Nina Singh

Reunited With Her Italian Billionaire

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well, Brianna?” he repeated.

      “I know him well enough,” she said, suddenly angry. Marco had no power over her. And he had no right to repeatedly judge her so. She noticed his grip on the table tighten.

      “Oh, for goodness’ sake,” she said loudly, then glanced at Enzo. He wasn’t used to his mama raising her voice. “Curtis is a very fine young man, just barely in his twenties. There is nothing between us besides an employer-worker relationship.”

      “You’re not out of your twenties yourself.”

      There was no point in defending herself. It wouldn’t work. She shouldn’t even need to, not if he truly loved her.

      That was laughable. Love had nothing to do with their marriage, not for Marco. He’d just said it himself—it was merely an attempt to legitimize his son.

      She smiled, uncaring now that it would inflame his anger. “Nevertheless, I’ve made my decisions,” she said. “I already have some job prospects I can call about. My replacement sitter is lined up. And as soon as you and I work out visitation rights, you can leave.”

      She was turning to get Enzo when his next words stopped her.

      “There’s only one problem with all of that.”

      “And that would be?”

      He crossed his arms in front of his chest. “I have no intention of leaving. I’ll be here at least the week.”

      * * *

      Where had that come from?

      Marco watched Brianna’s eyebrows rise nearly to her hairline. Well, he was surprised himself at what he’d just said. But it was quite logical really. The woman was a wreck. For goodness’ sake, she’d just lost her job, she couldn’t hold on to a babysitter and now she was suggesting that Enzo stay in the care of a young man. Brianna needed someone with a strong, sure hand to take care of such issues in a mature, logical manner. Someone like him.

      The flush on her cheeks and the eyes throwing daggers at him made it clear she thought otherwise. “I didn’t realize this was to be an extended stay.”

      Neither had he. “It just so happens, some business came up that I need to tend to in New York.” That was the absolute truth. So what if the “business” he was referring to directly involved her?

      “Of course you have business.”

      “What does that mean?”

      “Nothing. Only that I should have realized you would find a way to multitask.”

      What he wanted was to find a way to keep his son safe. Who exactly was this Curtis to his wife and child? What if Curtis was the type who wanted to just step in and take over another man’s life? He would have found an instant family with Brianna and Enzo. The thought had his blood pressure pounding.

      “And where do you plan on staying?” Brianna asked.

      “Your place is small but there should be enough room.”

      She gave him a withering look. “My place?”

      “That’s right. I’ll stay here.”

      She planted her hands on her hips. “Now, why wouldn’t you stay at a hotel in Times Square near the Dirici offices?”

      “Because Times Square is miles away from Enzo.”

      “Which would suit me just fine, seeing as he’ll be very well taken care of between me and Curtis. If you have such urgent business, you can hardly be expected to spend any time with him.”

      “I can make time. Especially since I’m in the same city.”

      She remained silent a moment then lifted her chin. “No.”


      “I said no.”

      “I beg your pardon.”

      “I refuse to let you stay here.”

      He couldn’t help his smile. “Afraid to be in such close quarters?”

      “I should think that was obvious.”

      “How about if I promise to behave?”

      “You can behave in Times Square.”

      “Are you saying I should take Enzo with me?”

      Brianna’s mouth tightened. “Don’t even think about it. He stays with me.”

      “Then I’m not quite sure what we’re arguing about. All you have to do is call this male nanny and tell him the offer has been rescinded.”

      “Absolutely not. I can’t do that.”

      “Why not?” he demanded.

      She shook her head very slowly. “I don’t want to.”

      He walked over and picked up the phone. “Fine. I’ll do it. What’s his number?”

      “No, you can’t. Listen, you don’t understand.”

      “What is there to understand?”

      Her chin quivered. “Curtis needs this. He really needs the position.”

      “What does that have to do with anything?”

      “He needs the job. He just told me today that my offer couldn’t have come at a better time. He’s experiencing some cash problems and really needs the money.”

      “Why is any of that my problem?”

      She moved over to him and reached for the phone. Marco held on to it. “Please. I would feel awful telling him he won’t be getting the funds after all. He told me he couldn’t even afford new books for next semester.”

      “You seem awfully concerned with Curtis’s well-being.”

      Brianna’s hand fell to her side. “You wouldn’t understand.”

      Marco understood very well. Curtis sounded like a lovestruck adolescent. Or worse, an opportunist. The young cad was probably pursuing not only his wife but also what little money she had. No doubt he’d connected her last name to the Dirici Foods empire. He was most likely using her generosity and naivety to his utmost advantage. It merely proved Marco’s point. Brianna needed his protection. She was clearly easy to manipulate.

      There was only one sure way to stop the pup from sniffing around her any longer. “Tell him your husband is back.”

      “That’s not going to help his financial situation,” she said a little shakily.

      Marco sighed. “How about if I pay him anyway?”

      A knowing look appeared in her eyes. “Yet again, that’s your solution to everything. Throwing money at it. Well, forget it. He would never accept money for work he didn’t do.”

      Curtis had done quite a number on her. “We’ll tell him it’s because we’re retracting the offer on such short notice.”

      “He’s too proud.”

      “What a paragon. Did it ever occur to you that you might be being manipulated?”

      She glared at him. “You would think that.”

      He held up the phone. “Just give me his number.”

      “He truly needs the money, Marco. I told him he had a full-time job.”

      This was getting quite tiring. “Brianna, I’m not leaving. My son needs me.” And so did she.

      Brianna nodded and looked down. “This isn’t about that.”

      Oh, hell. “Fine.” He slammed the phone down. “Call him later and tell him the job description has changed.”

      She looked up, searching his face. “What do you mean?”