Кэрол Мортимер

Hidden Love

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drive you home later. Right now I’d better let Richard know he’s about to be a father three weeks early.’ Nick grimaced. ‘He’ll be so damned mad—at himself,’ he added at Rachel’s raised eyebrows. ‘He didn’t want to go on this business trip, but Kay persuaded him to go against his better judgment. He should have known better than to trust my sister, she’s never been on time for anything in her life, although she’s usually late.’

      An unwilling smile curved her lips, her teeth small and pearly white, two tiny dimples appearing in her cheeks.

      Nick’s eyes widened as he looked at her, almost as if he were seeing her for the first time. ‘I’ll go and make that call,’ he muttered, leaving the room.

      Rachel was left with that ‘kicked in the stomach’ feeling again. Nick was like no other man she had ever met, and she acted like a nervous schoolgirl every time he so much as looked at her.

      Except when she had made that bitchy comment about him possibly being a father, and he hadn’t liked that at all, his reaction against that had been very strong. Maybe she should apologise? But if she did that she would be making an issue out of it. Better to just forget the subject.

      She gave him a warm smile when he returned a few minutes later. ‘Did you manage to speak to your brother-in-law?’ she asked.

      ‘Yes.’ Nick closed the door. ‘He’s getting the first plane back. He’s a bit annoyed because he wanted to be with Kay at the birth, but I told him he wasn’t missing much.’

      Rachel gave a light laugh, her eyes a deep grey. ‘I gather you don’t intend being present when you marry and your wife has a baby.’

      ‘That depends,’ he drawled.

      ‘On what?’

      ‘On whether this imaginary wife wants me there.’

      ‘Oh,’ she blushed. ‘Of course.’

      They both looked up as the door was opened, and looked anxiously at the doctor, relaxing as he beamed at them. ‘Mrs Lennox has a lovely little girl,’ he announced. ‘Seven pounds four ounces.’

      Nick swallowed hard. ‘Are they both all right?’

      ‘Yes,’ the doctor still smiled. ‘Mrs Lennox is very tired, but she would like to see you both before we take her to her room.’

      Rachel let Nick hold her elbow as they went in to see the tired but ecstatic new mother, the tiny shawl-wrapped baby she cradled in her arms already fast asleep.

      ‘Isn’t she beautiful?’ she glowed up at her brother.

      He looked down at the tiny red-faced baby, honestly obviously warring with brotherly love. The latter won. ‘Yes, she’s lovely, honey,’ he squeezed his sister’s hand. ‘Beautiful, just like you.’

      ‘Rachel,’ Kay turned to look at her, ‘thank you so much for all that you did for me, calling Nick and everything. Even if he was late getting here,’ she added teasingly.

      ‘I was at the court all day, Kay. I had no idea I was going to be needed.’

      ‘Excuses, excuses!’ she said mischievously.

      Rachel was still taking in the fact that Nick was a lawyer. He didn’t look anything like she had imagined a lawyer to look, like the lawyers they portrayed on television. Maybe in one of those formal suits they wore …? No, he just didn’t fit the part.

      ‘Time for you to rest now,’ he was telling his sister. ‘I’ll be back to see you tomorrow. Richard should be back by then too. Right now I’m going to take Rachel out to celebrate the birth of my new niece.’

      ‘Oh, I—–’

      ‘Going to wet the baby’s head?’ Kay teased.

      ‘Something like that.’ He gave a soft laugh, his hand still firm on Rachel’s elbow. ‘Take care, honey. And give my new niece a kiss from me when she wakes up.’

      ‘When she’s older I’ll tell her how brave her uncle was at her birth,’ Kay’s eyes twinkled with humour.

      ‘Time to go now,’ the nurse told them softly, taking the baby and putting her in the waiting cot.

      Rachel collected her books from the waiting-room before accompanying Nick outside. ‘I really can’t go for a drink with you,’ she repeated the refusal he had interrupted in his sister’s room.

      ‘You aren’t under age, are you?’

      ‘No,’ she flushed. ‘I’m eighteen. I just have to get home and read up tomorrow’s classes.’

      ‘Has anyone ever told you you work too hard?’

      Danny had, frequently. But she was determined to do well in this business course; she didn’t want to remain just a secretary when she left college at the end of next year but to make a viable career for herself in the world of business.

      ‘I’m really very grateful for the offer, but—–’

      ‘But you still refuse.’ They were walking across the car park now, Nick leading her to the side of a sleek Jaguar, its red colour visible to her in the bright evening light.

      Rachel’s eyes opened wide with appreciation as he unlocked the passenger door for her. Being a lawyer must pay well! ‘I have to refuse. As you said, those books are heavy going, and I always read the appropriate chapter for the next day’s classes the evening before.’

      ‘Very conscientious,’ he taunted. ‘In you get,’ he encouraged.

      Rachel climbed into the low seat, the car perfectly matching its owner, sleek and powerful. As Nick slid into the seat beside her she was instantly aware of the intimacy of the inside of the car, Nick’s electricity was a tangible thing. She was pleased and flattered that such a man wanted her to share in his celebration, but it just wasn’t possible.

      ‘I’m sorry,’ she muttered as he flicked the ignition, the engine purring into life.

      ‘Do you have night school tomorrow?’ he asked.

      ‘Tomorrow?’ she blinked at him.

      ‘Hmm,’ he nodded as he manoeuvred the car out into the traffic. ‘We could celebrate tomorrow if you aren’t busy.’

      ‘Won’t you be visiting your sister?’

      ‘Not all evening. Richard should be back by then anyway.’

      She was tempted—how she was tempted! And why not? A drink and a chat, what harm could it do? Besides, a man like this couldn’t possibly have any real romantic interest in her. No, his invitation was just another thank-you for helping his sister. ‘Then I’d like to come for a drink,’ she accepted shyly.

      ‘And dinner?’

      She gave a happy laugh. ‘And dinner. Thank you.’

      ‘Fine. Now you’d better direct me to your home, we can’t keep driving around all night,’ he mocked lightly.

      She gave him the directions, relaxing back in her seat as he put on a Barbra Streisand cassette. She shot him the occasional sideways glance, hardly able to believe he was going to take her out to dinner tomorrow. With his expensive elegance she would have to review the contents of her wardrobe. Maybe she shouldn’t have agreed to dinner, she really didn’t have anything to wear, and—–

      ‘We’re here,’ Nick prompted softly.

      ‘Oh!’ She looked out of the window, seeing the dearly familiar house she had lived in all of her life. ‘Oh yes. Well, thank you,’ and she opened the door, turning to get out.

      Nick’s hand on her arm stopped her. ‘Eight o’clock tomorrow?’

      ‘Er—Fine.’ The temptation to spend an evening in the company of this man was just too much. ‘Goodnight.’
