Yahrah St. John

Cappuccino Kisses

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squeaked. Her voice sounded small even to her. “I couldn’t possibly. In case you haven’t noticed, I’m working.”

      “Looks like your brother has everything under control. What could it hurt to take a break and keep me company?”

      He made it sound so simple that she should join him, and since resisting seemed only to incite his interest, as she’d learned yesterday, she said, “All right, but I can only spare a few minutes.”

      Everett glanced down at his watch. “A few minutes is all I have. And I will take your suggestion of a Danish along with a bottled water.”

      “Coming right up.” She took a deep breath and reminded herself that Everett was just a man. But why did he have to look so darn handsome in his charcoal-gray suit and crisp white dress shirt that perfectly fit his athletic physique? Mariah could only wonder what lay beneath the clothes as she reached for the pastry and placed it on a glass plate, which was Lillian’s signature. Aunt Lillian believed in serving people as if they were at her home, and not have them eat off paper or plastic. When she’d grasped a bottled water from the refrigerated case behind her, Mariah took the plate and mug to the table he’d secured.

      She couldn’t help but notice the smug smile Everett gave her as she left the display area, or the way his eyes roamed over her entire frame, taking her in from root to tip. “Here you are.” She placed the items in front of him.

      He rose to his feet. “Please have a seat.” He pulled out a chair for her before resuming his own.

      “Thank you,” Mariah said, “So what brings you by, Mr. Myers?”

      “Please call me Everett. All my friends do.”

      Mariah’s brow rose a fraction. “And are we friends?”

      “I certainly hope so,” he answered, “If you hadn’t noticed, I’ve been trying to remedy that.”

      Mariah couldn’t resist a smile. “Yes, I have, and I appreciate the grand gesture of your stopping by, Mr.— Everett,” she finally said. “But you needn’t bother or try so hard. As I told you yesterday, I’m not interested in dating anyone right now.”

      “Does that mean you might be later?”

      Mariah inwardly chuckled. Of course he would pick up on her word choice. “Later might be a long time coming.”

      “I can wait.”

      She placed both elbows on the table and steepled her fingers together as she watched him. “Am I a challenge to you, Everett?”

      He didn’t answer, because he’d chosen that moment to take a forkful of the Danish, and groaned aloud, causing a place deep inside Mariah to answer, just as it had yesterday. Her breasts tightened in response. She, or rather her body, was not immune to the virility of this man. “This is divine. Did you make it?”

      Mariah flushed. “Yes, how did you know?”

      He looked deep into her eyes. “I don’t know. I guess that, because it was made with such love, I knew it had to be you.”

      Mariah swallowed hard and licked her lips. Everett’s eyes followed her every movement and it made her uneasy that he was watching her so intently. “Um, I’m not sure what I’m supposed to say to that.”

      Everett took another forkful of pastry. “You don’t have to say anything, since it’s I who should be thanking you for the delicious start to my day. If you don’t mind my asking, how did you get into baking?”

      “I started baking in my tween years when I went to visit my aunt Lillian.”

      “Lillian Reynolds Drayson?”

      “Yes, how did you—” Mariah stopped herself. Everett struck her as the type of man who never left anything to chance. If he wanted to know more about Aunt Lillian, he’d probably done his research. “Anyway, I used to visit her in Chicago during the summers and I would join her at the bakery. I learned the basics of how to bake at a young age. Once I grew older and was married, I had a lot of extra time on my hands and I began dabbling and trying new recipes.”

      “Your husband left you alone?” Everett sat back in his chair.

      “It wasn’t like that.”

      “No?” He quirked a brow as if he didn’t quite believe her, but then shrugged. “If you were mine, you would only know one position and that’s lying on your back.”

      Mariah flushed immediately at Everett’s provocative statement. She’d never been so attracted to and aroused by another man before.

      He gave her a mischievous grin. “Did I say something to offend your delicate sensibilities?”

      “No, I’m just not used to men speaking to me like...” Mariah was at a loss for words.

      “So openly about what they want?” he inquired. “I know what I want, and when I want something in life, I go for it with gusto, no holds barred. You get my drift?”

      His eyes never left her face and Mariah was under no false illusion about what he meant. When Everett desired something or someone, he was fully committed. He was in. Mariah wondered what it would have been like if Richard had been like that in their marriage. Maybe if he’d been all in, their relationship wouldn’t have ended and she wouldn’t be divorced at twenty-six.

      “Mariah?” Everett cocked his head to one side to peer at her questioningly. “Did I lose you?”

      She blinked several times, bringing him and their conversation back into focus. “No, you didn’t, but I really do have to get back to work.”

      “You’re doing it again,” he said.

      “What’s that?”

      “Running away,” he responded. “But lucky you, I like to chase.” He rose from his seat, pulled several bills from his wallet and laid them on the table. He stepped toward her and Mariah was frozen, unsure of what to do. Was he going to make a move? Was he going to kiss her?

      Instead, he just softly caressed her cheek with the palm of his hand, which was warm and tender, and said, “I’ll see you soon.”

      And he was gone. Leaving Mariah to wonder and secretly hope when that might be.

      * * *

      Outside the bakery, Everett stared into the window at Mariah as she walked back toward the kitchen. What on earth had possessed him to come here just a day after she’d turned down a date with him? Although he’d dreamed of a certain beautiful honey blonde in his dreams, he certainly hadn’t woken up this morning with the intention of acting on any of his desires. But somehow, as he’d exited the penthouse garage on his way to Myers Hotel, his car had taken him in a different direction, directly to Lillian’s Bakery.

      When he arrived, he’d thought about getting something to go, but on the other hand, he couldn’t resist the pull he’d felt yesterday with Mariah. He’d wanted more. So he’d asked her brother to find her. And when she’d come out to the storefront, she’d looked just as sexy and scrumptious as he remembered. Sure, she was wearing a less than flattering apron that covered all her God-given assets. That was why he’d asked her to come around from the display—so he could take another real good look at her. Perhaps he’d hyped her up in his dreams to be more than she was, and reality would be like a cold splash of water in his face. But he hadn’t been wrong.

      Instead, when she’d come from behind the counter wearing low-rise jeans that sat seductively over her hips and a crop top that gave him just a hint of stomach and skin, Everett had been eager to know what secrets lay hidden beneath them. It hadn’t helped that her full, round breasts were pressing against the thin top she wore, showing him that she might be a bit chilled.

      Jeez. He glanced down at his watch and realized he’d better get to the hotel so he could make the morning’s meeting, rather than stew over a baker who, if she had her way, could take him or leave him. Everett quickly drove