Cindi Myers

Snowbound Suspicion

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the ice cream. When everyone was served, Bette sat back and took a bite.

      “What do you think?” Cody asked.

      “It’s very good.” She took a small spoonful of ice cream. “A little sweeter than I like, and a dash more of cloves would have been a good addition—but very good.”

      Lacy, who had left the room, returned, phone in hand. “I just had a text from Adelaide Kinkaid.” She glanced at Bette. “She’s Travis’s office manager.”

      “Is something wrong with Gage or Travis?” White-faced, Mrs. Walker half rose from her chair.

      “They’re both fine,” Emily said. She studied her phone screen. “Adelaide says they’ve made an arrest in the Ice Cold Killer case.”

      “The Ice Cold Killer?” Bette asked.

      “That’s what they’re calling the serial killer,” Emily said. “Apparently, he leaves behind little cards—like business cards—that say ‘ice cold.’”

      “Who did they arrest?” Mrs. Walker asked, settling into her chair once more.

      “I texted back that question,” Lacy said.

      The phone pinged and Lacy swiped the screen. Her eyes widened. “She says they arrested Ken Rutledge.”

      “Who is Ken Rutledge?” Cody asked.

      “He’s a schoolteacher,” Lacy said. “He lives in the other half of the duplex where Kelly Farrow—the first murder victim—lived.”

      “So he’s the serial killer?” Emily asked.

      Lacy shook her head. “Adelaide doesn’t say. She just says Travis arrested Ken and Gage and Dwight are driving him to the lockup in Junction tonight.”

      “Well, she can’t say, can she?” Emily asked. “But if Travis arrested him—and he’s really connected with the case—then he must be the murderer.”

      “This whole situation has been horrible,” Mrs. Walker said. “But I hope it’s over now.”

      “I do, too,” Emily said. “In any case, I know I’ll sleep better tonight, knowing a killer is behind bars.”

      “Speaking of sleeping...” Bette pushed back her chair. “I’m going to say good-night now. I still have to unpack, and I’ve had a very long day.”

      “The drive from Denver is enough to wear anyone out,” Mrs. Walker said.

      “I’ll walk you to your cabin.” Cody stood also.

      “I don’t need an escort,” Bette said.

      She could see in his eyes that he wanted to protest, but she didn’t give him a chance. She hurried to hug Lacy, said good-night to the others and quickly made her way to the front door. To her relief, Cody didn’t follow.

      As she took the shoveled path toward the cabins, she told herself she really didn’t have to run away from Cody Rankin. He was just another man, and she was a strong enough woman to resist his attractions.

      Maybe she should go ahead and tell him she had a record. As a cop who devoted his life to putting away people like her, that information was sure to make him keep his distance.

      * * *

      CODY WAITED UP with the Walkers until Travis came home. The Rayford County sheriff looked as sharp-pressed and alert as always, though Cody recognized the fatigue in his eyes.

      “Well?” he asked, once Travis had shed his coat and kissed Lacy.

      “Well what?” Travis asked, his arm around Lacy.

      “Is Ken Rutledge the Ice Cold Killer?” Lacy asked.

      “Probably not—though we’re still tracing his movements around the time of all the murders.”

      “If he’s not the killer, why did you arrest him?” Mrs. Walker asked.

      “He attacked Darcy Marsh.”

      “Darcy is a local veterinarian,” Emily told Cody. “She and Kelly Farrow were business partners.”

      “But you don’t think he’s the serial killer?” Mrs. Walker asked.

      “We’re not ruling that out completely.” Travis moved past them, toward the fire. “I really can’t talk about the case—except I’m wondering how you all already know about the arrest.”

      “Adelaide texted me,” Emily said.

      “Of course she did.” Travis settled onto the sofa.

      “She wanted me to know you were all right,” Emily said. “And it’s not as if something like that is going to stay a secret very long. I imagine most of the town knows about it by now.”

      “I imagine they do,” Travis said, without anger.

      “Did you have anything to eat?” Mrs. Walker asked.

      Travis shook his head. “I’ll get something in a minute. Right now, I just want to rest and warm up.”

      “What’s the weather like?” Mr. Walker took a seat across from his son.

      “It’s snowing again. I told Gage and Dwight to hurry to get the evidence we collected to Junction. If one of the avalanche chutes on Dixon Pass lets loose, they’ll have to close the road again.”

      “You’ll be in big trouble if two of your officers get trapped on the other side of the pass,” Cody said. “You might even have to deputize me.”

      “Only as a last resort,” Travis said. He didn’t smile, but Cody caught the glint of humor in his eye.

      “Bette arrived this afternoon,” Lacy said. “She’s in the first guest cabin. Poor woman was exhausted from the drive.” She squeezed Travis’s arm. “I can’t wait for you to meet her.”

      “I’m looking forward to it,” Travis said, though he didn’t sound very enthusiastic. In fact, to Cody’s ears, his friend sounded like a man who was telling his fiancée what she wanted to hear, not what he necessarily felt.

      Rainey appeared, carrying a tray, which she set on the coffee table in front of Travis. “I’ve been keeping this warm for you,” she said. “Eat it now before it gets cold.” Before he could reply, she had turned and fled.

      “I see Rainey is in one of her moods tonight,” he said. He leaned forward and picked up a fork.

      “Her nose is out of joint because Bette is here,” Lacy said. “But honestly, Bette is the nicest person in the world. If anyone can win over Rainey, she can.”

      “She doesn’t have to win her over,” Travis said. “She just has to ignore her and cater the wedding.”

      “Oh, Bette will do a good job,” Lacy said. “A wonderful job. And she really appreciates us giving her this chance. It means a lot to her.”

      “Happy to help.” Travis focused his attention on his plate. “I’m starving.”

      Mr. and Mrs. Walker said good-night, as did Emily, leaving Lacy and Cody alone with Travis. He was wondering if he should leave the couple to themselves when Travis said, “It would make it easy on everyone if Ken Rutledge turns out to be our killer. But I really don’t think he is.”

      “What happened tonight?” Cody asked. “That is, if you think you can talk about it.”

      “I can talk about it to you.” He turned to look at Lacy.

      “You know I won’t say anything to anyone,” she said. “And this is your life. I have to be a part of it.”

      Travis nodded and looked thoughtful as he chewed, then swallowed. “Someone has been harassing Darcy since Kelly was killed,” he said. “Someone ran her off the road, and someone attacked her and