Kitty Neale

A Family’s Heartbreak

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daughter who doesn’t look that much younger than me and you didn’t think to say something? As for not lying to me, how old are you really?’

      ‘For goodness sake, a lot of women tell fibs about their age, and anyway, what does it matter?’

      ‘It matters to me. I don’t want to be lumbered with some washed-up old tart! What are you, thirty-five … forty?’

      Lizzie bristled, her temper rising, ‘I’m forty-two, as it happens,’ she snapped, ‘and I’ve got five kids who live with their father. You’ve just met my eldest, Jenny. She’s twenty-two, and yes, that’s right, just a few years younger than you.’

      Roy fell silent, but Lizzie could see he was shocked by her revelations. She didn’t want to lose him and kicked herself for losing her rag. ‘Look, it’s not the end of the world. All right, I’ve got kids, but it doesn’t mean anything has to change between us. Come on, let’s go home and have that early night,’ she suggested, licking her lips suggestively.

      ‘You deceitful bitch!’ he growled, his eyes cold and hard. ‘What makes you think I want to be with a grandmother, eh?’

      ‘Leave it out. I ain’t a grandmother!’

      ‘Maybe not, but you soon could be. Blimey, it won’t be long before you’re tucking your tits into your knickers and walking with a stick! Nah, Liz, this ain’t on. You duped me into sleeping with you, but now you can get your stuff out of my flat and sling your fucking hook.’

      Roy stomped on ahead, leaving Lizzie reeling. She hadn’t expected him to take it so badly and quickened her pace to catch up with him. ‘Roy … wait … Roy,’ she called, but he carried on marching ahead of her.

      Finally, as he opened his front door, she caught up with him. ‘Please, Roy, let’s not be hasty. Come on, let’s go to bed,’ she purred, confident that she’d be able to seduce him, and he’d forget about her age. ‘We can talk about this again later.’

      ‘Ugh, no thanks. The thought of sleeping with you turns my stomach now. Bloody hell, Liz, it’d be like sleeping with my mother! You’re a looker, but I need a girl of my own age. Sorry, but we’re finished.’

      Lizzie’s heart sank as she realised she wouldn’t be able to persuade him to change his mind. Worse still, she’d be homeless again. ‘Please, Roy. I understand but give me a chance to get myself sorted. I can’t go tonight. I haven’t got anywhere to go.’

      Roy looked her up and down with disgust, then spat, ‘Tough. That ain’t my problem. Go back to your old man and look after your children – like a proper mother!’

      He opened his door, walked in and then slammed it shut behind him, leaving Lizzie dumbfounded on the doorstep. She slowly lowered herself and sat on the cold concrete step as Roy’s words spun in her head. She couldn’t go back to Henry. Roy didn’t understand what her husband was like. Of course, she would have liked to take her children with her when she left, but where could she have gone with five kids in tow? Lesley hadn’t wanted them. Anyway, she reasoned, they were better off in their own home, and whatever Henry was or wasn’t, he was at least a good provider. But that didn’t mean she’d put up with his punches again. No, she would never go back to him, never. Though she might try and cadge a few quid out of him now.

      Gloria had tucked the boys into bed, and when her dad had come home from the pub she’d warmed his dinner through. He hadn’t eaten it, but she was thankful that he was in a mellow mood. He’d stumbled up the stairs to his room, and now Pamela had taken herself off to bed too.

      Gloria sat alone in the front room, listening to the radio whilst waiting for Jenny to come home. She couldn’t wait to hear all the details of how her older sister’s date had gone. Before long, she heard the front door quietly close and Jenny breezed into the room. From the look on her face, Gloria could tell it had gone well. ‘Someone looks happy! Tell me all about it, I’ve been dying to know.’

      ‘Oh, Gloria, it was amazing! We held hands watching the film. I was a bit worried because I thought my palm might have been all sweaty, but he didn’t let it go. Then after the film he took me to the coffee bar and we talked and talked and talked some more. He insisted on walking me home, then out there, in the street, he kissed me! Just a little peck but it was on the lips. Honestly, it feels like I’ve known him forever! And you’ll never guess who we bumped into?’

      ‘No, go on, tell me.’

      ‘Mum. She was there with a bloke who looked young enough to be her son. You know her though, she hardly said two words to me and didn’t hang about.’

      ‘Nothing that woman does surprises me any more. Enough about her, you’ll be seeing Craig again then?’

      ‘Yes, and I can’t wait. I said I’d call in to see Gran on Tuesday after work, so he said he’ll take me out for something to eat. Do you mind cooking dinner for you all that night and keeping an eye on the boys?’

      ‘I suppose so, but don’t make it too often, they ain’t my responsibility.’

      ‘How have the boys and Pamela been?’

      ‘Don’t worry about them, they’re fine. Timmy had a bit of a bellyache, but I reckon he was swinging the lead ’cos he wanted to wait up for you to come home. Dad’s upstairs, probably passed out by now. Anyway, what did it feel like to be kissed?’

      Jenny threw herself back on the sofa and sighed deeply before answering, ‘Dreamy.’

      ‘Blimey, ’ark at you, you’re swooning,’ Gloria chuckled. She would never admit it, but there was a part of her that was jealous. Yes, she was happy for Jenny, but she wished it was she who had a boyfriend. Someone, anyone, who could take her away from the hell of living with their father. She had someone in mind, but so far she hadn’t attracted his attention.

       Chapter 4

      Craig awoke to his silent world, but he felt as if a rapturous riot was occurring in his head. He’d fallen asleep with a smile on his face and now, as his eyes opened, his first thought was of Jenny and he smiled again.

      Their date couldn’t have gone any better; it had been the best night of his life. Once Jenny had overcome her shyness, they’d chatted like old friends, and the more he got to know her, the more he found he liked her. They’d arranged to see each other again on Tuesday, but today was Sunday and their next date felt a lifetime away. He wished now that he’d invited her to lunch today, but he hadn’t wanted his keenness to frighten her off.

      Craig almost skipped out of bed, then put the kettle on. As he stood waiting for the water to come to the boil, his mind filled with images and thoughts of Jenny. He found it sweet when she’d tap her fingers on her cheek when thinking, and tuck imaginary strands of hair behind her ear when being serious. He liked how her nose would wrinkle, like a mouse’s, when she sniffed, and he adored the dimples that showed when she smiled.

      ‘Get a grip of yourself, man,’ Craig said out loud as he poured hot water onto tea leaves. ‘You’re acting like a schoolboy with a crush!’ He tried to contain himself, but found he was overwhelmed with feelings for Jenny. He’d never felt like this before about anyone, and hoped she felt the same.

      A short while later, Craig decided to head for his workshop. There wasn’t much else to do alone on a Sunday, other than take a walk or go to church. As he trotted downstairs, Edith’s door opened and the woman stepped out with her arms folded across her chest and a mischievous grin on her face.

      ‘Well then, how was your date?’ she asked.

      ‘Morning, Edith. Have you been standing behind your door waiting to accost me?’

      ‘You cheeky bugger, but yes, as it happens, I have.’

      ‘I’m surprised you weren’t waiting up for me to come home last night.’
