Patricia Thayer

Little Cowgirl Needs a Mum / Once Upon a Proposal

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knew where he was going. His cowboy hat was cocked over his eyes, his sandy hair cut just above his ears.

      It had been nearly nine months since she’d last seen him, but it seemed like yesterday. He smiled and lines crinkled around his hazel eyes, showing his forty-plus years. But he still was a handsome devil.

      “Hey, pretty girl,” he called. “It’s good to see you.”

      She expected that familiar feeling to tighten in her chest, but nothing like that came. She was only glad to see a friend. “Hey, cowboy. You, too.”

      She was caught off guard when he pulled her into a big hug. “I’ve missed you.”

      “That’s nice to know.”

      He released her. “Do you still hate me?”

      She blinked at his frankness. “Let’s not beat around the bush.”

      He sobered. “It was never my intention to hurt you.”

      They’d dated for a few months nearly two summers ago when she’d been working on Allison’s cable TV show. It had been pretty intense, but there had always been something missing between them. She had been the one with the forever fantasies. When the breakup came, it had been more pride than her heart being involved. She’d gone back to San Antonio and her teaching job.

      “Don’t worry, Perkins, I got over you a long time ago. So get over yourself.”

      He tossed her that grin she’d once been so crazy about, but it didn’t affect her the way it used to. Suddenly she realized what Brian had tried to tell her: they were headed in different directions. As a divorced father, he wanted time with his nearly grown kids, and she wanted to start a family.

      “I’m wounded.” He clutched his chest dramatically. “Was I so easy to forget?”

      She fought a smile. “I guess I was, too.”

      “No way.” His gaze locked on her. “I just wasn’t the guy for you.” Brian reached out and touched her cheek. “There’s a lucky man who’s gonna win your heart.”

      Before she could say anything, she heard her name. She turned around to see Gracie running toward her, followed by a stoic-looking Evan Rafferty.

      “Hi, Gracie,” she said.

      She hugged the girl as her father walked up. “Hello, Evan.” She glanced over her shoulder, suddenly feeling uneasy. “Brian Perkins, this is Evan Rafferty and his daughter, Gracie. Brian’s the ranch foreman and Alex’s partner in his cattle business.”

      The two men exchanged handshakes. “Evan. It’s a good day for a ride.”

      Evan gave a curt nod. “Yeah, it is.”

      This wasn’t going well, Jenny thought, not knowing why. “Brian and Alex also breed quarter horses.” She filled in the silence as the two men stared at each other.

      “Rafferty. Is that Rafferty’s Vineyard?”

      Evan nodded.

      Thank goodness, the Casalis were walking toward them, Cherry hurrying on ahead. Her limp was barely noticeable these days. How great was it that a kid could go from a wheelchair to walking in barely two years?

      “Morning everyone,” Allison called.

      “Hi, Mrs. C,” Gracie said.

      Cherry grabbed the girl’s hand and led her toward Alex. “Dad, this is Gracie Rafferty. She’s my new friend.”

      “Hi, Mr. C.,” Gracie said shyly. “Thank you for letting me ride with Cherry today.”

      Smiling, Alex bent down to speak to the child. “It’s my pleasure, Gracie. Any friend of Cherry’s is always welcome here.” He went to the adults and hugged Jenny. “Jenny Collins, it’s been far too long between visits. The twins want to know when you’re coming to read them stories again.”

      She liked Alex, especially since he treated his wife like a princess. “I figured since you were outnumbered by women as it was, you didn’t need another one giving you trouble.”

      Alex laughed. “I like that kind of trouble.” He looked at Evan. “It’s good to see you again, Evan.”

      “Alex. I appreciate you inviting us. My daughter has been looking forward to this.” So was he. The A Bar A Ranch was an incredible operation.

      Evan glanced at Jenny beside the foreman, recalling how cozy they’d been earlier. So what? It didn’t bother him who her friends were.

      “Come on, girls,” Alex called. “Let’s get our horses.”

      The giggling twosome held hands all the way into the corral. Allison and Alex hurried after the girls and Jenny fell into step beside Evan. “Do you ride much?” she asked.

      “Don’t worry, I’ll manage to keep up,” he told her.

      “I only meant that since you work the vineyard, you probably don’t have time to ride.”

      “I’ve done my share of cowboying over the years.” He nodded toward Perkins. “Is your boyfriend going with us?”

      Without so much as a glance in his direction, Jenny kept walking. “Probably not.” Then she hurried on to catch up with the group.

      Evan cursed. Why did it matter if Jenny Collins had a boyfriend? He had no time to care about what she did. Too bad she’d managed to get into his head anyway. How the hell did that happen?


      EVAN headed for the corral and spotted the line of horses saddled and ready to ride. Today was about spending the afternoon with his daughter.

      “That’s Cinnamon,” Cherry said, pointing at a little chestnut filly. “She’s my horse. And there’s Speckles for you.” Gracie’s horse was a small black-and-white paint.

      “Oh, she’s pretty.” Gracie looked back at Evan. “Daddy, is it okay to ride her?”

      Evan knew his daughter was far from an expert rider. Brian came up beside the horse. “She’s real gentle. I saddle-broke her myself.”

      “That’s reassuring, but I’ll be close by to make sure everything will be okay,” Evan said.

      Brian smiled. “I would do the same if Gracie were mine. Your horse is Diego.” He nodded toward a large black gelding. “He’ll give you speed if you want, but he’s also good on the trail.”

      “Did you break this one, too?” Evan asked, unable to keep the sarcasm out of his voice.

      “I’ve worked pretty much every horse on this place.”

      After Evan checked his horse, he found the foreman watching him.

      “Since you’re wondering,” Brian began, “Yes, Jenny and I dated a while back. We’re still friends and I care about what happens to her.” His gaze locked with Evan. “I wouldn’t want to see her hurt. Her family has done enough taking advantage of her, so her friends look out for her.”

      The meaning was clear and Evan nodded. “Too bad you blew your chance.”

      After a long stare, the man walked off to help the other riders. Evan let out a breath. Where had that come from? He walked around the animal and checked the cinch. “Hell, I don’t have the time or energy to care,” he muttered.

      Hearing laughter, he glanced at the pretty blonde on her horse. His body stirred as Jenny turned to him and smiled.

      “Get moving, Rafferty,” she called. “We have places to go.” He suddenly realized that everyone was waiting for him.

      Gracie waved him on. “Yeah, Daddy, hurry up.”

      He mounted the horse and moved up with the group. “Okay, what are we waiting for?”
