Sara Orwig

The Forbidden Texan

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bedrooms, each with its own bath. Can you get started right away on getting new furniture for two of those bedrooms and something for the windows? It can all be temporary, just so we have a clean place to stay.”

      “Yes, I will.”

      “I want an office I can work in with a desk, a file cabinet, a long table and a place for three computers and screens. You’ll need an office, too, so you’ll have to furnish it however you like. Get a sofa and a couple of chairs and about four big-screen televisions, so we have one in each room we’ll be living in.”

      She took out her tablet and jotted notes while he talked.

      “We’ll have meals sent up from the cook and maybe work out some kind of delivery from that little café in Flat Hill, so we’ll need a table where we can eat. Or maybe we can use the big table in the dining room. I peeked into that kitchen. It’s got to go. It’s the biggest disaster in the house so far.”

      “I agree.” As she finished jotting notes, she was only half thinking about her writing. She was aware of Jake standing inches away.

      “I’ll give you a credit card for the furniture. Just have the pieces sent out here. I’ll tell Rum.”

      “Sure. I’ll be glad to. Give me a limit you want to spend.”

      “No limit. Use your judgment. Just get something several notches above nice. I want to be comfortable and frankly, I’m not worried about the cost. I want comfort and a place I don’t mind living in.”

      She nodded. “I’ll get everything with the agreement they have to take it back if it doesn’t suit you. I can send you pictures—”

      “No,” he interrupted, shaking his head and looking amused. “I don’t want to make furniture decisions. I don’t care. You do it and put it on my bill.”

      “It really might help if we could go by your Dallas home and I can see what style of furniture you like. Would that be possible?” she asked, aware of inviting herself to his Dallas home.

      “Sure, we can. I have a condo. I think we might as well go back to Dallas now. I don’t want to work in this dirt and dust. You get that cleaning crew out here and some furniture bought and delivered, and we’ll come back. We can make plans on the plane.”

      “Before we go, I need to get the measurements of where I’m putting furniture so I’ll have an idea about how much room I’ll have.”

      “Sure. I’ll help.”

      All the time she walked with him down the wide hall, she couldn’t stop the intense awareness of him so close beside her.

      “This may be a big job,” she said, trying to focus on the job instead of the man. While she thought about the amount of work this house might demand, she couldn’t keep from worrying about working side by side with Jake. She was already too aware of him walking close beside her. Would they continue to have that chemistry bubbling between them?

      They walked into the first bedroom and she got out her metal tape measure. Jake intended to have bedroom suites built upstairs, but for the time being they’d be staying in these first-floor rooms.

      He held out his hand. “Give me the end of the tape.” She did and he walked to the corner while she wrote down the measurement.

      She pressed the button for the tape to roll up and then Jake took it from her to measure the next wall. Within minutes they had two bedrooms done and moved on to measure the library and the study. As they worked together, their hands brushed lightly, just feathery touches, yet she was intensely aware of each contact. How could she not be, when each of them fanned the flames of desire burning inside her? More than anything she wanted to finish and head home. She snapped shut her measuring tape. “There. It’s done—” She turned and bumped into him. He caught her upper arms to steady her but didn’t let her go. They stood there, looking into each other’s eyes, and she couldn’t move.

      While longing intensified, her gaze lowered to his mouth. Seconds passed and then she looked up at him again.

      He was going to kiss her.

      She knew that with every fiber of her being. Just as she knew she should stop him. But her breath wouldn’t come and her heart thudded violently as he slipped his arm around her waist and leaned down. Closer. And closer.

      And with his lips a breath away, caution was the last thing on her mind.

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