Tori Carrington


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her line of vision, all blond hair and dark tan. He stared at her, apparently as startled as she was at being caught in this situation.

      “Jesse!” she called, yanking the sheet up to her chin and then catapulting off the bed so she could close the door.

      Heidi leaned against the wood for long moments, listening to Jesse’s laugh and Kyle’s awkward apologies.

      So much for seeing to her own needs. Whatever lingering desire she felt had been chased away by another man’s scorching gaze.

      She made out Jesse’s words through the wood, “No need to apologize. If a guy can’t trust his best friend, who can he trust?”

      Heidi gave an eye roll and dropped the sheet, stepping over it on her way to the connecting bath.

      NAKED as the day she was born.

      The ridiculous saying came to Kyle Trapper’s mind as he raked his hand through his hair, staring at his friend as if he’d lost a baseball or two on the way to the game.

      Kyle had yet to move from where he stood in the middle of the small, well-appointed living room. His gaze wandered back toward the closed bedroom door of its own volition, as if hoping to catch another forbidden glimpse of Heidi’s decadent white flesh. He didn’t care which part. Whether it was her pert, rose-kissed breasts, her flat, toned stomach, or the trimmed triangle of hair that seemed to point toward the V of her thighs like an erotic arrow.

      His friend sat on an armchair pulling on socks and athletic shoes, oblivious to his thoughts. And it was a good thing. If their roles had been reversed, he’d have punched his friend.

      “Hell, Jesse, do you let everyone see your girlfriend naked?”

      Jesse got up and smacked him on the back. “Only my closest friends.”

      Kyle was not amused.

      “What’s your problem? You’d think you’d never seen a woman without her clothes on.”

      “Never that woman.”

      Never Jesse’s girl.

      Jesse grabbed a T-shirt that was hanging on the back of the chair. “How’d you know I was here, anyway?”

      Kyle hadn’t known. In fact, he hadn’t come here for his friend at all. He’d come to talk to Heidi.

      He cleared his throat. “Where else would you be?”

      His response must have come out gruffer than he’d intended because Jesse paused. “Hey, you never have told me what your problem is with Heidi, but she’s one of the most open women I’ve ever met.” He shrugged as he pulled the shirt over his head. “She won’t care that you’ve seen her naked.”

      “Right. That’s why she turned ten shades of red and slammed the door.” Kyle rubbed the back of his neck. “And why do you think I have a problem with her?”

      Jesse pulled the T-shirt down, revealing the name of a local tavern. “She thinks you don’t like her.”

      That surprised him. At the same time it was cause for relief. If either Jesse or Heidi had a clue about how he really felt…well, he didn’t think he’d be standing in her rental house right now, about to leave with her boyfriend to play softball.

      In fact, he’d probably be run out of the small town on a rail, back to a life that had never held much for him by way of a future.

      If you had asked him seven years ago where he’d be now, he would never have guessed south-east Michigan, working as an architect. But that would have been before Jesse was assigned as his roommate at Boston University and his life had changed forever…for the better. So much so that he hadn’t hesitated when his friend had invited him to come to Fantasy eight months ago and put his architectural talents to good use by working in cooperation with Gilbred Builders. So he’d shut the doors to his own start-up company in Boston and moved to the Midwest.

      He’d like to say it had been smooth sailing ever since. But he wasn’t much into lying, particularly to himself. Until he’d moved to Fantasy, he’d only spoken to Heidi when she called and Jesse wasn’t home—calls he’d enjoyed more than he should have. What he hadn’t anticipated was that coming to Fantasy would amplify his lust for a woman he could never have.

      If he’d needed a reminder, he’d just gotten it by way of his uncomfortable physical reaction to a mere glimpse of her full-frontal nudity.

      And what of his strategy to combat his unwanted emotions by asking her to help him plan a surprise birthday party for Jesse? The idea being that the more time he forced himself to spend around her, the better he’d be able to battle against his attraction to her? Was he kidding himself by thinking that familiarity would erase whatever mysterious factors drew him to her?

      But after eight months of careful avoidance and awkward silences whenever their paths crossed, and nights filled with countless cold showers, Kyle knew he had to do something to defuse a situation that was only getting worse instead of better.

      “Anyway, we all know you’re gay,” Jesse said, lightly hitting him in the arm.


      “You heard me. I haven’t seen you date a single woman since you’ve come to Fantasy. Back in Boston you were with a girl nearly every night of the week. I figured you’d switched sides and were batting lefty.”

      Now that was a new one. But, hey, so long as it kept his best friend from learning the truth, let him think what he would.

      “I’m joking, man.”

      Kyle stared at him, realizing that Jesse had expected something else from him. A denial maybe. Or perhaps a mock physical assault.

      He made like he was going to slug him.

      Jesse laughed and good-naturedly dodged the hit as he grabbed his ball cap. “Come on. We can get in some practice on the field before anyone else gets there.”

      Jesse opened the front door and walked out. Kyle stood staring at the closed bedroom door for a long moment, feeling as if he owed Heidi an apology. He heard the spray of the shower and swallowed thickly, the sound of the water combining with the memory of her sleekly naked body to create an image he really didn’t need.

      The blare of a truck horn sounded from the driveway.

      Kyle gave the door one last glance and then reluctantly turned away. If he knew what was best for him, he’d keep on going until he was back in Boston and well away from a temptation that had the potential to destroy all the good he’d finally found in life.

      THE TOWN PUB was a popular gathering place all year round, but in the summer, doubly so. Heidi shouted her order to the bartender over the cacophony of voices. Most of the patrons had come from the baseball complex on the edge of town, like her. She peeled off the money to pay for the beer and then juggled the five bottles as she made her way back to the table. Unsurprisingly, she found that Jesse had left his chair and was playing darts with Kyle. He took two beers from her as she passed.

      “Thanks, babe.”

      He kissed her cheek but his focus was on the target some ten feet away. She put the remaining beers on the table and sat down next to her friend Nina Leonard.

      Actually, Nina was more than a friend. She was Heidi’s boss at BMC, the bookstore/music center/café where she’d been working for the past year while she finished her degree at U ofM. And Nina was partners in more ways than one with the man sitting on the other side of her, Kevin Weber. The two were due to marry in a couple of months, surprising almost everyone with their rapid courtship. To this day, half the town’s population watched Nina’s stomach, convinced she must be pregnant.

      Heidi knew they were getting married because they were in love.

      “When are you going to ask Jesse to stop calling you a pig’s name?” Nina asked, quirking a brow at her.

      Heidi made a face. “He doesn’t mean it that