Jill Weatherholt

A Mother For His Twins

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      Jordan squirmed in his father’s lap before resting his head against Nick’s chest. “I miss huh, Daddy.” He wiped away a stray tear that escaped from his sad eyes. “Will I always feel this way?”

      The million-dollar question—Nick had asked himself this daily. Some days were tougher than others, but the sadness cast a shadow over his heart that never seemed to fade. “I think we’ll always miss her, but one day, it won’t hurt as much. Maybe we’ll be able to think of your mommy and smile as we remember the good times we had with her.” Nick wondered how soon that day would arrive.

      * * *

      Early Monday morning, Nick and the boys snaked their way through the line inside of the school’s cafeteria. A free breakfast was available to each student, if they didn’t have time to eat at home or if money was tight for the family. This was a program Nick fully endorsed. He firmly believed that students were more focused when they started their day with a healthy breakfast. He had to admit, though, there was something special about cooking the morning meal for his boys in the comfort of their home.

      “Can I have a doughnut, Daddy?”

      Not exactly the meal he wanted for his sons. “Yes, but I want you to eat some eggs and fruit first.”

      Tyler crinkled his nose before scooping some scrambled eggs onto his plate.

      The sounds of children chattering filled the room. Nick had missed being in a school. After his wife passed away, he’d taken a leave of absence from his teaching position. It felt good to be back in this environment. This was where he belonged.

      With their trays loaded, Nick and the twins headed toward an empty table next to a window. The bright sunlight beamed across the room, providing some added warmth—a perfect winter day.

      Jordan took a bite of his banana and his eyes popped. “Look—there’s Miss Kellihuh!”

      “Who’s that with her, Daddy?” Tyler eyed the little girl holding Joy’s hand.

      “I’m not sure.” Nick turned and watched Joy glide across the room. She smiled, stopping at each table to greet the children.

      “Miss Kellihuh! Come sit with us,” Jordan shouted.

      Nick took note of Jordan’s uncharacteristic outburst. It was unusual for him to want to draw attention to himself. His face exploded with happiness as he bounced up and down in his chair.

      Dressed in black pants and a white angora sweater, Joy approached their table. Her hair was twisted into a bun with a few loose tendrils framing her face. “Good morning, boys. This is my niece, Bella Carlson.” She turned to the twins. “Bella, this is Jordan and Tyler.”

      “Twins—cool!” Bella stepped closer. “My mommy and Aunt Joy are twins.”

      “That’s cool, too,” Tyler said.

      “Bella, this is Mr. Capello. He’ll be your new teacher, since he’s taking over Mrs. Murray’s class while she’s out on maternity leave.”

      Nick extended his hand. “It’s nice to meet you, Bella.”

      “You’re tall.” Bella giggled.

      Joy glanced at the twins’ plates. “Are you both eating a nice healthy breakfast?”

      “I’m having eggs and a doughnut for dessert,” Tyler answered before taking another bite.

      “Can you guys come and sit with us?” Jordan asked in a hushed tone. “I wanted to ask you something, Miss Kellihuh.”

      Joy glanced toward Nick as if to seek his approval.

      Nick stood and pulled out the empty chair. “Yes, please, join us.”

      Bella took the vacant seat next to Tyler. Joy settled in the chair next to Nick and folded her hands together before placing them on the table. A sweet fragrance tickled his nose.

      Joy leaned toward Jordan. “What is it you wanted to ask me, sweetie?”

      Nick watched as his son’s cheeks flushed before he glanced down toward the ground and then quickly looked at his teacher. “Do you think you could give me piano lessons?”

      “Well... I suppose that would be okay.” She turned to Nick. “Would it be all right with you?”

      Until he received an offer for the principal position, he’d prefer for his boys to have as little interaction with Joy as possible outside of school, but he knew how happy it would make Jordan. Although both boys missed their mother, Jordan seemed to be having a more difficult time coping with her death. It was no wonder he’d become attached to Joy so quickly. And why wouldn’t he? She was compassionate and she obviously loved the children. He couldn’t help but wonder if she wanted children of her own one day.

      Nick nodded. “Yes. We discussed it already. We will certainly work around your schedule, and of course, you’ll be compensated fairly.” He’d keep it strictly a business relationship and somehow find a way to make himself scarce while she gave Jordan his lessons.

      “Yippee! Thank you, Miss Kellihuh.” Jordan jumped from his chair and hugged Joy around her waist.

      Nick’s heart tightened. His son longed for a mother figure. But Jordan’s father had failed once at being a husband. Did he deserve a second chance?

      Three hours later, Nick had completed his morning lessons. While his class was outside for recess, he headed to the teachers’ lounge for a much-needed cup of coffee.

      The accent lamps on each round table provided a warm glow, rather than the bright fluorescent lighting that filled the school. It was an inviting atmosphere. Two teachers occupied a table in the corner but neither looked up as he stepped inside, so he strolled in silence to the coffee bar.

      Normally, he’d stop to talk with his fellow coworkers, but the twosome appeared to be involved in a heated political discussion. That was a topic he avoided talking about with friends and fellow teachers. He filled a large mug with the piping hot brew before adding a splash of cream. Giving it three quick stirs, he scanned the room and decided to take the table near the window that looked out onto the playground.

      He settled into the chair and reached for his backpack. He planned to use his break to do some preparing for his upcoming interview. Glancing out the window, he smiled when he saw his boys taking turns pushing Bella on the swing. She was a sweet little girl who he believed would have a positive influence on Jordan and Tyler.

      Moments later, the sound of footsteps tapping along the tiled floor took his attention from his notes. Joy made eye contact, gave a half smile, but then quickly looked away and headed to an empty table across from where he sat.

      Nick wasn’t surprised by her reaction. The circumstances surrounding his sudden departure had upset her. He got that, but they still had to work together. Plus, she’d be giving Jordan piano lessons. He owed her an explanation so they could try to move forward and put the past behind them.

      He exhaled a deep breath and pushed away from the table. As he approached Joy, she never looked his way. Maybe she thought he was going back for more coffee.


      She flinched, appearing startled by his presence. “I’m sorry. I didn’t know you were standing there.” She closed the notebook resting on the table.

      “You saw me when you came in. Why didn’t you come over?”

      “I apologize. I’ve got a lot on my mind.”

      “I’m sure you do, and no doubt a lot of it has to do with my return to town.” The last thing in the world he wanted to do was to cause her more pain. “With us teaching across the hall from each other and living in the same neighborhood, it’s obvious we’re going to be seeing a lot of each other.”

      Joy looked up and caught his gaze. “Don’t forget I’ll be teaching your son how to play the piano, too.”
