Maureen Child

Falling for King's Fortune / Seduction, Westmoreland Style

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a looker all right,” Eddie muttered as he refilled Jackson’s glass with his favorite, Irish whiskey.


      “The blonde.” The bartender risked a quick look himself. “Saw you spot her. She’s been sitting over there for an hour, nursing that one drink and acting like she’s waiting for someone.”

      “Yeah?” Jackson took a longer look. Even from a distance there was something about the woman that made his blood start to hum. He began to think that maybe Nathan not showing up was a very good thing.

      “Can’t imagine anyone standing her up,” Eddie said as he moved off to fill another order.

      Jackson couldn’t either. This was a woman who demanded a man’s attention. He watched her long fingers move up and down the stem of her martini glass in slow strokes and his body jerked to attention as strongly as if her hand was moving across his skin.

      She looked up and her gaze slammed into his. He couldn’t see her eyes from here, but he had a feeling there was a knowing gleam in them. She knew he was watching her. Had probably done the whole stroke-the-crystal thing on purpose to get his attention. Well congratulations, babe, it worked.

      Picking up his drink, Jackson casually walked the length of the bar, slipping from lamplight to shadow, his gaze continually fixed on the blonde who watched his approach. As he got closer, he could appreciate the view even more.

      She smiled, and a blast of something hot and driving roared up inside him. He hadn’t felt anything like that in…well, ever. Instantaneous heat. Even from a distance, she was affecting him in ways he never would have expected. Possibilities opened up in front of him as he closed the distance between them.

      She swiveled on the bar stool as he approached and Jackson took that moment to size her up completely. She wasn’t very tall, maybe five foot five, but she was wearing sky-high, black-heeled sandals that would give her an extra few inches. Her blond hair was short, cut close to her head, and small gold hoops in her ears twinkled in the light as she tipped her head to look at him. Her sapphire-blue dress had long sleeves, a full, short skirt and a V neck that dipped low enough to showcase breasts that were just the right size.

      Her big eyes were blue and focused on him and one corner of her mouth was tipped up in an inviting smile as he stopped beside her.

      “This seat taken?”

      “It is now,” she said and her voice was a whisper that sounded like long nights and lazy mornings.

      He shot his cuffs, straightened his dark red tie, slid onto the stool beside hers and said, “I’m Jackson and you’re beautiful.”

      She laughed and shook her head. “Does that line always work?”

      He nodded to her in acknowledgement. “More often than not. How’s it doing tonight?”

      “I’ll let you know after you buy me another drink.”

      Oh yeah. He’d have to remember to thank Nathan for blowing him off tonight. Turning, he signaled Eddie for a refill, then looked back at her. Close up, her eyes were as blue as the deep sapphire of her dress. Her mouth was tinted a deep pink and her lips were lush and full, tempting him to lean in and take what he wanted.

      But he could wait. Waiting was half the fun.

      “So, do I get to know your name?”

      “Casey. You can call me Casey.”

      “Pretty name.”

      “Not really,” she said, shrugging one shoulder. “My full name is Cassiopeia.”

      Jackson grinned. “Well, that’s prettier.”

      She returned the smile and Jackson could have sworn he actually felt his blood start to simmer. The woman packed a hell of a punch with that smile.

      “No, it’s really not. Not when you’re ten years old and your friends have names like Tiffany or Brittney or Amber…”

      “So, you went with the short version.”

      She glanced up at Eddie with a murmured “thank you,” as the bartender delivered her bright green Appletini. “I did,” she said. “And have my father to thank for it. My mother loved Greek myths, hence my name. My father loved baseball. Hence the nickname.”

      Jackson blinked, then laughed, getting the connection instantly. “Casey Stengel?”

      Surprise flickered briefly in her eyes. “I’m impressed that you know the name. Most in our generation don’t.”

      Jackson eased into the conversation, realizing he was having a good time. It was more than just her sex appeal, he was enjoying talking to her, too. He couldn’t remember the last time that had happened. “Please. You’re talking to a man who still has truckloads of his old baseball cards carefully tucked away in storage.”

      She lifted her drink, put her lips around the straw and sucked. Jackson went hard as stone in an instant. His mouth was dry and his heartbeat thundered in his ears. He wasn’t sure if she was deliberately trying to set him on fire, but whether she was or not, the result was the same.

      While he watched, she crossed her legs in a slow slide of skin against skin and one sandaled foot began to swing. One of her hands cupped the bowl of her drink glass while the other stroked the stem, as she’d done before.

      Now he was sure she was doing it deliberately. Because her dark blue eyes were fixed on his as if she were measuring his reaction. Well, he’d been playing this kind of game for years. She’d see what he wanted her to see and nothing else.

      When she set her drink down, she swept her tongue across her top lip as if searching for any errant drops of liquor. Jackson’s gaze followed the motion and his insides fisted even tighter. Damn, she was good.

      “So, Casey,” he asked idly, “what are your plans for the evening?”

      “I don’t have any,” she admitted. “You?”

      His gaze dropped from her face to her breasts and back up again. “Nothing special until a few minutes ago. Now, I can think of a few ideas off the top of my head.”

      She chewed at her bottom lip as if she were suddenly nervous, but he wasn’t buying it. Her moves were all too smooth. She was far too sure of herself. She’d set out to seduce him and she was doing a hell of a job of it.

      Ordinarily, Jackson preferred to be the one making the moves. But tonight, he was willing to make an exception. Mainly because the deed was done and he wanted her more than he wanted to take another breath. “Why don’t you let me buy you dinner at the hotel restaurant? We could get to know each other a little better.”

      She smiled, but her heart wasn’t in it. Glancing around, as if to assure herself the two of them were secluded at the shadowy, far end of the bar, she looked back at him and said, “I’m not really in the mood for dinner, thanks.”

      “Really?” Intrigued again, he asked, “Then what?”

      “Actually, I’ve wanted to kiss you since the moment I first saw you.”

      Good. She was going to be as upfront about this as he planned to be. “I’m a big believer in going after what you want.”

      “I’ll bet you are,” she murmured.

      Her voice sounded breathless and he could feel her tension in the air. A tension he shared. All Jackson could think about was kissing her. Forget dinner. The only taste he wanted in his mouth was her.

      Oh, he definitely owed Nathan.

      “The question,” Jackson said quietly, his gaze linking with hers, daring her to look away, “is whether or not you believe in doing exactly what you want.”

      “Why don’t we find out?” She leaned forward and he met her halfway, more than eager to get a taste of this woman. In mere minutes, she’d driven