Tina Radcliffe

Claiming Her Cowboy

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asked to see them in the middle of the day. It was as if he needed to be sure they were safe. We complied, and he was able to stop worrying. Dub trusts us to keep our word.”

      “How is his being here going to help with the adoption process?”

      “We’re actively trying to find Dub a home, and we’ve agreed to facilitate any potential foster or adoptive parents who are interested in all three children.”

      Jack offered a short nod, annoyance still evident on his face. “The kid was in the stables.” He shot her an accusatory look. “Alone. No supervision.”

      “Dub always asks permission, and he knows that he’s not allowed in the stalls.”

      “That’s not the same as supervision.”

      “Dub understands the rules.”

      “So he kept telling me. Yet seeing him in the loft, a good fifteen feet above the ground, I was not reassured.”

      She stepped closer and lowered her voice. “We have security cameras and microphones in the stables. Off-site security is monitoring most of this ranch, except for the pastures. Soon we’ll have cameras out there, as well.” It was her turn to look him in the eye. “If our budget is approved.”

      “Cameras don’t take the place of adults supervising kids. He was in the loft. Is that allowed?”

      “That would be a loophole in our agreement. Kids tend to find those. You’re an attorney—surely you understand loopholes.”

      “A loophole?”

      “Yes. He wasn’t technically in the stall. But I appreciate the heads-up. I will discuss that with Dub.” She paused. “I do want you to know that we’ve been operating for five years, and no child has ever been seriously injured.”

      “Trust me. It only takes one second for things to spiral out of control. And in that moment, the rest of your life is changed. Forever.”

      She stared at him, assessing the rigid posture, the hands shoved into his pockets. More emotion. Where was it all coming from? Jack Harris was hiding a painful secret, of that she was certain. Her words were slow and measured when she responded. “Are you asking for Dub as your buddy for the summer? Is that what this is all about?”

      “What?” His head jerked back and his hands came up, palms out. “No. I don’t even know anything about buddies.”

      “You have to pick someone. Why not Dub? He certainly seems to have attached himself to you.”

      Jack lifted his palms again and stepped back. “Whoa. I have zero experience with kids.”

      “Weren’t you a kid?”

      “That was a very limited engagement. It ended when I was nine.”


      He grimaced. “Trust me. I am not the man to be in charge of a kid.”

      Lucy opened her mouth to answer and then closed it again. Somehow she knew that he was telling the truth, and his words troubled her. What had happened to Jack Harris to make him so nervous at the thought of being with a child?

      She pushed back her bangs. “All you have to do is accompany him on the various summer activities. Be his designated adult. Give him your undivided attention and unconditional love.”

      Was she imagining things, or did Jack pale as she spoke?

      He wiped his palms on his jeans. “How long does this buddy thing last?” he asked.

      “Until the end of summer.”

      “You expect me to babysit Dub for six weeks?”

      “Please lower your voice.” Again, Lucy glanced around. “We don’t call our ministry at the ranch babysitting. We’re sharing and caring.”

      “Sharing and caring.” Jack ran a hand over his face and rubbed the small scar on the bridge of his nose with his index finger.

      Lucy stepped closer to Jack as a few volunteers and children walked past her and into the chow hall. “Are you all right?” she asked quietly.

      He skirted the question with one of his own. “What if he doesn’t trust me? You said he already has issues.”

      “Jack, it’s obvious Dub’s already bonded with you.”

      “What makes you think that?” The lawyer’s eyes narrowed.

      “Dub Lewis doesn’t follow everyone around. Besides, part of the connection is that horse. Grace. You’re assigned to Grace and he loves that mare.”

      Jack knit his brows together. “Dub says Grace is Leo’s horse.”

      “No, Leo was just in charge of cleaning the stalls. Leo is actually gone.”

      “What happened?”

      “He needed a raise that we were unable to provide, given our current, uh...economic situation. It’s unfortunate because Leo did the work of several employees.”

      This time Jack’s eyes popped wide. “Does that make me the new Leo?”

      “In a manner of speaking, yes, I guess so. However, whether you buddy with Dub or not is your decision.” She shrugged. “You will be assigned a buddy.”

      “What part of ‘I don’t want a buddy’ don’t you get?”

      Lucy grit her teeth and tamped back a surge of irritation. “What did you think you were going to do at the ranch? Ride a horse and play cowboy?”

      “I didn’t think at all. You insisted I see what the ranch was all about.”

      “Yes. That’s because you were about to pull the rug out from under us. We’re privately funded. Meredith believes in what we do here. I’m hoping you will, too. We need that funding.”

      “I’m not here to take care of kids.” His words were flat.

      Jack Harris had returned to his hard-hearted self. That was too bad, because she was starting to sort of almost like him.

      “Look, Jack, this ranch is the real thing. You are expected to fully participate.”

      “What does that mean?”

      “Not only will you have a buddy assignment, but starting tomorrow you’ll start your full chore list and participate in all required activities, including the trail ride and campout.”


      “Is there a problem? You certainly were quick to dismiss us to your aunt. Now that you actually have to get your hands dirty, you’re having second thoughts? I’m happy to call Meredith.”

      “No. There’s no need to bother my aunt.”

      Lucy glanced at her watch. “I have to start this meeting soon.”

      She reached down and grabbed a pup tent and sleeping bag from the boxes next to her and shoved them at Jack.

      He staggered backward in surprise.

      “If you lose them, you buy them.” When she moved toward the doors Lucy was surprised to discover Jack matching his steps to her own.

      “Tell me about the trail ride.”

      Lucy kept walking, stopping only to open the glass doors for him since his arms were full. “It’s exactly that. The junior high and high school kids participate each year for three days and two nights. This first session is the boys’ ranch.”

      Jack repositioned the tent pack and the sleeping bag in his arms. “Three days in the saddle?” he asked.

      “No, we only ride horses there and back. It’s a camping experience. We take the chuck wagon and live outside with no electronics.”

      “No cell phones?”
