Amanda Renee

A Snowbound Cowboy Christmas

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head. “I won’t take up any of your time. I just wanted to say thank you for your apology and I accept.”

      Dylan tried not to laugh at the bells jingling on her antlers as she spoke. “I’m taking some of the guests on a snowcat tour of the ranch in a little while. I have room for one more if you care to join us?”

      “Is that the giant red boxy-looking vehicle with the tracks I saw near the stables earlier?”

      “Yep. We give tours a couple times a day. We’re just coming off a new moon, and if it was a clear night, you’d be able to see a million stars. And every once in a while, we’re able to see the northern lights. Because of the snow and the low visibility, we’re just driving around the ranch tonight.”

      “I’d love to go, but I don’t think I can get my butt up into that thing.”

      “There are steps in the back. It’s easy and perfectly safe. We don’t go fast at all.”

      “Sure, sounds like fun. It will be another first for me.”

      “Like s’mores?” Dylan envisioned Emma having a running checklist of things she had to accomplish in life.

      “Hey now, not everyone grew up around campfires.” Jingle, jingle.

      “Fair enough. We’ll leave here at ten. The tour is about an hour.”

      “Great, I look forward to it.” She gave him a slight wink as she smiled. That was the Emma smile he remembered the first day they met. It had transfixed him even then. He needed to get it out of his head and fast before he found himself agreeing to her ideas as Jax had.

      Once Dylan began loading everyone into the snowcat, he realized they had booked more people than he had thought. By the time Emma made it outside, the only place left for her to sit was up front next to him. He had wanted to be hospitable, not have her inches away from him in the cab of his favorite diesel toy.

      “I thought you said there were steps.” Emma said as he helped her climb onto the track and into the cab, already regretting her close proximity.

      “That’s when I thought fewer people were coming along tonight.” Dylan made a mental note to double-check future reservations before offering to take her along anyplace else. He closed her door and hopped into the driver’s side.

      “Where’s the steering wheel?” Emma asked once she settled in her seat.

      “There isn’t one.” Dylan laughed. He had asked Jax the same question when he first learned how to drive the vehicle. His uncle had picked it up used at auction for a ridiculously low price. They couldn’t have afforded it any other way. The tours were a nice package addition to offer their guests. Newer ranches might be sprouting up around them, but they didn’t have snowcat tours. And they didn’t have the acreage that Silver Bells had.

      Dylan started the engine and gripped both control sticks. “Almost every part of a snowcat is controlled by hydraulics. When I turn left, the right track speeds up and pushes the vehicle to the left. Same thing if we’re turning right.”

      “I don’t see a brake pedal.” Emma leaned toward him to get a better look, giving him an inadvertent chance to smell her hair. There it was again. Almonds.

      “It doesn’t have that, either. Snowcats are super heavy. By letting off the gas or pulling back on the control sticks, it slows to a stop. It does have a parking brake, though, if that makes you feel any better.”

      “I’m surprised how warm it is in here. I expected to freeze.”

      “These vehicles are designed for subzero temperatures. Even the windshield is heated to prevent icing. Providing there’s diesel to power it, you’ll stay nice and warm in this thing.”

      Emma continued to ask questions until they reached the far side of the ranch, overlooking the town of Saddle Ridge.

      “This is normally where I let everyone out to walk around and take some night photography shots. Since the snow is so light, I’m going to check in the back to see if anyone wants to get out.”

      “I could stand to get out and walk around a little. I think I’m wearing every item of clothing I brought with me. I’m about ready to roast.”

      “Just let me make sure the snow is hard-packed enough. I don’t want to chance you falling.”

      Dylan unloaded his passengers out of the back door of the snowcat before returning to Emma. He needed a few minutes of distance to catch his breath. He had never had a woman in his cab before, let alone one who smelled as intoxicating as she did. He didn’t know what she bathed in, but it wasn’t the lodge’s complimentary body wash.

      After his nerves had cooled, he tested the ground near Emma’s door and cleared the snow off the tracks so she could exit safely. When he climbed up to open her door, he saw she was sound asleep through the window. He didn’t have the heart to wake her. In hindsight, he probably should’ve waited until tomorrow to ask her to come out with them. He had assumed she traveled all night judging by the time she had arrived. Sandy told him she had fallen asleep before dinner. The woman was exhausted and sleeping for two. A fact he needed to keep reminding himself of.

      * * *

      EMMA WOKE TO the sound of Dylan climbing in next to her. The question was, what was he climbing into? Considering she was sitting upright, they weren’t in bed together. Although she could have sworn she had been dreaming just that a few minutes ago. She rubbed her eyes and forced herself to open them. Darkness surrounded them.

      She reached out in front of her and met the hard steel of the snowcat. “You’ve got to be kidding me.” She attempted to straighten her spine. “Did I fall asleep on your tour?”

      “Technically, no. We were already stopped when you fell asleep.”

      Emma checked her watch and then realized she’d forgotten to put it on today. “How long was I out?”

      “Maybe a half hour. I told everyone you decided to stay inside because it was so cold. This probably wasn’t a good idea after the day you’ve had.” Dylan shifted to face her. “You need your sleep. At least you can stay in bed tomorrow.” He started the snowcat.

      “Not quite. I have a conference call with my boss in the afternoon that I need to prepare for. I don’t suppose you could help a girl out and listen to my proposal before then?” Emma hadn’t given up hope yet.

      Warmth quickly faded from Dylan’s face. “I don’t think so.”

      “You know I had to ask.”

      “I wish you wouldn’t. You could have yourself a nice little vacation while we’re snowed in if you would just accept that I’m not selling you the ranch.”

      “And I wish it were that simple. Since we’re talking about being snowed in, what happens if a guest has a medical emergency?”

      Dylan pushed both control sticks forward as the snowcat began to move. “We’ve had it happen before. We take the snowcat to the nearest paved road and the ambulance or sheriff’s department meets us there. If need be, we can drive this straight to the hospital, but we can’t drive it down Main Street at will.”

      At least there was a way to get to the hospital. Emma shifted uncomfortably in her seat. She wished her daughter would settle down for the night. Then again, she probably sensed the movement despite the snowcat’s relatively smooth ride on the freshly fallen snow.

      By the time they reached the lodge, the snow had begun falling heavily again. She’d be glad to get back to her room and into bed. She’d start fresh in the morning. And brace herself for the onslaught of her boss.

      Dylan hesitated after he helped her out of the snowcat. For a brief moment, she thought he might agree to hear her proposal in the morning.

      “Get a good night’s sleep. Do you need me to get someone to help you to your room?”

      “Um, no. Thank you.” So