Catherine Mann

Millionaire in Command / The Bride Hunter

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      “You’re encouraging me to leave?” She hadn’t expected to find such total support within the Landis camp for whatever decision she made.

      “I’m simply telling you that if you intend to fight, you would be wise to choose your timing well. The Landises are all charming—and stubborn. Of course, you’re a Landis now.”


      Marianna didn’t answer.

      Realization seeped in with the full weight of what she’d done. The sense of claustrophobia she’d felt on her first night at the family compound squeezed tighter. The Landises had accepted Nina because of her blood tie. However, it was also a double-edged sword.

      They didn’t know Nina. So they didn’t love her, not really, not yet. But they wouldn’t let her go.

      Kyle tossed the bouquet on the clerk’s desk and picked up the pen.

      The final paperwork sealing this marriage waited in front of him by the blob of yellow-and-orange flowers. Today should have taken care of all problems by securing Nina’s future. His kid. His child. He still hadn’t sorted through all that in his head, beyond moving ahead and taking care of his responsibilities. However, instead of smoothing out his life, this ceremony had introduced a new problem—not totally unexpected—but certainly surprising in the magnitude.

      He wanted his wife. One kiss had made that more than clear.

      His grip tightened around the pen, darkening the stroke of his scrawl. It was all he could do not to send everyone away so he could seal a deeper, fuller imprint on Phoebe’s mouth and in her memory. The scent of her lingered on his shirt from the brief brush of her breasts against him and left him aching to explore. He’d found her attractive from the first time he’d seen her at the welcome-home bash. He’d even wanted to ask her out on a date.

      Then they’d started talking, he’d met Nina and here they were.

      At least Phoebe looked as stunned as he felt by the kiss. Thank God, he’d scrounged up enough control to keep his hands to himself so he wouldn’t give the photographer an unexpected headliner. He glanced up from the paper over to Phoebe standing with Marianna. The yellow silky dress hugged the subtle curve of Phoebe’s breasts, gliding over her slim hips in a way that made him wonder what she wore underneath.

      Kyle checked over his shoulder fast to make sure the photographer hadn’t slipped back in.

      He’d been lucky to stay out of the spotlight this long, but now that he was out of the military, he was fair game for the media hounds. Although he had to admit Phoebe certainly made for a beautiful subject for the photographer with her cool, blond good looks.

      Phoebe shuffled Nina over to Marianna and glided toward him, drawing his eyes to her legs. He flipped the pen between his fingers. Maybe this marriage could have some unexpected benefits. Who could fault him for sleeping with his own wife?

      Her heart might well be buried along with her dead husband, but if that kiss was anything to judge by, her sensuality was alive and well.

      Phoebe held out her hand. “May I have the pen, please?”

      “Yeah, right.” He passed it over and she leaned by him, a whiff of her floral shampoo drifting from her loose blond hair. An image flashed through his mind of the silky straight strands splayed across a pillow while he peeled her clothes away.

      He tugged at his suddenly too tight tie.

      Phoebe nudged aside the bouquet to rest her wrist on the table as she signed her name. She tucked her tongue in her cheek. He could still taste the hint of coffee from her lips.

      Coffee, for crying out loud. Who would have thought the simple brew would taste so sexy? His heart rate spiked.

      She finished her signature with a curly flourish at odds with her no-nonsense air.

      Regardless, it was official. They were married. His eyes narrowed. And he fully intended to consummate this union as soon as he could romance his new wife into his bed.

      Kyle slid the papers across the table toward his mother’s assistant and focused his full attention on his wife. “Have you eaten anything today?”

      The family would understand if he and Phoebe opted out of any scheduled big gatherings for some time to get to know each other. He seemed to recall a quiet little café near the courthouse. He’d eaten there before with his mother’s judge friend, later took the judge’s daughter there for a date.

      Hmm…perhaps not a good idea to take the new wife to an old date site. Moving on to plan B.

      Phoebe pushed her hair behind her ears with a sigh. “It’s been a busy day.”

      Was she thinking about her first wedding? Understandable, but he needed to divert her thoughts of the man who still had such a prominent place in her mind.

      “I would offer to take you out, but I imagine you’re exhausted. The rug rat looks like she needs to stretch her legs. What do you say I pick up some takeout along the way and we spend the afternoon on the beach at home? There’s plenty of space away from the rest of the family so that it will be just the three of us, relaxing by the shore, getting to know each other.”

      “That’s really thoughtful of you.” Wariness lit her dark eyes. “I would like that, very much.”

      “Then let’s get moving. Once we’re past the press no doubt waiting outside, we’ll be home free.”

      Smiling reassuringly at her, he palmed her back. This time he prepared to steel himself for the jolt of awareness sparked by the feel of her under his palm. He ushered her out of the office, into the long corridor toward the elevator. He vaguely registered the footsteps of his family following and talking with each other. Cameras started clicking again from a small pack of reporters clustered behind a security guard blocking them from pressing closer.

      His oldest brother, Matthew, broke away and started speaking with one of the reporters, diverting their attention by offering up a couple of sound bites. Apparently an interview with a U.S. senator trumped snagging more photos of a surprise wedding.

      Kyle smiled. Thanks, bro.

      He focused his attention forward, intent on getting Phoebe and Nina home. Anticipation ramped inside him. For the first time since Phoebe Slater had blasted into his world, he had control of his life.

      Nina’s future would be secure.

      And for however long this marriage lasted, he and Phoebe could have one hell of a totally legal affair. No worries about emotional entanglements for either of them.

      He stopped in front of the private side elevator designated for employees and special guests. He jabbed the button just as the door slid open to reveal one person already inside.


      A leggy redhead in her twenties blinked in wideeyed surprise. Then smiled with recognition.

      The timing couldn’t have been worse to run into one of his exes. The judge’s daughter. The one he’d dated briefly in the past.

      Leslie? No. Lucy took the bouquet from him. “Okay, Kyle Landis, you’re officially forgiven.” She lifted the flowers to her nose and inhaled deeply, thrusting her breasts out none too subtly. “These are just gorgeous, you charmer. Calla lilies and roses, no less. I didn’t know you were so romantic.”

      Phoebe bristled visibly beside him, stepping away from his palm at her waist. He needed to implement damage control before some reporter with a telephoto lens and great hearing put together a new headline.

      He rushed Phoebe and Nina into the elevator with Lucy and pushed the Close button. “Uh, Lucy, I’d like for you to meet—”

      Lucy laughed, talking right over him. “I was just going to leave you an ‘eat dirt and die, you scumbag’ message, but since you’ve apologized so nicely with flowers,” she lifted the bouquet to her nose briefly, “I’ll