Regina Scott

Frontier Engagement

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wood box near the hearth.

      Rina paid him no attention. She ran to the window and peered out, head turning from one side to the other as if trying to take in every inch of the darkness.

      “Thank the Lord you made it here safely,” she said before turning to look at him. She blinked. “Why aren’t you armed?”

      She was obviously terrified to be out in the wilderness. He should have thought of that, but then, he hadn’t considered Seattle all that much more civilized. Best to keep things light. He made a show of raising his arms and glancing at each in turn. “I thought I was armed.”

      “Will you be serious? Help me with these.” She whirled to tug at one of the shutters beside the window. James crossed to her side and helped her close them. He could hear her breath coming quickly. How could he ease her concerns?

      “There you go, Rina,” he said, stepping back as if to admire their handiwork. “All shut in, safe and sound. Probably a good idea considering the treasure this schoolhouse is guarding.”

      She frowned at him, the pink of exertion darkening her cheeks. “Treasure? What treasure?”

      “Why, the prettiest schoolmarm west of the Mississippi,” he told her, adding a smile for good measure.

      She stiffened. “Nonsense. Really, Mr. Wallin, I wish you would attend to the problem for once.”

      James threw up his hands. “And I wish you’d realize there is no problem!”

      From outside came the howl of a wolf.

      Rina grabbed his arm, eyes wide. “Did you hear that?”

      “Hush, now,” James answered, listening. The call came again, close to the schoolhouse, yet he could hear no whinnies of terror from the barn, no worried lows from the oxen or squeals from the pigs.

      “Can it get in?” she whispered.

      James touched her hand. “You’re safe, Rina. I won’t let anything happen to you.”

      She gazed up at him, face pinched. She wanted to believe him—he could see it in those clear eyes. Yet she couldn’t. Had Catherine told her how he’d failed the family in the past? No, of course not. Catherine wanted Rina to fall in love with him. She wouldn’t point out his faults. Perhaps it had been Ma. Or maybe Rina had just noticed that he was the least talented of his brothers. She was clever enough to have figured out she couldn’t afford to believe in him.

      Another call sounded, and something scratched at the door of the schoolhouse. Rina clung to James, trembling. He felt for her—alone, vulnerable and with only him to lean on.

      He straightened and set her back from him. “Stay here. I’ll deal with this.”

      She shook her head, hair falling from her bun to brush her shoulders with gold. “No, James, please! It’s too dangerous!”

      James touched the silk of her cheek. “What is it you always say to me? Nonsense. I’ll be right back, Rina. I promised to protect you, and I mean to keep that promise.”

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