Debby Giusti

Her Forgotten Amish Past

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in Zeke’s voice, the younger man’s smile vanished. “After my sister’s death, didn’t we talk about moving beyond that which divides our families?”

      “As I recall, you did the talking, Caleb. Besides, your father will never change.”

      “He grieves for Irene, but I thought we could move beyond the past. I forgave you.”

      Zeke’s gut tightened. “There was nothing to forgive, no matter what your father says.”

      Seemingly exasperated by Zeke’s response, the younger man turned toward the porch. “Expect someone from the movie studio to stop by, Ms. Hattie.”

      “A bearded guy?” Zeke asked, thinking of the man from this morning.

      “A tall guy, clean-shaven,” Caleb said. “The studio needs an Amish farm on which to film a trailer for their next movie, and I mentioned your land. They pay well.”

      “Is that how you bought your new sports car?” Zeke asked, his tone sharp.

      “Credit, Zeke. Something you Amish don’t understand.”

      “It was not that long ago when you and your family were Amish.”

      “Things change.”

      Ezekiel knew that all too well.

      Hattie hurried down the steps and walked to where the two men stood. “I still do not understand why a movie studio comes to Amish Mountain.”

      “For the idyllic setting.” Caleb spread his hands and peered at the surrounding area. “Plus Georgia is considered the Hollywood of the South.”

      She shook her head with frustration. “Hollywood needs to stay in California.”

      Glancing at the convertible, she added, “You must be careful, Caleb. Driving so fast on the winding roads is dangerous.”

      He laughed. “Tell that to Zeke. There are more buggy accidents than automobile crashes on Amish Mountain. I bought the car because I’m working at the studio now.”

      Hattie raised her brow. “You are a movie star?”

      “Maybe someday. Right now, I’m working in the commissary. You should stop by sometime. I could show you around.”

      “Commissary?” she asked.

      “The dining hall where the crew eats,” Caleb explained.

      “They are filming there now?”

      “For the next few days, they’re shooting some extra scenes in town. The leading lady is being a little cantankerous. You know how temperamental movie stars can be.”

      Something Ezekiel did not know. He doubted his aunt knew anything about Hollywood types either.

      “Seems she left the lot,” Caleb continued, “and won’t answer her cell phone. The director is putting up a good front, but from what I’ve heard, he’s worried.”

      “Worried she will not return to complete the film?” Hattie asked.

      “That’s what I understand, although rumor has it she’s been difficult since filming began. Some folks thought the director was ready to fire her, but the producer stepped in and insisted the movie wouldn’t get the backing it needs without her.”

      “An actress leaves before the filming ends?” Hattie shook her head. “I do not understand how that could be.”

      “The ways of the world, Hattie, are not as the Amish live.”

      “Ach, it is so.”

      “I told Zeke that I stopped by for a slice of pie, but I really wanted to talk about buying some of your eggs. The studio cook who fixes meals for the cast and crew has been going to town for his supplies. I told him you might be able to provide fresh eggs from your chickens. I also mentioned your pies and cakes. He’s interested in purchasing your homemade desserts, if you have time for extra baking. You would be paid well for your efforts.”

      Hattie thought for a moment and then nodded. “Yah, this is something I can do.”

      Zeke touched her arm. “Are you sure you want to get involved with the studio?”

      “What could be the harm?” She patted his hand as if to dismiss his concern and then turned to Caleb. “Yesterday, I baked cookies. You will take a dozen to the cook. He can decide if he is interested in buying my baked goods.”

      Hattie hurried inside and returned with a filled cookie tin that she handed to Caleb. “You will let me know?”

      “I’m sure he’ll agree to buy anything you can provide.” Caleb placed the tin on the passenger seat and rounded the car to the driver’s side.

      Ezekiel glanced up and spied Becca at the kitchen window. Her expression made his breath catch.

      “You mentioned the missing movie star,” he said before Caleb climbed behind the wheel. “What does she look like?”

      “I’ve got a picture of her on my phone. She’s a nice lady, but evidently a little hard to handle. I downloaded her headshot.” He tapped his phone and held it out for Ezekiel to see. “There she is. Vanessa Harrington. You wouldn’t forget her if you saw her.”

      Ezekiel took the phone. Hattie stepped closer and both of them stared at the woman filling the screen. She was attractive with long black hair, big brown eyes, high cheekbones and a mouth that puckered into a half pout, half smile.

      Relaxing ever so slightly, Zeke handed the phone back to Caleb. “She looks to be in her thirties,” he said, hoping Hattie did not hear the relief in his voice.

      “More like midforties, but makeup does wonders.” Caleb swiped his finger over his phone and held up a second photo. “Here she is with the producer, Nick Walker, and Kevin Adams, her leading man. The producer’s the big guy in the suit. The actor’s the bodybuilder with a beard.”

      Zeke glanced momentarily at the second photo, noticing the younger man’s arm around the actress’s shoulders. The producer stood behind them, wearing a scowl on his square face.

      “The producer does not look happy,” Zeke stated the obvious.

      Caleb chuckled. “Mr. Walker is not known for his good humor. He and Vanessa spent a lot of time together from what I’ve heard. Evidently their so-called friendship has cooled somewhat.”

      “And the younger man has moved in?”

      Caleb shrugged. “Who knows? Although gossip at the studio is as plentiful as acorns on an oak tree.”

      “Has anyone else gone missing from the studio?” Zeke asked.

      “Not that I know of.” Caleb shoved his phone into his pocket. “Why do you ask?”

      “Just wondering. I presume the behind-the-scenes folks in the movie industry change jobs frequently. It is probably hard to get good workers.”

      “I’m just glad they hired me.” Caleb opened the car door and slid behind the wheel. “I’ll stop by once I hear from the cook.”

      As he pulled out of the drive, the kitchen door opened. Becca appeared anxious as she stepped onto the porch. “Did you tell him about me?”

      Hattie hurried up the stairs and rubbed her hand over the younger woman’s shoulder. “You need not worry, dear. Caleb works at the movie studio nearby. The cook at the studio wants to buy some of my baked goods and eggs. We did not mention you.”

      Hattie glanced back. “Come inside, Zeke. You need to eat.”

      His aunt was right. He was hungry.

      Climbing the porch steps, Zeke smiled at the newcomer, hoping to ease the tension that lined her pretty face. Her brow was tight with concern as she narrowed her gaze and stepped closer.

      “Could there have been an accident on the