Cara Summers

Twin Temptation

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had to be, a one-time fling. A mistake that could not and would not be repeated.

      Her frown deepened when she felt the sharp twist of regret. She wondered for a moment just who it was she was trying to convince that the time they’d spent in Jase’s bed couldn’t be repeated.

      WHEN JASE heard the door to the bathroom open, his first instinct was to turn away. But there was no time like the present to discover just what effect Maddie Farrell would have on his senses after their short reprieve. Her walk was a lot like Jordan’s—long purposeful strides—but Maddie’s was slower. And he’d never found himself staring at Jordan’s legs. He slid his gaze up body-hugging denim and over the white T-shirt that revealed everything about that tight compact body he’d only begun to explore during the night. The clothes were nothing that he’d ever seen Jordan in. Even when she went casual, she looked like a fashion plate.

      When Maddie finally came to a stop in front of the island that separated the main room of the apartment from the galley-sized kitchen, Jase shifted his eyes to her face. It was there that he noted the biggest difference between the twins.

      He’d accepted the fact that the two women were twins. They had to be. Except for the length of their hair, they might be mirror images of each other. And it was just his luck that he found the single braid that fell over one of Maddie’s shoulders sexy as hell. Each time his eyes strayed to it, he felt an urge to loosen it and run his fingers through it.

      Tucking his hands firmly into the back pockets of his jeans, Jase transferred his attention to Maddie’s other features. Jordan’s expression was more animated, and her eyes often held a glint of humor. Maddie, with her chin lifted and her eyes solemn, looked as if she were about to face a firing squad. There was a resolve there that he couldn’t help but admire.

      The little twist of guilt he felt had him putting himself in her shoes for the first time. She’d come to New York, and as part of her introduction to the city she’d found herself in his bed. And he’d taken full advantage of it. No matter that she’d cooperated fully. Quite suddenly, it became his goal to set her at ease and to wipe that facing-the-firing-squad expression off her face.

      “We have to talk,” she said.

      “We do. How do you take your coffee—plain or loaded?”

      “Plain—if that means black.”

      “Good taste. Jordan barely puts a dollop of coffee in her cream and sugar.” He filled a mug and handed it to her. “Do you want an apology for what happened in my bed last night?”

      Surprise had her nearly spilling her coffee. Gripping the mug in two hands, she said, “No. Of course not.”

      “Good.” He slid onto one of the stools on his side of the narrow island, keeping his eyes steady on hers. “Because I’m not sorry it happened. Are you?”

      “I…” She paused as if to consider the question. “I suppose in a way, I am. Because it complicates things.”


      Twin spots of heat flared in her cheeks. He couldn’t recall Jordan ever blushing.

      “But in another way, I’m not sorry. Because I’ve never…It was…”

      He smiled slowly. “Yeah, it was for me too.”

      She could have evaded his pointed questions. Lied. But she hadn’t. His admiration for her shot up another notch.

      “While we’re on the subject, there’s something else I need to ask. Are you protected? I didn’t use a condom last night.”

      Two spots of color reappeared on her face. “I’m on the pill.”

      “You’re seeing someone then?” Jase was surprised at how much he disliked that idea.

      “No.” Her chin shot up. “Not that it’s any of your business.”

      Relief warred with amusement. She certainly had her sister’s temper. He was careful to bite back the grin. “I’m not seeing anyone either.”

      Her eyebrows shot up. “Did I ask?”

      How often had he heard Jordan use that same haughty tone?

      “Look.” Maddie set her mug down on the countertop and sat on the stool across from his. “I think we need to agree that what happened between us last night was a mistake. And when I make one, I don’t like to repeat it.”

      He narrowed his eyes on her. “Why was it a mistake?”

      She braced a hand on the counter, fingers spread. “Because it’s a complication I don’t have time for. I need to explain why I’m here and why Jordan is in Santa Fe.”

      Yes, you do, Jase thought. And he was baffled at how her mere presence in the room could distract his mind from that pivotal question.

      Maddie drew in a deep breath and let it out. “Jordan told me she hadn’t had time to contact you, so I’m sorry to have to tell you that Eva Ware is dead.”

      Jase’s eyes narrowed and something in his gut tightened. “She’s dead? How? When?”

      “An accident. She was killed by a hit-and-run driver in front of her apartment building a week ago.”

      An accident? Even as he struggled to absorb what she was saying, he reached for her hand. “I’m sorry.”

      “Thank you.” Maddie linked her fingers with his. “I didn’t know her, and now I never will. I’m still trying to accept that.”

      “How’s Jordan?” He couldn’t stop thinking that he’d been away. Jordan had been alone.

      “I don’t think she’s had time for the loss to fully sink in. She’s been busy handling details—the funeral and then the will. The whole thing will probably catch up with her at the ranch. It’s a very special place. I’m hoping that being there will help her.”

      “Why is she there—and why are you here? Why aren’t you together?”

      “Because of Eva’s will.”

      Her fingers were holding on to his like a lifeline now. “Tell me everything.”

      Maddie did just that, beginning with the phone call from Fitzwalter, then the meeting with her sister and the other Wares, the reading of the will and their decision to meet its terms.

      “And Jordan’s alone at the ranch?”

      “Yes.” A frown furrowed her forehead. “I’m a little concerned about that. We’ve had some problems lately—vandalism, and my horses had a close call.”

      “How so?”

      “Someone poisoned their feed, but don’t worry—Cash is due back tomorrow.”

      “Who’s Cash?”

      “My closest neighbor. We grew up together, actually.”

      When Jase noticed that his knuckles had turned white gripping the handle of the coffee mug, he set it carefully down on the counter and flexed his fingers. “And you’re involved with this Cash?”

      “When it comes to the running of the ranch, you could say we’re involved. Since my Dad died, Cash is always poking his nose in, making suggestions, offering to do things. He’s gotten very protective. The last few days he’s been helping my foreman get my cattle to market. He doesn’t even know about Jordan or about anything that’s happened.”

      Jase found that he didn’t like the idea of some cowboy—childhood friend or not—hanging around Maddie. It was the second time that she’d made him come close to feeling jealous. And he’d only known her—what? A handful of hours?

      In the silence that stretched between them, Maddie’s stomach growled.

      “You’re hungry.” Jase rose from his stool and pulled the refrigerator door open. Nothing except