Judy Christenberry

The Cowboy's Christmas Proposal

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assume you value things like that.”

      “Yes, thank you, I do. I haven’t had much time—I haven’t gone through their things yet.”

      “It can wait if you’re not ready,” he said gruffly.

      “No, I can—I’ll look for it tonight.”

      “I appreciate it. I assume your dad’s ranch was profitable?”

      “Yes, but I hadn’t realized how much until I overheard my previous manager brag about collecting fifty thousand dollars each year without my father even realizing it.”

      Jake whistled. “That’s a hefty sum not to be missed.”

      “I know. I can only assume that my dad trusted him completely.”

      “I’m sorry to hear that. One of the things I’ll teach you is how to recognize things like that. I did a lot of the paperwork for Dexter—I mean, Mr. Williams, so I can show you how to check over your accounts.”

      “Good. I’ll look forward to that.”

      “Okay, I think we should mount up and get under way. I’d like to get back to the barn by dark.”

      The walk had helped Penny’s legs. She didn’t know if the break had been for her benefit or not, but she had appreciated it.

      However, five hours later, when they’d still only covered half the ranch, she barely managed to hold on to the saddle horn as they’d reached the barn. The men were already in the bunkhouse, so she didn’t have to worry about an audience other than Jake. She slid out of the saddle hoping she could hold on long enough for her legs to bear her.

      Much to her surprise, Jake said from right behind her, “You can go ahead to the house. I’ll unsaddle your horse.”

      “No! I—I’ll do it.”

      “Penny, you did well today, but I know you’re not used to riding for so many hours. After you get used to it, you can unsaddle Stormy, but today I’ll do it.”

      She took a brief look at his eyes. They were warm and brown and something in them told her to trust in Jake a little. The feeling made her nervous. Then she nodded. “Okay, thanks.” She forced her fingers to release the saddle horn and almost fell, but strong hands caught her arms. A tingling sensation ran the length of Penny’s spine and she knew that the day had tired her more than she thought.

      “Are you okay?”

      “Y-yes, thank you.” She pulled away and stumbled to the gate and went through. Gradually the walking helped her legs unkink and she managed to get to the ranch house.

      When she opened the back door, she was almost knocked off her feet by a wave of warm air that smelled so good. She made it to the breakfast table and fell into a chair.

      “Long day?” Harriet asked, sympathy in her voice as she sat a full mug of coffee in front of her.

      Penny didn’t answer until she’d had her first sip of coffee. “Oh, my, that tastes good, Harriet. Yes, it was a long day. And we only covered half the ranch. We’ll finish the tour tomorrow.”

      “Maybe it will get a little easier as you go along,” Harriet said. “Do you want dinner now, or do you want a hot shower first?”

      “Mmm, do you mind? I think I might enjoy the food more after a hot shower.”

      “Of course I don’t mind. It’ll be ready when you are.”

      “Thanks, Harriet.” She stood and left the room, taking her coffee with her.

      Half an hour later, she sat down at the table for a delicious meal. She and Harriet chatted a little, but Penny was too tired to talk about much. However, when dinner was through, Harriet suggested she go to bed at once.

      “I can’t. I promised Jake I’d find Dad’s journal. He’d like to see what Dad was doing with the pastures.”

      “Can I help you look?” Harriet asked.

      Penny took a deep breath. “Would you mind? It shouldn’t be that difficult to find, but—but I haven’t been in their room since—since they died. It might help having someone else with me.”

      “Of course I don’t mind. Let me rinse the dishes while you rest. Then we’ll go up together.”

      Penny sat there finishing her coffee, fighting the guilty feelings as she watched Harriet work. “I feel bad leaving all the work to you, Harriet.”

      “Nonsense, child. That’s why I’m here. Believe me, if I’d ridden a horse all day, I wouldn’t be able to walk.”

      A few minutes later, the pair went up the stairs together. Penny felt her feet dragging and blamed it on her day’s activities. But she could feel the emotion building in her throat.

      Her parents had been dead now for a number of months. It hadn’t been until recently that she’d thought about cleaning out their room, but she just hadn’t had the courage to go through with it. It had been impossible to face erasing all memory of her parents.

      “Do you want a few minutes alone or do you want me to go in with you?” Harriet asked.

      “No, I—I don’t want to go in alone.”

      Harriet opened the door and walked through, letting Penny take her time.

      “My, your mother was a good housekeeper.”

      “Yes, she didn’t like to leave a mess behind.” Penny looked at the room that hadn’t changed since she was a child. The lavender print on the bedspread had faded with the years, but it still looked good.

      “Do you have any idea where the journal would be?” Harriet asked gently.

      “I think it’ll be in his bedside stand. Mom always complained about him writing in it when she was trying to go to sleep.”

      Penny moved to the right side of the bed and opened the drawer. There it was. He bought the same brand every year. She took it out of the drawer, letting her fingers rest on the binding for a moment. Slowly she opened the book, looking for his last entry. Then she found the book that preceded that one, in case Jake wanted to go back any further.

      “Is this room much bigger than yours?” Harriet asked.

      “Yes, it is,” Penny answered in surprise.

      “I could clean the room out for you, if you want to move in here.”

      “Oh, no! I—I couldn’t do that.”

      “It’s up to you, Penny, but your parents aren’t going to be able to enjoy the room anymore—it’s your home now.”

      “I know, you’re right, but it still feels too soon—maybe in a week or two.”

      “You just let me know, but the clothes could be put to good use, the ones you don’t want to keep. It gets cold up here in winter.”

      “That’s true. I’ll come up tomorrow night and take out any clothes I want to save. Then you can clean out their closet for me. If you have time.”

      “I’ll have time.”

      “Thank you, Harriet.”

      Penny donned her coat and wool cap and gloves and went back outside in the cold night air.

      She knocked on the door of the bunkhouse. There was the sound of scrambling as men grabbed for clothes. She waited patiently. When the door opened, she recognized one of the men, Barney. “Would you tell Mr. Larson that I need to see him?”

      “Yes, ma’am, Penny. Just a minute.”

      Leaning against the wall of the building, she waited for the door to open again. When it finally did, Jake stepped outside. “Yes, ma’am?”

      “I have my dad’s journals for this year and last. Take your time with them.”