Lucy Ellis

Innocent in the Ivory Tower

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gave her a chance to observe him more closely. He was wearing jeans and they clung to him like a second skin. They also made him look younger, and it occurred to Maisy for the first time he was really only a few years older than she was. He couldn’t be more than thirty and look at the life he led, the power he wielded, the level of sophistication he wore so casually. Maisy suddenly felt hopelessly out of her depth—and she was—but she had Kostya’s wellbeing to fight for, and that gave her the added push she needed.

      And the fact remained he had been gone for an entire week.

      ‘Where have you been for the last seven days?’ The words were out of her mouth before discretion could check her tongue.

      He shrugged. ‘What does it matter? I’m here now.’

      He was here now. Maisy simmered on that for a few minutes as they resumed their stroll. She leaned into the pushchair that felt light as a feather now Kostya wasn’t in it.

      ‘How long will you stay?’ she asked evenly, as if it were not the most important question.

      ‘I’ve factored in three days.’ He announced it with an air of magnanimity that stole Maisy’s breath away.

      Three days! She studied the man beside her. She was aware people were watching them, women were watching him. A couple of beautiful Italian girls perhaps her own age swung past them, sweeping Alexei’s length with unabashed sexual speculation. Maisy blushed for him. Alexei, however, seemed completely unaware of anyone but herself and Kostya. In fact his focus was a little intimidating.

      ‘Three days isn’t very long,’ she ventured quietly, carefully.

      ‘It’s all I have.’ His tone was a warning to cease questioning him, to keep her mouth shut. She remembered his statement—’I don’t explain my actions.’ Certainly not to the nanny, she thought wryly.

      ‘Explain to me why you borrowed Maria’s car and made this very dangerous little trip into town,’ he said in a quiet undertone clearly used to avoid disturbing Kostya.

      He had pushed the sunglasses back through his hair revealing those incredible eyes that were every bit as intense as she remembered.

      ‘It wasn’t dangerous,’ she replied, copying his neutral tone. ‘I’m a good driver and I’m careful.’ Then the truth surfaced and she made a frustrated sound. ‘You try being cooped up in one place for a full seven days.’

      He smiled slowly, knowingly. ‘You were bored, dushka?’

      Maisy was startled by the smile, the sudden intimacy of his tone. She shook it off with the suspicion he was probably like this with all women under thirty, unthinkingly working them up with throwaway charisma.

      ‘Not bored, exactly,’ she said uncertainly, wondering how honest she should be.

      Your house is full of people who don’t talk to me; Maria and the night nurse have taken over many of the usual calls on my time; I’m only twenty-three and I feel like I’ve been walled up alive some days.

      ‘I just wanted to look around, get my bearings.’

      ‘Yes, I saw you getting your bearings on the street. Half the male population of Ravello is going to be on the villa’s doorstep.’

      He spoke casually, but there was an edge in his voice.

      ‘It’s not my fault if Italian men are appreciative of women,’ she replied stiffly. ‘I didn’t invite it.’

      ‘That dress invites it.’ His tone remained casual, but Maisy heard the censure and stiffened.

      ‘Are you suggesting I’m trying to pick up?’ she challenged.

      Alexei’s expression was taut, hinting at inner tensions she couldn’t guess at. ‘I’m Kostya’s guardian,’ he enunciated plainly. ‘I expect you to behave like a lady and not flaunt yourself.’

      Maisy didn’t know what to say. In what way had she flaunted herself? What was wrong with coming into town for the day? What was wrong with her dress? All of a sudden the warmth and freedom of the day dwindled down to a cluster of doubts, and Maisy tugged self-consciously on her skirt. She couldn’t help flashing back to herself in a towel, stunned by his presence in her room. Was that the impression he had of her? A woman who displayed herself to strange men for sex? She cringed at the thought.

      The truth wasn’t much better, and it wasn’t fair. It was him. It was because of him she had responded so uninhibitedly. But how could she explain that to him without making even more of a fool of herself?

      Kostya had slumped over Alexei’s shoulder, taking in the view from this new height. He looked so comfortable up there Maisy only felt worse.

      She had to rid herself of this stupid infatuation. It wasn’t fair to Kostya, and it wasn’t fair to her.

      ‘You’ve gone very quiet,’ Alexei said in a neutral voice.

      ‘I’m sorry. I wasn’t aware I was supposed to entertain you. I wouldn’t want to be accused of flaunting myself.’ Where had that bitter tone come from? She bit her tongue.

      Alexei’s eyes swept her body in a way that was disturbingly intimate, met her stormy eyes. ‘You can have a social life here, Maisy. I just don’t want you bringing men back to the villa.’

      Maisy almost choked, forced to defend herself. ‘What men? The only men I’ve seen for the past week have been in uniforms, and they barely give me the time of day!’

      ‘Hence your little day out.’ He spoke so quietly, so reasonably, Maisy could have hit him.

      She stopped on the path, aware there were other people around and that Kostya, however young, shouldn’t be overhearing this conversation. ‘I think you’ve made it clear how low your opinion of me can go. I don’t think I should have to defend myself when I’ve done nothing wrong.’

      Alexei instantly felt like a jerk. He knew he was being tough on her, but she provoked him. She was so lovely even a sackcloth wouldn’t stop men looking at her, and why it bothered him so much he was struggling to understand.

      Because you want her, and if it backfires you’re stuck with her, a cool, cynical voice intervened.

      The child heavy in his arms was a reminder of how careful he had to be.

      ‘I think we should go back,’ he said gruffly. ‘The boy has fallen asleep.’

      Maisy didn’t reply. She just jerked the lightweight pushchair around and headed back up the path ahead of him.

      It occurred to him she was acting like a girlfriend, not the nanny. And he didn’t have any experience of girlfriends.

      Alexei took them back to the villa in his high-speed toy at a reasonable pace, handling the bends with such care and confidence Maisy realised he might have a point about the danger. Maria’s Audi would be returned to her by a despatched member of staff.

      There was a taut, tense silence in the car that was tying Maisy’s stomach in knots.

      She took a deep breath and examined his hard, uncompromising profile as he negotiated the road. An innocent trip into town had been turned into a man-trawling exercise on her part. He was clearly ready to believe the worst of her because it would make it easier for him to get rid of her when the time came.

      Whatever I do, she thought a little desperately, it won’t be enough because he’s decided I’m a party girl. Which was so ludicrous she snorted.

      His attention snapped to her. ‘What is it?’

      Maisy checked over her shoulder. Kostya’s head was hanging; he was still deeply asleep.

      She gave Alexei her best impression of Anais-like insouciance. ‘I was just thinking, if all the men in Ravello are hot for me I’m going to need some evenings off to accommodate them. How about Fridays and Saturdays?’
