Janie Crouch

Daddy Defender

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Chloe began jabbering to him in her baby language, laughing as he bounced her as he went down the stairs. He didn’t know why the little girl liked him so much, but he would take it while he could.

      Someday she would find out Ashton was the reason her dad had died. Then neither she nor her mom would want anything to do with him.

      * * *

      SUMMER LOVED HEARING her daughter squeal with delight as Ashton took her down the stairs. She felt safe leaving Chloe with Ashton. Not only had he proven over and over again that he was patient and gentle with her, Joe Matarazzo—one of Summer’s closest friends—had vouched personally for Ashton.

      Joe had first sent Ashton over when she’d had a garbage disposal problem a few months ago. She’d somehow found multiple reasons for him to come back since. He must think she was completely useless around the house. But he never seemed to mind coming over to help with whatever she needed.

      So Summer kept calling. And Ashton kept showing up.

      With his tall, gorgeous body and thick brown hair. Muscular arms that stretched the sleeves of his T-shirts.

      She had to admit, she didn’t mind the view whenever he was here.

      She hadn’t gone so far as to actually break anything herself to get him to come over, but she’d never tried to fix even the smallest problem when it occurred. Since the unit was really bigger than she and Chloe needed—three bedrooms, two different levels, plus a basement—there did seem to be a lot of different things she could call him for.

      Summer began putting back the cleaning supplies she’d moved out of the way before Ashton had arrived. Ashton barely ever talked while he was there. At least, not to Summer. She could hear him keeping up a steady stream of conversation with Chloe, but the most Summer got were short, direct sentences. He was shy and a little bit awkward. Unbelievable in a man with his looks.

      Not that Summer would know what to do if the man could get a full sentence out and began to really talk to her. Then she’d be the one stuttering.

      So she kept her one-sided attraction to herself. She was sure she wasn’t really his type. She didn’t know what that type may be, but it was probably someone more into things he was into...

      Like being quiet.

      She knocked her head softly against the sink cabinet door. She didn’t really know anything about Ashton. She knew some basics—that he’d been raised on his parents’ farm, that he still went out to Wyoming to see them as often as he could. She knew he was kind and gentle with her daughter and always polite to her. But she had no idea what he was into, what he liked. Only knew he tended to be reserved. A man of few words.

      And that he had a face, hair and biceps to die for.

      She would’ve totally given up on any possibility of anything ever happening between them if she didn’t catch him looking at her with heat in his eyes every once in a while. Like he felt the same attraction she did but couldn’t seem to move on it. He never moved on it.

      Maybe because he was too shy.

      Or maybe she’d just imagined those looks.

      She put a stack of sponges where they belonged before closing the cabinet and resting her head against the wood. It had been too long since Tyler died. Too long since she’d had a man’s attention focused on her. And as much as she’d like that focus to be from Ashton, she didn’t see that happening any time soon.

      “Okay, got your water turned back on and everything should be great.”

      As she stood back up, Summer couldn’t help but notice his shirt had gotten a little damp, probably while he’d been under the sink, and clung to his midsection, showing off the perfectly defined abs underneath.

      Weren’t plumbers and maintenance guys supposed to have beer bellies and ill-fitting pants? She may not know what Ashton did on his time off, but it definitely wasn’t sitting around watching TV and drinking beer, that was for sure.

      And then she noticed how he kept Chloe up high in his arms so her little legs wouldn’t get damp from his shirt.

      And darn it if that wasn’t almost as sexy.

      “Ashton, thank you again for coming by. Especially since you weren’t planning to work in our complex this morning.”

      He looked a little sheepish, she had no idea why. Chloe reached for her. “Ma-ma.”

      Summer took her daughter, nuzzling her soft hair. “Hey, sweetheart. You have fun with Ashton?”

      Chloe began jabbering an entire story only she could understand.

      “Are you sure you don’t want me to pay you extra for your time? Coming out here—out of your way? I feel bad.”

      Ashton’s eyes widened. “No. No. That’s really not necessary. You definitely cannot pay me. Summer, I should—”

      He stopped, rubbing a hand over his forehead.

      “You should what?” she finally asked when it became apparent he wasn’t going to say anything more.

      As usual.

      He gave a tiny sigh, then a smile. “Nothing. Really, it was no problem helping you. Just call me if there’s anything else you need.”

      What if she needed to ask him to dinner? What would he say to that? No doubt he would stutter and get embarrassed.

      But would he stutter yes or stutter no?

      Summer had been out of the dating game for a long time. She and Tyler had been married three years when he’d died nearly two years ago. So it had been over five years since she’d asked anyone—or been asked by anyone—for a date. She wasn’t sure she even knew how to start now.

      All she knew was that it was nice to be around a man who didn’t know that her husband had died suddenly and tragically. Didn’t look at her with barely veiled pity in his eyes.

      She turned toward the kitchen counter and grabbed a plate. “Well, I made you some muffins. Blueberry.”

      She thrust the plate holding the half dozen oversize muffins toward him.

      “You didn’t have to do that.”

      Now she felt like an idiot. “Oh. Yeah, well, I just felt like baking.” At four o’clock this morning when she’d realized he might be coming over in a few hours to fix the leak. “And thought you might like some. I can’t eat them all.”

      She wished she’d never brought it up.

      “Oh, well, they look delicious. Thank you very much.”

      He took the plate. She ignored the tiny bit of guilt she felt over the knowledge that he’d probably return the plate in the next couple of days and she’d get to see him again.

      That was not why she’d baked him muffins.

      He was a single guy. He probably didn’t get a lot of home-cooked items. That’s why she’d baked him muffins.

      He glanced at his watch and winced. “Okay, I’ve got to get going. Just call me if there are any other problems, okay? And thank you.” He held up the plate.

      He reached over quickly and tickled Chloe’s cheek, causing her to laugh. “Bye, you little heartbreaker. Be good for your mama.”

      He was out the door before she could say anything else.

      What would she say anyway?

      Bring me back my muffin plate tomorrow and when you do, ask me to dinner!

      She wished she had the guts.

      Summer put Chloe in her high chair and set some Cheerios in a small plastic bowl on the tray. Within seconds, they were spread out all over the tray and she was trying to feed herself with both fists at once.

      Chloe wasn’t much of a conversationalist either.
