Lynette Eason

The Black Sheep's Redemption

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Demi and Victoria turned in unison to find the owner of the voice. A young woman with her blond hair hanging around one shoulder planted her hands on her hips. “Charles might be guilty of murder.”

       Victoria sighed. “Meghan Henry, cousin to Olivia Henry, meet Demi Taylor.”

       Demi gave the adamant young woman with the pretty hazel eyes a tremulous smile. “Hi.”

       “Hi. I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have interrupted your conversation, but I’m just very concerned for you. For anyone who has anything to do with Charles Fitzgerald.” And she did look worried, a genuine kind of worried, not the fake kind of worried most people in the town had expressed in order to pump her for information about the Fitzgeralds.

       Frowning, Demi exchanged a look with Victoria then said, “I appreciate your concern, but Charles has been nothing but kind to me.”

       Meghan sighed. “Well, I would watch my back if I were you.” She slipped her purse over her shoulder. “I’m in the cottage on the beach, the one just up from the lighthouse. If you ever need anything, please come see me.”

       Again, sincerity rang in Meghan’s words and Demi wasn’t sure what to think. “Well, thank you. I appreciate that.”

       “Be careful, okay?” She glanced between her and Victoria. “See you around.”

       With that, she left.

       Demi raised a brow at Victoria who sighed. “I hope you won’t take what she said to heart. I don’t believe for a minute that he murdered Olivia.”

       “I know. I don’t believe he did, either.”

       “Good.” Approval radiated from the woman. “He’s needed some help for a long time. His father’s housekeeper, Mrs. Mulrooney, is wonderful, but she can’t keep up with two rambunctious toddlers. I’m so glad Charles found you.”

       Demi felt a smile slip across her face. “Thanks. It was actually his sister Fiona who told me about the job.” She looked at the clock again. “And now I’ve got to run. Nice to meet you.”

       “You, too. I’m sure we’ll be seeing a lot of each other.”

      * * *

       Charles gave the swing a push and felt his heart lighten at his children’s laughter. His eyes drifted from his kids to the direction he knew Demi would come from.

       He’d had a hard time falling asleep last night as her image kept appearing in his thoughts—in between wondering who’d vandalized his house. He preferred thoughts of Demi. She was beautiful, had a gentle spirit about her—and she scared him to pieces.

       She’d been in his life just a short time, but already, he felt as though he’d known her for a while. And while it was true he didn’t know as much as he’d like due to the amnesia, he liked what he knew, what he’d observed.

       He also knew that if he had any brains at all, he’d find a woman old enough to be his mother to care for the children simply to cut down on the wagging tongues. Unfortunately, no one in that age category seemed to be in the market for a job that taxing. Or one that had anything to do with him.

       Him. A murder suspect. He couldn’t wrap his mind around it. But apparently the townspeople didn’t have any trouble believing it. Everywhere he went, he felt eyes on him, knew they were wondering if he was a killer. His medical practice had suffered as had his confidence in most of those he used to call friends.

       His gaze went to a young couple strolling hand in hand along the park path as though they didn’t have a care in the world. He remembered those days. Sometimes he missed them. Then he looked at Brianne and Aaron and wouldn’t change the past even if he could.

       His eyes went back to The Reading Nook bookstore.

       But Demi had him thinking more and more about the future and what it might be like to find the one he was supposed to spend the rest of his life with.

       A feeling of someone watching pulled him from his thoughts. Glancing around, Charles spotted two women on a park bench near the sandbox. They stared at him as they talked.

       Christina Hennessy and Dolores Nunez, nanny for Burke and Christina’s toddler. Distaste curled through him. He didn’t care for Mrs. Hennessy much, not simply because she was Burke’s wife, but because she was such a fake. Probably why she and his ex, Kathleen, had gotten along so well.

       And still, she didn’t take her gaze from him. Out of a morbid sense of humor, he lifted a hand and waved.

       Her right brow rose and she deliberately ignored him, turning her gaze on the nanny.

       Why the woman needed a nanny was beyond him. She didn’t work and didn’t seem to have any responsibilities that he could see.

       Speaking of nannies, Demi surprised him and stepped out of the Sugar Plum Café instead of The Reading Nook and headed his way. He tried to forget about the pair across the park.

       But the hair on the back of his neck rose as he continued to feel their stares. He reminded himself not to let their snide glances and whispered words affect him.

       But a small part of him wanted to stomp across the park and demand they cease their nasty gossip. Instead, he took a deep breath and watched Demi approach. The concerned frown on her features told him that she’d picked up on his expression. With effort, he loosened his jaw and relaxed his shoulders.

       Only to tense up again when Burke stepped into view. The man glanced at him and pursed his lips as though seeing something distasteful.

       He said something to Christina and the nanny, then practically shouted, “Come on. It’s not safe for Georgina to play here. Apparently, they don’t screen the people who use this place and will allow murderers around small children.”

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