Patricia Thayer

Daddy by Christmas / Christmas Magic on the Mountain

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fine if I can find a place to live by spring.”

      Before Kira could say any more, Jarrett arrived back in his seat. For the next twenty minutes everyone concentrated on the delicious food and friendly conversation. Finally the men leaned back groaning at the amount of food they’d consumed.

      “There’s pie, too,” Nola announced as she stood and took several empty plates. She looked at Jarrett. “Jarrett, would you mind helping me with the coffeemaker? I’m not sure on the measurements.”

      With a nod, he stood. “Sure.” He grinned. “If I get first choice of pie.”

      Nola smiled, too. “You think because you’re good-looking, you can charm me into anything, don’t you?”

      “Hey, I do what I can to get an advantage.” He put his arm around her shoulders. “Is it working?”

      Mia never heard the answer as they walked off together.

      “He’s a flirt, but he’s a good man.”

      Mia turned to Kira, but didn’t know how to answer that. Was Kira trying to sell her brother-in-law’s better qualities to her?

      “I wouldn’t have said that a few years ago,” Kira went on. “But something in him has changed. And he and Trace are working on being brothers.”

      She turned and looked at Mia. “I know you’re not happy about having to leave your apartment, but I might be able to help with that. We have a guest house at the ranch. It’s small, but it has two bedrooms. A friend had been living there during college, and now she’s gone to be with her husband in the army.”

      “Oh, Kira.” Mia didn’t want to get too excited. “What about Trace? I bet you haven’t even asked him.”

      “Haven’t asked me what?” her husband turned toward her.

      “About Mia coming to live in the cottage.”

      He raised an eyebrow as if to think about it. “That’s a great idea. The house is sitting empty.” He shrugged. “You’re welcome to live there as long as you need.”

      Mia was getting excited. “What is the rent?”

      “There isn’t any rent.”

      “No, I would expect to pay something.”

      Trace glanced at his wife. “I think we owe your brother a bigger debt. He helped us through some rough spots a few years ago. I think Brad would want us to help you and the baby.”

      “Can I come over to see the baby?” Jenna asked. “I’ll be really quiet.”

      “If I decide to move there, of course, you can.” She looked at Kira. “Maybe I could even babysit you so your parents could go out.”

      A big smile split Trace’s face. “That’s a deal I’ll take.”

      “What’s a deal?” Jarrett sat down next to Mia.

      Trace was still smiling. “Mia is coming to live in the guest house at the ranch.”

      “The hell she is.”

      The entire room went silent at his outburst.

      “Unca Jay, you said a bad word,” Jenna piped in.

      Jarrett reached into his pocket, pulled out change and set it on the table for his misstep. “Here, sweetie.” Then he turned to Mia. “You can’t move all the way out there. Not in the winter.”

      She glanced around nervously. “I don’t want to talk about this now,” she said as she pushed away from the table. “Excuse me.” She stood and walked out.

      Jarrett went after her. He caught up with her right before she got to the bathroom door. She would have disappeared, but someone was using the facility.

      “Mia,” he called.

      “Go away.”

      “That’s not likely.” He gripped her by the arm and escorted her down the hall.

      “What are you doing?”

      “Taking you to a bathroom.”

      “I don’t have to go. I just needed to get away from you and your crazy idea that you can tell me what to do.”

      He wasn’t listening as he took her by the hand, led her to the master suite and opened the door to the large room. He pulled her inside and shut the door.

      “Stop this,” she demanded. “And stop telling me what to do. You can’t boss me around.”

      He glared at her. “Someone needs to take you in hand. You can’t move all the way out to the ranch. If we get a snowstorm—and the possibility is strong that we will—you might not make it to the hospital when the time comes.”

      “I can take care of myself. And why does it matter to you, anyway? You are my landlord, Mr. McKane, not my keeper.”

      “Dammit, stop calling me that. It’s Jarrett.” He leaned closer as her eyes widened. “Say Jarrett.


      His gaze moved to her full lips. Suddenly, he ached to know how they would feel against his and how she would taste. He couldn’t resist and slowly lowered his mouth to hers. He took a gentle bite, then another. Each one a little sweeter than the last.

      Her eyes widened, her breathing grew labored.

      Finally, he closed his mouth over hers and wasn’t disappointed. With a groan, he wrapped his arms around her and drew her closer. She made a whimpering sound and her arms move to around his neck as he deepened the kiss.

      Jarrett pressed her back against the door, feeling her body against his, then suddenly something kicked against his stomach. The baby. He broke off the kiss with a gasp, suddenly remembering the situation.

      Mia’s shocked gaze searched his. “Why did you do that?”

      “Hell if I know.” He hated that he was so drawn to her. She was a complication he didn’t need, but he couldn’t seem to stay away from her.

      Her hand went to her stomach protectively. Was she having a contraction?

      He picked her up in his arms and carried her across the room.

      “What are you doing?” she demanded.

      “Taking you where you should have been in the first place. To bed.”

      Chapter Six

      MIA was fuming as Jarrett walked out the door, leaving her alone on the bed. His bed. What she hated the most was that she didn’t have much say in the matter.

      All her life, she’d had to do what she’d been told. Go to the best schools, make the best grades, be the perfect daughter. It had taken years, and although she’d made many bad turns she’d finally gained her independence. She wasn’t about to give it up now. Not even for a man.

      She glanced around Jarrett’s bedroom. Large, dark furniture dominated the spacious room, including the king-size bed with the carved headboard. The walls were a taupe-gray and the floors a wide-planked dark wood. Two honey-colored leather chairs sat in front of huge French doors that led out to a deck and the wooded area beyond. It was definitely a man’s room, which reminded her she shouldn’t be in here.

      Mia’s thoughts turned back to Jarrett McKane. What had possessed her to let him kiss her? She shut her eyes reliving the feel of his mouth against hers, his strong arms around her. What she hadn’t expected was the way she had reacted to him.

      Of course, she would react to the man—any man for that matter. How long had it been since she’d been in a relationship? She couldn’t even remember that far back. Not that she was eager to start one now. There hadn’t been any time for a man. Then Mr. Hotshot McKane had stormed into her life, with his good looks and his take-charge