Cat Schield

The Heir Affair

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to ask her to marry him without forethought or fanfare? Not that she needed a whole huge production made out of getting engaged, but it would’ve been nice to be proposed to in a romantic setting by a man who adored her instead of in a clinical setting by a man who just learned the day before that he was going to be a father.

      I think we should get married.

      His blunt declaration had been more practical suggestion than impassioned plea. Once the shock faded, her first impulse had been to hit him. How dare he presume she would agree to marry him because she was pregnant? And then tears had threatened and she’d had to grip the edge of her chair to keep from bawling her eyes out in reception.

      “Your blood pressure is a little high,” the nurse said, glancing at her with a thoughtful look.

      “I’m nervous about the ultrasound,” she lied. It was the conversation with Kyle that had upset her.

      He might not have told her he loved her, but she knew that he was committed to her and their baby. Whether that meant they would find their way back to being happy with each other was the big question.

      “That’s not unusual, but we should check it again before you leave.”

      The nurse finished adding Melody’s data into the computer and then showed her the gown she needed to don for the ultrasound. Kyle’s stoic expression gave away none of his thoughts as he watched the nurse exit the room.

      “Close your eyes,” Melody told him as she began to work the buttons free on her shirt. She was already feeling vulnerable enough without adding to her stress by stripping in front of him.

      One corner of his lips rose in that sexy half smile that made butterflies erupt in her stomach. “I’ve seen you naked before.” His heavy-lidded gaze slid over her body, cataloging her curves with deliberate possessiveness.

      Melody ignored the ache that flared between her thighs. Over these last few months, she’d deluded herself into thinking she was a practical woman who didn’t need a man. She was perfectly capable of making rational decisions about her future and sticking to them.

      Yet, a single flirtatious grin from Kyle swiftly showed her how erroneous her assumptions had been. She actually took a half step in his direction, intent on cupping his strong face in her palms and sliding her open mouth against his in a sizzling kiss.

      “Just do it,” she told him, wrenching her wayward hormones back under control.

      Without saying another word he let his lashes drift downward, but the smile didn’t drift from his lips. For a moment she stared at his familiar features with such longing she thought she might start to cry. Her hands shook as she slipped off her low boots and set them beneath her chair. Despite being confident he wouldn’t peek, Melody quickly stripped down and put on the front-closing gown.

      “Okay,” she said, paper crinkling beneath her as she sat on the exam table.

      “How about Amelia if it’s a girl?” Kyle’s voice was heavy with intent. “Austin if it’s a boy.”

      She couldn’t stop the grin that twitched on her lips. “You’ve been thinking about baby names?”

      “I didn’t sleep very well last night.” He pulled out his phone and stared at the screen. “I’m also fond of Aubrey and Addison.”

      “Did you get out of the A’s?”

      He scrolled down some sort of list on his phone. “Colton for a boy?”

      Her throat locked up as she stared at him. Damn the man for driving her crazy with his unromantic proposal of marriage and then twisting her heart into knots with this sweet demonstration of how excited he was to be a dad. Before she could respond, the door opened and the doctor appeared.

      “How are you doing today?” Dr. Sara Evans asked, advancing into the room and taking quick stock of Melody’s state of mind before glancing toward Kyle, who’d gotten to his feet. “And you are?”

      “Kyle Tailor, the father.”

      Dr. Evans gave a quick nod before getting started. Almost as soon as her doctor had entered the room, Melody had calmed down. She liked the obstetrician’s keen gaze and brisk manner.

      “I’m going to spread a little gel here.” The doctor applied the clear goo to her belly and chuckled as Melody shivered. “It’s a little bit chilly. You’ll forget all about that in a second.”

      Melody stared down at the slight bump just below her belly button where her baby lay. When she glanced toward Kyle, she noticed his eyes were glued to the monitor where an image had begun to develop. And there it was. Their baby. Head. Arms. Legs. A whole little person inside her.

      While both she and Kyle had been gaping at the screen, Dr. Evans prattled on about the development of the fetus and the fact that the organs were developing.

      “About this time,” Dr. Evans said, “your baby will begin to open and close his or her fingers and his or her mouth will begin making sucking movements. He—or she—is about the size of a lime. Do you want to know the sex?”

      Kyle spoke up before Melody could even open her mouth. “Can we?” His eyes sought hers. “Do you want to?”

      “I guess.” In truth she hadn’t really thought about it. Didn’t the pregnancy have to be further along? “Sure.”

      It would make planning easier if she knew she was having a boy or girl. She’d have to get the nursery ready and buy clothes. Of course, this brought up something that Kyle kept asking her about. Where was she going to live? She’d given up her apartment in LA to move in with Kyle. Trent’s guest cottage was for guests. Up until now, she’d stayed for a couple days or a long weekend here and there when she took a break from the tour to work on her album.

      She could justify living there while Trent was in LA with Savannah and Dylan, and she’d considered what would happen when they came back. They were family now. They would want their privacy.

      When Kyle had asked her where she planned to live, she’d frozen up. With everything that was going on with her album and telling Kyle that she was pregnant, she’d been taking things one day at a time. Today, staring at the image of her baby on the monitor, decisions she had yet to make rushed at her.

      Pressure on her fingers brought her back to the present. She winced a little at the bite of Kyle’s grip, but his eyes were glued to the screen and he didn’t seem to notice the way he was holding her hand. She squeezed back, bringing his focus to her.

      “Looks like you’re having a girl,” Dr. Evans announced brightly, her smile broad. “Congratulations.”

      Melody was numb. “Are you sure?”

      Dr. Evans nodded. “No question. This little girl isn’t one bit shy.”

      “Then she’ll take after her father,” Melody murmured.

      Her head spun. A girl. She glanced at Kyle to see his reaction, half expecting his expression to reflect disappointment. Had he imagined himself teaching his son to pitch? Instead, he was staring at her stomach and looking dazed. And delighted.

      She waited until Dr. Evans finished with the ultrasound and left the room before she voiced the concern burning a hole in her stomach.

      “You’re okay with a girl?”

      “Of course.” He blinked several times and seemed to have trouble focusing on her. A line appeared between his brows. “Why would you think it wouldn’t be?”

      “Because you’re a guy, you love baseball. I bet you woke up this morning thinking you needed to run out and buy a mitt and a ball.”

      “Actually, I woke up this morning thinking how empty my bed was without you in it.”

      She hadn’t expected this angle of attack and wasn’t prepared with an evasive maneuver. Holding the gown closed as best she could, she sat up and spun so that her feet dangled. “Close your eyes. I