Roxanne St. Claire

The CEO's Scandalous Affair / Seduced by the Wealthy Playboy

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he narrowed his eyes until the city-lit sky blurred and he let the most unsettling thought settle right down on him.

      What if Anna wanted…information?

      The leak at Garrison had started about three or four months ago, right when she’d moved into the desk outside his office. She’d been promoted from HR, where, according to his department manager, she’d been an exemplary, if low-profile, employee.

      But, still.

      Ice hardened in the very veins that had been molten just minutes earlier.

      Was Anna the spy?

      Evidence, however circumstantial, started flashing like frozen images of proof in his head. She knew about every deal that had fallen through in the last two months. Of course she did; she had total access to his office. She’d even showered in there! How often had she been in there alone?

      The only people who knew he was coming to London were the charter-jet people, maybe someone in his travel department…and Anna. And, in the elevator, she’d acted as if she’d never even heard of Jordan Jefferies, which seemed impossible in their business.

      The impact of the revelation catapulted him to his feet, and he bounded back into the salon as the facts popped into his head and fell into place.

      She knew the names of competitors. She constantly steered the conversation toward work. She always seemed so interested in the business, and even a little bit nervous around him.

      Even on the plane yesterday, she’d dragged him back to open files, forcing him to go over every minor element of every major deal, and then, what had she done when they’d gotten to London? E-mailed it all. She’d said she was sending his e-mail for him, but was someone getting copied on that correspondence? Someone named Jefferies?

      Oh, man. He almost cracked the crystal in his hand as he reviewed the events of the last hour. As soon as he’d talked about the spy, the minute he’d focused in on the mole in his operation, what had she done?

      Classic, by-the-book, take-no-prisoners sexual distraction. Right up to the hotel room, she’d had him panting, pawing and as far away from thoughts of spies as he could be.

      What did she take him for? He slammed the snifter so hard on the bar that brandy sloshed over the side and, in one move, he scooped up the master card key he’d left there.

       What do you think I’m doing, Mr. Garrison?

      He could still hear her seductive voice, feel the pressure of her kiss, the soft breath of a…traitor.

      Jamming the card key into the lock on her bedroom door, his heart kicked against his ribs. And he froze. What if he was wrong?

      Without making a noise, he turned the knob and opened the door. In the shadows, he saw her shape in the bed, the sheet almost covering her, but for one achingly long, sexy leg draped over it. He heard her sigh and shudder.

      Already asleep…or faking it?

      “Anna.” His voice was sharp, demanding.

      She jerked up, pulling the sheet over whatever she wore. “What do you want?”

      He heard the tremor in her voice. Was that because she knew he’d figured out her game?

      “Please, Parker, I’m sorry if I took things too far.”

      Disgust roiled through him. Did she really think he’d come in here and force her into having sex?

      The sheet fell from her trembling hands, the moonlight revealing that she wore something tiny and strappy, like a tank T-shirt. Something easily lifted and removed.

      Against everything he called control, his body responded. He was, after all, a man.

      But not a stupid man. There was nothing to be gained by accusing her like this. He may have just leaped to one wild conclusion.

      Swallowing hard, he gripped the doorknob. “I just wanted to make sure you’re okay.”

      In the dim light, he could see that she very much doubted that was the truth. “I’m fine.” She brushed a hair off her face. “Are you?”

      The fact that she asked hit him somewhere deep, somewhere he’d rather not be hit by a woman he no longer trusted.

      “Yeah. Good night.” He closed the door and stared at it for a long minute.

      He was probably right, and she was the spy. And if she was, then two could play this game. Now that he knew who his spy was, it was just a matter of feeding her misinformation. And if she really wanted to do her job for the Jefferies brothers well, she would probably have to get close to the CEO of Garrison, Inc.

      Very close.

      Parker Garrison may have been played for a fool by her this evening. But it wouldn’t happen again. Next time, he’d get everything he wanted. Everything.

      And he wanted Anna. If he could crush Jordan and Emilio Jefferies in the process, all the better. But he could never let her know that he’d figured her out. In fact, the first thing he needed to do was let her wonder where she stood.

      Anna Cross would find out the hard way not to play chess with a master.

      Somehow, Anna made it through to Monday morning, but the magic of Saturday night seemed as far away as London when she tucked her handbag into her desk drawer and turned on the computer for the day.

      “I didn’t expect to see you here today.” The receptionist appeared from the tiny galley kitchen that the Garrison executives shared, an empty coffeepot in hand.

      “Of course I’m here,” Anna said.

      “Thought you might make a week of it across the pond.” Sheila added a British accent to the last three words, and tempered the tease with a wink. “There were a few early calls this morning. The editor from Luxury Travel magazine called about the layout he’s doing.”

      “Okay,” Anna said, jotting a note. “Anything else?”

      “The secretary at the charter-jet company called this morning to make sure Mr. Garrison and Ms. Cross had a pleasurable trip.” Her voice was rich with implication and accusation. “So. Did you?”

      “You can let them know that it was fine, thank you.”

      “You’re holding out on me.” Sheila laughed lightly. “Come on, spill the beans. Is he as demanding in bed as he is in the office?”

      Anna managed a very disgusted glare, even though the memory of the moment he’d walked into her bedroom was still vivid. He could have demanded, and she might not have fought him. But he hadn’t. And she’d barely slept once he’d backed out of the door, leaving her absolutely aching for more.

      “Sorry to disappoint, Sheila. It was all business.” Unfortunately. Fortunately. Oh, God, she was so confused.

      “Oh, so it’s like that, huh?” She beckoned Anna with the coffeepot and a very sympathetic smile. “Come here while I brew the mud. You look like you could use a friend.”

      Was it that obvious? Parker’s distant coolness on the flight home had been a double-edged sword. It cut her because he was so icy, but it relieved her to know she could go back to work and a few steamy kisses had caused no real harm.

      Obviously, he’d had a chance to think over the recriminations of an office affair and had decided she was too good an assistant to lose.

      Or maybe he didn’t want her.

      The thought made her stomach squeeze with a sense of disappointment she had no right to feel. But he’d left her so confused. He’d hardly said six words to her on the flight, and three were See you tomorrow.

      “Ever get involved with your boss before, Anna?” Sheila’s question yanked her back to the present.

      “No,” she answered honestly. The boss’s biggest