Jill Lynn

Her Texas Cowboy

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stood just inside the large sliding doors. She looked fighting mad. Gorgeous—no surprise there—but not happy. He changed course, walking in her direction.

      Was she just here early for the first night with the youth? Or had she found out he’d been at the house? Based on her expression, he’d say the latter. Hunter had hoped helping make the place livable for her would work in his favor, but he was starting to doubt his plan.

      Rachel wore a green sleeveless shirt with pressed flowered shorts. Coupled with sandals that daintily looped around her ankles, she looked perfectly put together, yet she still had that edge. The one that said, I don’t belong in this Podunk town. I’m meant for more and don’t you forget it.

      Though he read her message loud and clear, it didn’t stop him from appreciating the sight. He’d thought jeans, a T-shirt and boots might do him in the other day, but as it turned out, it didn’t matter what she wore.

      Caused a bit of trouble, that. He wasn’t supposed to be noticing how she looked—though, really, it would be impossible for him not to. He was supposed to be renewing their friendship. And he wasn’t off to a great start by the look of it.

      He set the large tote on the ground by their feet. “Hey, you’re here early.”

      “I need to talk to you before the kids arrive.”

      “About the float?” He could only hope.


      Ah. So she’d found the stuff.

      “I assume it was you who started working on the house?”

      He didn’t have anything to hide. “I did.”

      “I wasn’t even serious about it. It was just a passing thought. Why would you do something like that?” Her breath hissed out. “It doesn’t even make sense. I’m only going to be here for a month or two.”

      “What’s Cash planning to do with the house?”

      “I don’t know. I asked Olivia what happened with it. She said the last renter trashed it, and Cash hasn’t had time to deal with it since.”

      “So after you live there for the summer, he can rent it out again. If none of his ranch hands want to lease it, one of ours might. We’re not talking about remodeling the place. Just cleaning it up and making it livable so you can stay there while you’re home.”

      Silence reigned. Rachel opened her mouth, then closed it. Finally, she lifted one freckled shoulder. “I guess that makes sense.” Just that movement made his mouth go dry. Pesky attraction. At least he’d had a lot of practice shoving it down and ignoring it over the years.

      “But why are you helping me?” Her forehead crinkled. “Why would you do that? I don’t know if you’ve forgotten, but you and I aren’t on the best of terms. It makes no sense. Unless...” She might as well spit it out since he didn’t have any idea what she was trying to say. “Hunter...” Her voice lowered as though someone was hiding around the corner and might overhear them. “You’re not trying to restart anything between us, are you?”

      What? She thought he was...oh, man. He hadn’t even considered that working on the house would make it look like he wanted something more with Rachel. Partly because the idea hadn’t even crossed his mind. But, of course, she couldn’t read his thoughts.

      “We can’t.” Her lips pressed together. “I can’t.”

      He agreed with her. He couldn’t, either. “I’m not trying to start anything between us. I was just sick of—” he raised his hands “—fighting. Not being able to be around each other. Figured it was time to move on. I knew you could use a hand, and this is what friends do.”

      “So you’re not...”


      “Oh, good.” Distress dropped from her frame, her sigh audible. And a little bit offensive. Did she have to be so relieved about it?

      Whatever. It didn’t matter. Hunter wasn’t on the hunt for a wife, anyway. What had happened with his mom and then Rachel had tainted that idea for him. He just wanted a quiet life on the ranch. No drama. No women who didn’t want to be there. If he found someone, that would be great, but he wasn’t going to do backflips to make it happen. He could be content on his own.

      “I’m not trying to pursue anything more than friendship with you, so you can relax. I wouldn’t do that to you.” Or to himself. “I would never ask you to stay again, Rach. I know you don’t belong here.” Silence swirled between them, the past rearing up with ugly memories. “Promise. You can trust me.”

      Her pained glance told him she wasn’t so sure about that.

      “Will it put you at ease if I’m not the only one working on the house? Because Brennon called and said he and Val want to pitch in. They’re planning to come out Saturday.”

      “What?” Exasperation laced the word. “When did you talk to them?”

      “Just a bit ago. Why?”

      Sounded like she muttered traitor. “What is up with all of you? I didn’t even ask for help. This is crazy.”

      “Are you really surprised? Don’t you remember what it’s like living in a small town? This is how it is. When someone needs something, everyone pitches in. That’s the deal. You’ll just have to adjust to the idea.”

      “And what if I don’t want to?”

      Hunter knew the answer to this question. His life had taught him this truth numerous times. “You can’t always get what you want.”

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