Rebecca Winters

The Billionaire Who Saw Her Beauty

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      While she got back to work she heard her father’s helicopter fly away. She kept busy for another hour, then went upstairs to get ready for bed. But when she slid under the covers, she didn’t fall asleep right away. Memories of the past with her sister filtered through her mind.

      Though their personalities were entirely different, she and Dea had been as close as any two sisters until college, when Francesco had come into Alessandra’s life. She’d fallen in love and they talked about getting married. But before they got engaged he met Dea, who was more confident than Alessandra and had already started her modeling career.

      Her sister had a beauty and lovability that had drawn guys to her from her teens. By contrast, Alessandra felt rather dull and unexciting. Certainly she wasn’t as attractive. But she’d always accepted those truths and never let them affect their friendship. Not until Francesco had laid eyes on Dea. From that moment everything changed. Alessandra felt herself lose him and there wasn’t anything she could do about it.

      He followed her sister to Rome and she never saw him again. Francesco sent Alessandra a letter explaining he couldn’t help falling in love with Dea and hoped she wouldn’t hate him too badly. As for Dea, Alessandra didn’t see her for two months. When her sister came home, she told Alessandra she was sorry for what had happened. She explained that Francesco had done all the running, and she’d soon found out he was a loser. Alessandra was lucky to be out of the relationship.

      The trauma of being betrayed by Francesco and her sister had completely floored her. It had taken a long time to work past the pain. Though they’d shared sisterly love in the past, from that time on they’d had a troubled relationship and two truths emerged. Alessandra didn’t know if she could trust a man again and Dea would always be the beautiful one who usually got the best of Alessandra. People seemed to love her the most.

      Alessandra had to live with the knowledge that she was known as the clever one, a scholar with a sense of adventure. She’d thought that by the age of twenty-eight she would have finally gotten past her jealousy of Dea’s ability to attract men. But it wasn’t true. Otherwise meeting Signor Montanari, who’d met Dea first, wouldn’t have disturbed Alessandra so much.

      If her father was right, what a sad irony that this man might be using Dea to get what he really wanted, making both sisters appear as poor judges of character. First the chef Alessandra had fallen for who couldn’t remain faithful once he’d laid eyes on Dea. Now Signor Montanari, who looked like the embodiment of a woman’s dreams. But what if her father learned this man had a secret agenda? The troubling thought kept her tossing and turning all night.

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