Maya Banks

Tempted by Her Innocent Kiss

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deflowering went, that had to top the list of all-time most awesome. How could it possibly have been any better? A wonderful night. Romantic dinner for two. Devon staring at her with those gorgeous eyes and murmuring that she would now be his. Oh, yeah, perfect.

      Then she realized that he was no longer in bed with her and she opened her eyes with a frown. Only to see him standing just across the room. Staring at her.

      He was clad in a robe, though it dangled loosely, open just enough that she could see his bare chest. He was leaning against the doorway to the bathroom and he was simply watching her. For some reason that sent a giddy thrill up her spine.

      Then a flash of color caught her eye and she glanced downward to see a lush red rose lying on the sheet next to her. But it was the tiny card propped next to a dazzling, truly spectacular diamond ring that took her breath away.

      Blood rushed to her head and she stared openmouthed at the items before her. She pushed to her elbow and reached for the ring, hands shaking so badly that she was clumsy, nearly dropping the small velvet box where the ring rested.

      Then she glanced at the note again, sure she’d misunderstood. But no, there it was. In his neat, distinctive scrawl.

       Will you marry me?

      “Oh, God,” she croaked out.

      She looked at the ring, looked at the note and then back up to him, almost afraid that he’d be gone and that she’d imagined this whole thing.

      But he was still there, an indulgent smile carving those handsome features.

      “Really?” she whispered.

      He nodded and smiled more broadly. “Really.”

      She dropped the rose, the ring, the note—everything—and flew out of bed, across the room, and launched herself into his arms.

      He stepped back and laughed as she kissed his face, his brow, his cheek and then his lips. “Yes, oh, yes! Oh, my God, Devon, yes!”

      He made a grab for her behind before she could slide down him and land on the floor. Then he hoisted her up so they were eye level. “You know it’s customary to actually put the ring on.”

      She glanced down at her hand and then over her shoulder to the bed. “Oh, my God! Where is it?”

      Shaking his head, he carried her over to the bed then set her on the edge while he reached behind her.

      A moment later, he took her hand and slid the diamond onto her ring finger. She sucked in her breath as the sun caught the stone and it sparkled brilliantly in the light.

      “Oh, Dev, it’s beautiful,” she breathed.

      She threw her arms around his neck and hugged him tightly. “I love you so much. I can’t believe you planned all this.”

      He gently pulled her arms down and then collected her hands in her lap as he stared into her eyes. “I don’t want a long engagement.”

      Was this supposed to worry her? She beamed back at him. “Neither do I.”

      “In fact, I’d prefer to get married right away,” he added, watching her all the while.

      She frowned and chewed at her bottom lip. “I wouldn’t mind. I mean if it was just me, but I don’t know how my family would take that. Mama will want to plan a big wedding. I’m her only daughter. It’s not that I care about a big fuss—I don’t. But it would hurt her if she wasn’t able to give us a big wedding.”

      He touched her cheek. “Leave your family to me. I assure you, they’ll be on board with my plans. You and I will have the best wedding—one that your mother will be more than satisfied with. I think you’ll find they won’t object to our plans at all.”

      Excitement hurtled through her veins until it was nearly impossible to sit still. “I can’t wait to tell everyone! Won’t this just be amazing? Everyone will be so thrilled for me. I know Daddy despaired of me ever finding a suitable man and settling down. He always says I’m too unsettled, but really, I’m still young.”

      He gave her an amused smile. “Are you saying you don’t want to get married?”

      She stared at him in shock. “No! That’s not at all what I was saying. I was merely going to say that I was waiting for the right man. In this case, you.”

      “That’s what I like to hear,” he murmured.

      He leaned forward to kiss her brow. “How about you take a long bubble bath to recover from last night’s activities and then we’ll have breakfast together.”

      She flushed red. She had to be flaming. But she nodded, eager to discuss their future.

      Mrs. Devon Carter. It had such a nice ring to it. And speaking of rings … She glanced down, transfixed by the radiance of the diamond that adorned her finger.

      “Like it?” he asked in a teasing voice.

      She looked back up at him, suddenly serious. “I love it, Dev. It’s absolutely gorgeous. But you didn’t need to get me something so expensive. I would have loved anything you gave me.”

      He smiled. “I know you would. But I wanted something special.”

      Her heart did a little dance in her chest. “Thank you. It’s just perfect. Everything is perfect.”

      He kissed her again, long and leisurely. When he pulled away, his eyes were half-lidded and they were glowing with desire.

      “Go draw your bath before I forget all about breakfast and make love to you again.”

      “Breakfast?” she whispered. “Were we planning to eat?”

      He made a sound in his throat that was part growl, part resignation.

      “I don’t want to hurt you, Ash. As much as you tempt me, I’d rather wait until you’re fully healed from last night.”

      She pushed out her bottom lip.

      “As adorable as you are when you pout, it won’t move me this time. Now get your pretty behind out of bed and hit the bathroom. Breakfast will be served in forty-five minutes. Plenty of time for you to soak.”

      She sighed. “Okay, okay. I’m going.”

      She got up and walked toward the bathroom but just as she got to the doorway, something he’d said the night before came back to her. She paused and turned around, her head cocked to the side.

      “Dev, what did you mean last night when you said I’d be sleeping here with you every night from now on?”

      He rose and pulled his robe tighter around his waist. He stared back at her, his gaze intense and serious.

      “Exactly what I said. I’ll want you to move in as soon as possible. I’ll arrange to have what you need transferred from your apartment. You’re mine, Ash. From now on, you’ll spend every night in my bed.”


      “Well, you finally took the leap,” Cameron Hollingsworth said as he stared across the room to where Ashley stood with a group of women.

      Devon took a sip of the wine, though the taste went unappreciated. He was too distracted. Still, he forced some of it down, hoping it would at least take the edge off.

      The official announcement would be made in a few moments. By Devon himself. Ashley’s father had wanted to do the honors, but Devon had preferred to do it himself. William Copeland had already orchestrated entirely too much of Devon’s relationship with Ashley. From now on, things would be done his way.

      Though everyone in attendance was well aware it was an engagement party they had been invited to, Ashley had insisted on waiting until all the guests had arrived before their engagement was announced.

      “Cold feet already?” Cam asked dryly. “You haven’t said two words since I