Tawny Weber

Caught on Camera

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she held them out.

      “There’s nothing I’d do in private that I wouldn’t rather do with you in the room, sweetheart,” he shot back as he opened the package. His temper lurked in the words, lingering irritation that she’d accuse him of being all about sex. Sure, he wanted her. But this was business. He was a big boy and knew the difference.

      He didn’t shift from where he sat, one hip leaning on the desk, but he did come to attention as he flipped through the photos. With each one, his frown deepened. His impression from both Belle and Mitch was that this was a simple harassment situation. Some guy Sierra had blown off trying to get her attention, maybe.

      Now he thought different. This was ugly. The escalating obsession, the tightening focus. The sexual threat.

      The son of a bitch behind this was one sick mother. And he was obsessed with Sierra. Reece’s gut burned. He blinked twice to clear the red haze of fury from his gaze.

      No point in scaring Sierra any more than she already was. But the reality was, the little brunette was in serious shit here.

      “Sweetheart, I’m going to be your new best friend,” he told her with an easy smile as he tucked the pictures back in their protective brown covering and tossed them onto the desk behind him.

      “I’m covered there, thanks so much,” she shot back, her usual sass returning along with the color in her cheeks. “How about you just lurk in the background and discourage perverts, hmm?”

      Reece smirked, waiting.

      Sierra gave a sigh and rolled her eyes. “Fine, I’m sorry I called you a pervy jerk out to get in my pants, okay? I realize you’re many steps above the creep that’s pulling this stunt.”

      Enjoying himself, Reece just continued to stare.

      Sierra’s lips quirked but she didn’t say anything. Just crossed her arms, which was a shame since they covered her breasts, and leaned back in the chair.

      Power play? Reece’s smirk turned into a full-fledged grin. No wonder he couldn’t get Sierra out of his head. He loved nothing more than a challenge. At least, until he’d conquered it.

      With that in mind, he let his gaze turn slumberous. All it took was the thought of her lips under his. He recalled their encounter in Mitch’s hall a few days back. The delicious taste of her, the feel of her breath as it warmed his skin. He mentally traced those lips with his gaze, watching their glossy fullness press together in irritation.

      The phone at his hip rang, but Reece didn’t take his eyes from Sierra’s. Her gaze was molten now, a deep blue filled with sexual heat and awareness. Her lashes fluttered, as if she wanted to pull away but couldn’t bring herself to.

      “Mr. Carter?”

      He didn’t release Sierra’s gaze to look at the woman in the doorway, but did answer her. “Yeah?”

      “Mr. Driscol on line one. He’d like to discuss expanding his offer.” Her voice hesitated as she apparently picked up on the tension in the room, then she cleared her throat and continued, “He said the timing is crucial and he needs an answer ASAP.”

      Driscol was a client who liked Reece’s way of doing security. He liked it so much he wanted Reece to move RC Security out here to Southern California to be on a permanent retainer.

      No doing, though. Reece had already told the guy twice. Nothing could entice him to move his base here to L.A. Crowds, crime and crazies. None of which appealed more than the wide open spaces of his home in Kentucky. His family was there, his grandma and his dad. Travel was all well and good, but he needed to know he could drop in for Sunday dinner anytime he wanted. After all, that sense of family was his touchstone, his reminder of everything that mattered to him.

      Mitch had been begging him to relocate here, too. But if he wasn’t going to do it for a cousin he loved, he sure wasn’t about to move for a job he didn’t need.

      “I’ll call him back.”


      “I’ll call him back,” Reece repeated.

      “Yes, sir,” she murmured as she left, closing the door.

      “Shall we discuss terms?” Reece asked, refocusing his attention on Sierra.

      “Don’t you have a contract for that?” she asked, her tone deliberately breezy. She must have used the interruption to think. And her conclusion was to ignore the heated sexual tension sparking between them.

      He’d have to see how quickly he could change that.

      “I realize you’re exactly the kind of client I generally turn away,” he pointed out.

      “You mean the kind that doesn’t worship you?”

      Reece laughed. “A little worship wouldn’t hurt. But no, I mean the kind that doesn’t listen. If I’m going to protect you, you have to agree that I’m in charge. I can’t do my job unless you’re willing to give me your complete cooperation.”

      “You never struck me as the have-to-be-on-top kind of guy, cowboy.”

      Reece gave her a slow grin and waited. It didn’t take more than two seconds for her to realize that she knew firsthand that he was all about equal opportunities when it came to sexual positions.

      “You’ll do exactly as I say?” was all he said, though.

      Her jaw tensed in a sharp line and he watched her delicate fingers tighten into fists. She stared at him, then dropped her gaze to the package of pictures on the desk. Her brow furrowed and a tiny shudder shook her shoulders. Then, as if to shrug it off, she lifted one shoulder and tilted her head toward him.

      “I’ll do exactly what you say,” she agreed. Reece let the pleasure of those words wash over him. “But…”

      “Of course there’s a but.”

      “But,” she continued, sliding her feet back into those killer heels and standing, “only as it applies to this picture perv, Family and the necessary protection required so Eventfully Yours doesn’t lose the account.”

      Once she was in her high heels again, her game face firmly in place, all of the vulnerability that had scared Reece was gone. Sierra was back in control.

      Just the way he liked her.

      “Works for me,” he agreed, stepping forward and holding out his hand.

      She shook her head. Apparently she had other caveats. “This account is crucial. My work, my focus right now has to be one hundred percent.”

      He waited.

      She frowned, and for the first time since he’d met her, she looked as if she was trying to find an inoffensive way to word her request.

      Then she shrugged and rolled her eyes. “I can’t waste time deflecting your attempts at sexual games. I need to work. I don’t have time to worry about you hitting on me.”

      He couldn’t help it. He laughed.

      Sierra hissed.

      “Sweetheart, I won’t have to hit. I promise.” He reached across her to put his hand on the door handle. “A week, maybe less, and you’ll be the one hitting.”

      “You think pretty damned highly of yourself,” she said with a strained laugh.

      “We’re about to do the one thing you’ve been avoiding since we first met six years ago.” He paused, watching her eyes turn smoky blue.

      He could see exactly what was going through her pretty head and grinned down at her in appreciation. She was thinking sex, pure and simple. Or not so simple, in their case. He loved that about her. Not only was she a deeply sensual being, but she didn’t try to hide it. There was nothing coy or demure about Sierra Donovan. She was all woman and embraced her sexuality with both hands. Even if she didn’t want to share it with him.
