Vicki Lewis Thompson

Do You Take This Cowboy?

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you weren’t gagging and choking, I figured you were okay with it. Save room for dessert, though. I bought brownies at the bakery while I was in town.” He noticed she’d changed the subject. Was that on purpose?

      “I love brownies, but I want to finish this, which means I’ll be too full for dessert. Can we wait awhile?”

      “Yes, ma’am. I’m flattered you like the stir-fry so much.”

      “It’s great.”

      “Want the recipe?” He grinned at her.

      “How about I just talk you into making it for me again sometime?”

      “Love to.”

      “I look forward to it.” She went back to eating.

      He did, too, but he wanted to find out if the change of subject had been deliberate. “Do you miss living close to your family?”

      She finished chewing and swallowed. “Sometimes, I guess.” Then she shook her head. “At the risk of sounding awful, no, I don’t really miss that. If we were in Billings right now, I could expect several texts tonight wanting info about my date. I’m thrilled that they don’t even know you exist.”

      “Gonna keep me a secret?” He finished off his meal and set aside his plate.

      “For now, if you don’t mind. I love them all and they love me, but we’re too enmeshed, at least in my estimation. I came to Sheridan to escape the lack of privacy and the constant expectations.”

      “A lot of privacy out here.” Seductive privacy that was working on him the longer they sat within inches of each other. By turning his head a fraction, he could study her profile—her high, intelligent forehead, thick dark lashes, prominent cheekbones and plump lips, which he’d longed to taste ever since he’d had his first glimpse of them while lying under the sink.

      “Yes, I like this a lot. Much better than a crowded restaurant.” She scooped up her last bite and ate it.

      “And no obligations.”

      She put down her plate and gazed at him. “I like that a lot, too.”

      “For example, just because I brought you out here to this extremely secluded place, fed you a good dinner and served you some excellent wine, you’re not obliged to kiss me.”

      Her full mouth widened in a smile. “Really?”

      “Scout’s honor. And that’s legit because I was a Boy Scout.”

      “That doesn’t surprise me at all. Okay, then I’ll point out that just because I showered, changed clothes and drove out here to meet you when I could have spent the evening watching a movie in my grubby old sweats, you’re not obliged to kiss me, either.”

      “Now that’s where you’re wrong.” He laid his hat on the blanket before reaching out to cup her cheek. Her skin felt so delicate that he lightened his touch. “I have a huge obligation after you made all those sacrifices.” He rubbed his thumb gently over skin soft as a rose petal.

      Her breath hitched. “It was nothing.”

      “That’s not the way I heard it.” He leaned closer and watched her eyes flutter closed and her lips part in invitation. “Sounds to me like you went to a lot of trouble to be here.”

      “On second thought, maybe I did.”

      “Let me make it up to you.” His heart thundered as he brushed his mouth over her velvet lips. He could barely feel her hand as she slipped it around his neck, yet knowing she’d reached for him heated his blood.

      He moaned and fit his lips to hers, pressing a little, then a little more. Her grip on his neck tightened a tiny bit. Slowly he began to explore with his tongue, savoring the warm, arousing taste of her. Her jaw slackened ever so slightly. Easy, easy...

      Drawing back, he changed the angle, settling down more firmly this time and becoming bolder with his tongue. A tiny whimper, a quick gasp, and she surrendered completely, opening to him with a rush of passion that made him dizzy.

      He rose to his knees and cradled her face in both hands. She mirrored him, gripping his shoulders as she balanced on her knees and turned fully into his kiss, her intensity matching his.

      Breathing hard, he lifted his head. “We should probably—”

      “I know.” She gulped for air and leaned back, but she didn’t let go of him. “This is crazy.”

      “Feels good, though.”

      “It does, but...” She closed her eyes and shook her head. “I think—” She sucked in a breath and let it out again. “I think we need to slow down.”

      “Agreed.” He reminded himself he was in this for the long haul. He combed his fingers through her silky hair and resisted the urge to grip her head and kiss her again. “We met a few hours ago.”

      Letting go of him, she took another deep breath and settled back on her heels. “We’ll deal with this sudden attraction like two intelligent adults.”

      “One intelligent adult. All my brain cells are swimming in testosterone right now so I don’t qualify.” But one thought did make it through his fevered brain. “I’m buying a truck tomorrow.”

      She stared at him. “What?”

      “I’ll have my own truck by tomorrow afternoon.” He retrieved his hat and put it on.

      “What’s having your own truck got to do with anything?”

      “It’s a guy thing. I don’t want to borrow the ranch truck every time we go out. Which reminds me. Are you free tomorrow night?” He sat back and winced at the sharp pinch of unforgiving denim on his privates.

      “No, I’m not. I’ll be camping at the Pryor Mountain Wild Horse Refuge so I can get more video of the mustangs.”

      “Oh.” He hesitated. Asking her to change her plans seemed pushy, even for a guy who liked to seize the moment. “I’ve heard about that place. Never been out there, though. Sounds interesting.” Maybe she’d agree to put it off. Tomorrow night was his window of opportunity because the following night was Cade’s bachelor party. Then they were into the weekend wedding activities with the rehearsal Friday and the wedding Saturday.

      “It’s fascinating out there. I have a friend who works at the center and she keeps me posted on the herd’s activities. Right now the horses are hanging out in an ideal location for the kind of footage I’m looking for.”

      “You probably need to grab that opportunity while you can.” His chances of spending an evening with her anytime soon were growing dimmer by the minute.

      “Right. I would have gone this afternoon except Lexi and Cade asked me to film the video for their folks and it had to be edited right away. I like to get out there in the late afternoon and set up camp, so I couldn’t see that working out today.”

      “So how about this. What if I went with you?” It was a bold suggestion, but tough times called for tough measures.

      She blinked. “Um, I’ll be camping overnight.”

      “So you’d rather not?” He didn’t want to push her. “Look, I realize that might not work for you. Like we’ve said, we just met.” He hesitated. “I could bring my own tent.”

      “Do you have one?”

      “No, but I’d have time to go into town and pick one up.”

      “That seems silly. Mine sleeps two.”

      Now there was an encouraging remark. He didn’t think they’d spend the whole time sleeping but decided not to say so. “I’d be honored to be your Sherpa. I’m good at carrying things, setting up tents and building fires. I’d bring the food and do all the cooking. And I’ll drive us there in my new truck.” He was already picturing that it would