Susanna Carr

Illicit Night With The Greek

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the sting of unshed tears as she imagined a young and vulnerable Stergios. Mairi was a tigress when it came to her only child but she didn’t find him until he was nine. Stergios had lived on the run and in horrible conditions. He had emerged scarred, malnourished and tormented from the experience.

      From the day Stergios had been taken, the house and grounds became impenetrable. So had the Antoniou family. Jodie accepted the fact and she knew their wariness wasn’t entirely personal.

      Jodie sighed and slowly retraced her steps, returning to the portico. She saw a flash of movement in the corner of her eye and turned to see Stergios. He emerged from the wooded area, the gravel crunching under his running shoes as he jogged toward the house with a punishing pace. The fight-or-flight response swirled in her chest. She cast a quick glance in the direction of the formal garden, her heart skipping a beat as her hands bunched into fists.

      It was too late to disappear, Jodie decided as she watched Stergios get closer. She tried not to notice that he only wore a dark pair of running shorts, or the way his golden skin glistened. Her gaze darted to his broad shoulders and then to his muscular arms. Jodie felt a spurt of heat low in her belly and she wasn’t sure where to look. She focused on his chest and followed the path of his dark hair. Her attention rested on his V-cut abs.

      He didn’t break his rhythm as he jogged onto the terrace and then stepped onto the portico. He passed her as if he wasn’t going to acknowledge her presence.

      “I didn’t know you were still living here,” she blurted out.

      Stergios stopped without turning around. “I don’t.” Sweat ran down his spine but he didn’t sound out of breath. He placed his hands on his lean hips and stretched. She was mesmerized by the play of muscles and the faint crisscross of scars that ran down his back. “I have a home of my own but I stay here when I’m in Athens.”

      Jodie stepped in front of him, blocking his way. It was irritating that he wouldn’t deign to look at her. She inhaled his scent and went still. It was hot, sweaty and male. A blush crept up her neck and into her face. She didn’t know why it left her flustered.

      “How long are you planning to stay?” Jodie asked. His nearness was almost her undoing. Her breasts felt heavy and tight and she crossed her arms against her chest.

      “For as long as you are, pethi mou,” he said. “I’m only here to keep an eye on you.”

      “What?” Jodie’s lips parted as a thought occurred to her. “Is that why I was invited to the family home? To make surveillance more convenient for you?”

      His eyes glittered with amusement. “It was thoughtful of you to accept.”

      Jodie abruptly looked away and stared at the door that led to the house. She should have known it hadn’t been her father’s idea. Her intuition had been correct. She shouldn’t trust this act of hospitality.

      She wasn’t going to let this get her down. Jodie clenched her teeth as she encouraged the flicker of determination to catch fire. It didn’t matter why she was invited. She was here and she was going to make the most of it.

      “Going to go pack?” he asked in a drawl.

      Her arms tightened around her as if she was holding herself together. “Why would I?” she asked as she slowly met his gaze. “I’m getting what I want.”

      “Are you sure? Dimos doesn’t live here.”

      “Wonderful,” she declared. “Now you don’t have follow him like a guard dog and save him from predatory women. That must free up so much time for you.”

      There was a heavy beat of silence. “That wasn’t the only reason I stopped Dimos.”

      “Of course it was. If Dimos had sex with me, a woman supposedly under the protection of the Antoniou family, he would have been stuck marrying me instead of the heiress of your choice.” She paused, not sure if she should say anything more. “Do you even know why we were down in the wine cellar that night? We were going to break into the good stuff while everyone was out of the house.”

      “It didn’t look that way when I tore you two apart.”

      Jodie glared at him. When Stergios had intervened, Dimos had her in a tight hold and had been sticking his tongue down her throat. She hadn’t been trying to get closer to Dimos—she had been pushing him away! “I was never interested in him. There was no way we were going to have sex!”

      Stergios lifted an eyebrow. “Then how do you explain what happened between us?”

      She felt her face turn bright red. It had been different with Stergios. When Jodie had returned from her last finishing school fiasco, she had become violently aware of her stepbrother’s sexual allure. It didn’t matter that he was eight years older or that he was too intense for someone like her.

      But Jodie didn’t want anyone to notice how much power Stergios had over her. She had some pride! The man hated her and yet she wanted to get closer to him. She had become an expert at hiding her attraction. Or so she thought. Now she knew why she’d always bickered with Stergios. Why they’d always seemed to get under each other’s skin.

      When Stergios had shoved Dimos up the stairs that night, she had launched into an argument with her stepbrother that felt as though it had been simmering for weeks. Vicious words had been exchanged and nothing had been held back.

      To this day Jodie wasn’t sure what had happened next. What had been the trigger? Had she made the first move or had he? All she knew was that her mouth had slammed against his. His kiss, his touch, had set her free. It was as if they had exploded out of their cages. She’d clawed and bit as he ruthlessly made his claim. She’d encouraged him to give her everything he had. Their coupling had been fast and feral.

      She hadn’t experienced anything like it since. Even now her heart pumped hard and her skin felt scorched as she remembered the way he took her against the wall.

      “I looked for you after that night,” Stergios confessed.

      She jerked back as the memories splintered. “No, you didn’t,” she said softly. “You left like a bat out of hell. Where did you go?”

      He speared his hands in his long hair and gave a guttural sigh. “It doesn’t matter.”

      It had mattered to her. She had felt rejected and abandoned. Used.

      “You’d left Greece by the time I returned,” Stergios said, staring blindly at the garden. “I went to America to find you. I assumed you went to your mother’s but you had already left by the time I arrived in New York. Your mother wasn’t helpful in how to contact you.”

      She gave an awkward nod. Carla Little had not been a motherly, nurturing kind of woman who needed to know what her daughter was doing. “Mom was in the middle of a business deal that would have determined her legacy,” she mumbled. “She couldn’t afford any distraction.”

      “I kept looking for you,” he admitted with great reluctance before he returned his piercing gaze on her. “No one seemed to know where you were.”

      Her parents hadn’t been interested in finding out. While her friends were envious of her independence, the lack of parental concern had always embarrassed Jodie. “I knew how to take care of myself,” she said. “Why was it so urgent to find me?”

      “I wanted to check on you.”

      Jodie drew her head back. She wasn’t sure what to say. Of all the people who had been part of that night, he had been the only one who tried to contact her. Even though he had made it clear how much he didn’t like her, how little she meant to him.

      Stergios watched her with an intensity that pinned her to the spot. “You were a virgin and I was...rough.”

      Jodie frowned when she saw his stony expression. Stergios had been beating himself up about that night when she’d savored the primal and naked responses. It had been everything she had hoped for with the man who had starred in her secret fantasies.