong band on the wrong babies. It is a terrible thing to have happened.”

      “How did you find out?” Giovanni’s voice grated.

      “One of the mothers came to the hospital with questions about her baby. He didn’t look like her or the father. We had her DNA tested with her baby’s DNA. The result proved that the baby couldn’t be her baby.”

      Shock brought Giovanni to his feet. “Are you saying the baby I took home isn’t mine and my ex-wife’s?”

      “No. We’re having DNA tests on every baby boy that was in the nursery before this particular mother went home. Your baby is the last one on the list of eight we need to check. If you’ll go to the lab, a technician will draw your blood and the necessary tests will be done along with your ex-wife’s and son’s blood to prove paternity. We need to do this process immediately so the babies can be returned to their rightful birth parents before any more time goes by.”

      “Let’s do it now,” he bit out, horrified that Vito might not belong to him after all. He thought of all the parents involved. Sixteen people were traumatized by the realization that their sons might have been one of the two to be switched. He swallowed hard. Was it Vito?

      “I’ll walk you to the lab.”

      They left the office together. “How long will this take?”

      “In three days we’ll know all the facts. The lab is rushing everything. Believe me when I tell you we’ll move heaven and earth to make this right.”

      Giovanni grimaced. “Nothing could make it right.”

      “I know, and I can’t tell you how sorry I am this has happened.”

      The administrator was taking this hard, as he should. Giovanni sensed that. But the thought of having to give Vito back to another set of parents was unbearable. If that happened, it meant his birth son was out there somewhere. Giovanni couldn’t imagine having to give up the precious son he’d taken to his heart. But if his birth son was out there, naturally he couldn’t wait to see him and hold him. This was a nightmare of impossible proportions.

      After the blood was drawn, he flew back to Ravello. The second he entered the kitchen, Stanzie took one look at him and let out a cry. “What has happened to you? You’re as white as a sheet!”

      He looked her in the eye. If the impossible had happened, this was going to be hard on her and Paolo, too, not to mention his whole family and Violeta. Everyone was crazy about Vito. “There’s a possibility that the wrong baby was sent home from the hospital with me.”

      “No—” She put her hands to her mouth.

      “In three days I’ll know the truth.”

      Tears rushed down her cheeks...the same invisible tears he’d shed from the moment the administrator had explained his reason for the unexpected call. While he stood there in agony, she rushed out of the kitchen, no doubt running to tell Paolo the dreadful news.

      Giovanni hurried through the villa to the nursery. Vito was awake. The minute he saw