Julie Leto


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so adept at ferreting out the truth, but he’d never in a million years imagined that she could creep into his psyche and extract tiny facts and fantasies he’d never admit to out loud.

      And now, with her on her way back into the precinct and his life, he wouldn’t be able to hide anything from her.

      Or from himself—and that rankled most of all.


      Lilith swung around, flattening her back against the just-locked door to her apartment. Her heart slammed against her chest, then tried to pound its way out. She hadn’t heard anyone come up behind her. Hell, she hadn’t felt anyone. Until she’d lost her powers, she hadn’t realized how dependent she’d become on her magical abilities.

      Which is the whole point of losing them, she could hear her sister say.

      “Shut up,” Lilith spat under her breath.

      Josie Vargas’s blond eyebrows shot up under her wispy bangs. “Excuse me?” Josie marched to a stop, her hand clutching the pentacle charm she wore around her neck.

      “Wasn’t cursing at you, Josie,” Lilith said, rolling her eyes at her own stupidity, “just at myself. I’ve got to bolt. Can I catch up with you later?”

      Josie’s eyes widened. A practicing Wiccan, Josie wrote spells, worshipped the god and goddess and led rituals for her small coven. She brewed potions from time to time, but her main talent was in creating candles enhanced with essential oils.

      She was an ordinary witch. A mundane. No active powers.

      Like Lilith. Not before, but now.

      Despite her lack of tangible powers, however, Josie always seemed to know when Lilith was up to something—particularly when she was marching straight into disaster.

      “Where are you headed in such a hurry?” Josie asked, her tone omniscient.

      “The police station.”

      “Mac’s police station?”

      “There are hundreds of police stations in the city. And yet I keep going back to the same one. Isn’t that a sign of insanity or something?”

      “Possibly, since Mac is hot and you’re in love with him.”

      Lilith’s jaw dropped open.

      Josie tapped her under the chin with her finger. “Don’t gape. It’s unattractive.”

      “I’m. Not. In. Love. With. Mac.”

      Josie nodded condescendingly. “Then why are you going to the police station?”

      Lilith growled as she stuffed her keys into her hip bag. In contrast to Josie’s purse, which was roughly the size of Lake Michigan, Lilith’s bag contained three items. Her keys, her favorite lip gloss and cash. She wondered how much longer she’d have any spending money now that she’d been stripped of her ability to do psychic readings. Too bad the cops didn’t pay her one red cent. Other than all the herbal tea she could drink and a sense of accomplishment, she didn’t get a damn thing from the department. Though without her powers she wasn’t sure she’d be any use at all.

      Still, she couldn’t bring herself to tell Mac no. As much as she’d wanted to, as much as the logical part of her brain screamed at her to stay clear of her former lover, she couldn’t deny him.

      He needed her.

      And she needed him. Or at least, his case. If the Council wanted to witness her good and selfless heart, they could watch her now. So she wasn’t psychic at the moment. She’d find a way to help.

      If nothing else, she could flaunt what she hoped Mac was seriously missing from his life—namely, her in his bed.

      She’d chosen her outfit with extreme care. Tight jeans. See-through blouse. Skintight tank underneath. Killer spiked boots. Of course, she wouldn’t know if her primping truly enticed him since her powers were gone. Though, how hard could it be for a woman to figure out if a man wanted her? Even ordinary women knew.


      Lilith blanched, then vowed to never, ever be ordinary.

      “Did you need something, Josie?”

      Discussion of Mac visibly flew out of Josie’s brain. “I had a really odd dream last night.”

      Dream interpretation had never been Lilith’s forte. She marched toward the elevator, trying to psych herself up for seeing Mac again. Smelling Mac again. Hopefully feeling Mac again, even if it was just a brush of hands or a shoulder bump.

      “You know I can’t help you with that.”

      Josie huffed. “Hello? Not everyone who hangs out with you wants something. I didn’t come to you as a psychic. I came to you as a friend.”

      Lilith winced and turned slowly.

      “Sorry. You know I suck at the whole interpersonal-relationship thing. I’m too self-absorbed.”

      Josie took a step back. “You say that as if you think it’s a bad thing.”

      “It is according to the majority of people in my life.”

      Josie joined her friend across the hall and pushed the down button. “Well, yeah, but I’ve never heard you say so. Since when did you get self-awareness?”

      “I’ve had a life-changing experience,” she muttered.

      “Something bad?”

      Nothing she could talk about. Well, she could tell Josie. There wasn’t actually a witch law that forbade her from revealing herself to a mundane. But centuries of history proved it wasn’t a good idea. Regular people tended not to believe in the paranormal. Dumping such a wild story on her pal would mean she’d risk losing the one and only person beyond her sister that she considered a close friend. Most Wiccans who, like Josie, studied the craft and worshipped the deities never realized that there was a level of witches that existed between the mundane and the divine. Witches with powers that, without utmost secrecy, could be exposed. Some witches possessed telekinesis or the ability to become invisible. Others were adept healers or, like Lilith, could read minds and see the future.

      Past tense, she reminded herself.

      Still, exposing the presence of such power could put a lot of people in danger—especially the person she told.

      “Not all life-changing experiences have to be negative,” Lilith insisted, startled when the elevator dinged and the doors slid open. She really was going to have to get used to operating without her sixth sense.

      “That’s a mighty optimistic thing for you to say,” Josie replied, joining her on the lift.

      Lilith punched the L button. “Are you implying that I’m a pessimist?”

      Josie pursed her lips. “You’re certainly not an optimist. You kind of skirt the line.”

      “Story of my life.”

      “Is that why you’re going to see Mac? Some sort of danger thing?”

      Lilith couldn’t argue that returning to the scene of the crime of her affair with Mac was likely not the smartest thing to do. But helping him find this drug shipment might boost her karma just enough to get the Council to reconsider their declaration and restore her powers. Besides, she intended to show Mac how she’d survived his callous rejection. She was still sexy. Still irresistible.

      And he couldn’t have her.

      “Let’s just call it extreme dating,” Lilith declared, “only without the date.”

      “Sounds more like extreme teasing.”

      “Works for me.”

      They reached the lobby, but Josie didn’t exit after the doors sliced open. “Do you want to hear about my dream or not?”