Rebecca Winters

The Texas Ranger's Nanny

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think to call Nate?”

      She turned to him. “Nobody at the school could give me any information. The custodians don’t eat in the cafeteria and they don’t attend the staff meetings. Leroy was invisible to the teachers I phoned on the list. But none of them had complaints about his work. At that point I figured maybe one of the kids might know something.”

      He studied her features for a moment. “Since you’re a chemist, I shouldn’t be surprised you’re a natural born detective. I think you’re looking for work in the wrong field.”

      Claire smiled but let the remark pass.

      “That bit of information from Nate about his wanting to show them his tattoos proves that Leroy was getting ready to set things up and had been waiting for the right moment to kidnap Jeremy.”

      “It was perfect timing. Nate was sick and didn’t go to school today. The janitor saw Jeremy was alone and grabbed him. I’m sure that’s exactly what happened.”

      “The kidnapping was no random act. It proves my theory that it was in retaliation for cracking down on the illegal gambling taking place at the Indian gaming casinos.”

      Claire was certain of it. “Nate says the janitor has a tattoo with a green eye.”

      “According to the rap sheet on him, he has snake tattoos running down his chest, too.”

      She shook her head in revulsion. “I take it you didn’t learn any helpful information.”

      “No. So far you’re the only person who’s given me some clues to work with. If you weren’t such a great nanny, you wouldn’t have even known where he keeps those little magnets, let alone know the names of them. I’m indebted to you, Claire.” His voice throbbed, revealing the depth of his pain.

      “It’s so little to work with.”

      “But every tiny scrap of evidence starts to form a pattern.” His black eyes took on a savage look as he stared into space. “Frightening, isn’t it, that people like Leroy get into our school system when they have a prison record?”

      She let out a gasp. “He was in prison?”

      “On an involuntary manslaughter charge. It usually carries a sentence from ten to sixteen months. But he was let out after only serving three. Someone fixed it for him to be released early.”

      “How could he have gotten a job at the school?”

      He raised his eyebrows. “Normally he couldn’t, but someone high up the chain who has a vendetta against me made sure his record was expunged so he could be hired.”

      “Do you have an idea who it could be?”

      “I’ve got a hunch, but it’s a big one. Actually, several people come to mind.” Politics was a dirty business. He could think of a few names, but they weren’t for her ears.

      Vic’s phone buzzed and he grabbed for it. When he’d hung up, he turned to Claire and said, “Good old TJ. The Amber Alert has gone out with all the information on Jeremy and Leroy, including pictures.”

      “It’s going to work, Vic. Whenever I get an alert on my phone, I’m extra vigilant. Someone out there is going to recognize one of them and call it in to the police.”

      In profile he looked as stiff as a block of wood. Heartsick, Claire started when her phone rang, too. She clicked On. “Dad?”

      “Sweetheart. We were watching TV when the Amber Alert flashed across the screen.”

      “I know. It’s out all over. Keep praying someone’s going to have information.”

      “We’re doing that. Are you okay?”

      “I will be when Jeremy is home.”

      “You need to be extra careful.”

      “I know, but Vic has provided protection for me. Thanks for calling. I’ll keep in touch with you. Love you.”

      She clicked Off and glanced at Vic, who took one phone call after another. He belonged to that special Ranger brotherhood known as the Sons of the Forty. No doubt they were calling Vic to give him hope and offer their services. Her heart ached for this courageous man who protected everyone else. Now it was time everyone came to his rescue. Inwardly, Claire was leading the charge.

      While he was occupied, she went out back to the barn to check on the horses and make sure they had enough food and water. She moved to Comet’s stall. “Hey, Comet.” She patted his neck. “I know you’ve been looking for Jeremy. Sorry you didn’t get your exercise today. We’ve all been looking for him.” In a flood of emotion she rested her head against him. “He has to come home. He has to, or I don’t know what I’ll do.”

      While she hung on to Comet, she felt a hand cup her shoulder. She didn’t realize Vic had come out to the barn. He’d probably heard her talking to the pony. His touch triggered her tears. She started sobbing and before she realized it, he’d pulled her into his arms. They clung to each other, seeking comfort while the tears gushed down her face, wetting his Western shirt.

      As his body heaved with unshed tears, tearing her apart, she was aware of the warm smell of the horses combined with the soap he used in the shower. The heady combination plus the feel of his hard body reminded her he was a man as well as her employer. A beautiful man. A loving father. The ultimate protector. One who was utterly desirable and had been utterly devastated.

      Shaken by the feelings coming from deep inside her while he was suffering unimaginable pain, she slowly eased herself out of his arms and stepped away. Since she’d been hired, she’d experienced too many emotions toward Jeremy and his father, and her emotions were now taking over. Consuming her. Tonight it was impossible to separate her feelings for Jeremy from the man who’d fathered him.

      “Thank you for looking after the horses, Claire. Let’s go back inside.” He closed the barn doors behind them and they walked toward the house. Night had fallen. She shuddered to think of Jeremy out there somewhere, alone and terrified. Her mind wouldn’t let her entertain the possibility that he wasn’t alive. She could only imagine Vic’s thoughts right now.

      “What else can we do? Give me a job, any job, and I’ll do it.”

      “It’s a waiting game at the moment,” Vic said as they went into the den, where he kept his computer. “Kit phoned back to let me know that no school district trucks were missing. It has to mean Leroy hid my son in the back of his truck, but where he took him is anyone’s guess. If—”

      “Don’t say it, Vic. You’ll find him alive. I know you will.”

      “You’re right. I’m expecting a phone call from headquarters to keep me briefed on any results from the Amber Alert. And before long, I should hear from Kit, who’s getting a warrant from the judge to search Bennett’s apartment.”

      “Do you want me to keep you company, or would you rather be alone?”

      His eyes swerved to her. “I’m thankful you’re here.”

      Secretly glad he didn’t mind her presence, she sat down in one of the leather chairs. “Have you told your sister-in-law?”


      “What about Clint?” He was close to his second cousin.

      He sat in the chair at his desk. “I’ll give them both a call right now. The Amber Alert will shock them if they see it first. Thank you for—”

      Just then his phone rang again. He wasn’t on for long before he clicked off and jumped to his feet. “I’m heading over to Leroy’s apartment. Kit got the warrant. Don’t worry about your safety. The surveillance team will be watching you on a constant basis. I don’t know when I’ll be back. Take care, Claire.”

      She got up and walked him to the front door. “I’m sure you’ll find something that will help.”
