Dana Corbit

A Family for Christmas

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he said, a pleading note in his voice. “Besides, I want to do it. I love my family.”

      “More than you love me, apparently.”

      “But you’ll be a part of my family when we’re married,” he argued, trying to control the pain her words had brought.

      “No, thank you, Evan. I’m not keen on being Old MacDonald’s wife. Our engagement is off before it ever really started. Maybe it’s good I learned your intentions before you bought a ring.”

      She hung up the phone and fell facedown on the bed, feeling as if the bottom had dropped out of her life. Within one week, she had skyrocketed from boredom to the heights of ecstasy and love, only to be plunged suddenly into the depths of despair. Though she lay on the bed for an hour, with her hand on the phone, hoping Evan would call back, Wendy didn’t cry. Her sorrow was too deep for tears.

      Evan pocketed his cell phone and walked slowly into the hospital. The thought of marrying Wendy had dominated his mind for weeks. He hadn’t considered when they could get married, or even where they would live if they got married. He had planned to combine teaching agricultural subjects at a nearby college or a high school with work on the family farm. When his father retired, Evan would leave teaching and take over the full-time management of the farm.

      Of course, Wendy hadn’t known that. He had put the cart before the horse. He should have told Wendy about his future plans before he asked her to marry him. His proposal had been too hasty, but if he had waited another year or two, his purpose wouldn’t have changed. He loved Wendy, and he wanted to marry her.

      Evan was hurt by Wendy’s attitude, but he understood why she would be disturbed. Still, he had no choice. The farm had been in the Kessler family for a long time, and it was a tradition that the oldest son always inherited the farmland. Not only was Evan the oldest child in the family, he was the only son.

      On the second floor of the hospital, Hilda Kessler sat patiently beside her husband’s bed, holding his hand, where she’d been since Evan had arrived home three days ago. Evan stood at the foot of the bed and watched his father’s erratic breathing. Karl knew the family when he was awake, but he slept most of the time.

      “Mom, please go home and get some rest. Uncle Gavin is coming to spend the night with Daddy.”

      “I can’t leave him.”

      “He’ll be taken to rehab department soon, on the fifth floor, for a few weeks. You can’t spend all of that time at the hospital.”

      “I know,” she agreed, her blue eyes dulled with pain over her husband’s illness. “I’m neglecting the girls, but I don’t want to leave him.”

      An hour later, when Gavin Kessler came to sit with his brother, Evan finally persuaded Hilda to leave. Despite her obvious concern for her husband, when Hilda settled into the car beside Evan, and he headed toward home, she said, “What’s troubling you, son?”

      He hesitated, not knowing how much to tell his mother. She knew he’d been dating Wendy, but he hadn’t mentioned their relationship to his mother since he’d returned home. He’d figured she had enough on her mind without becoming embroiled in his problems. But on the other hand, perhaps she needed a distraction from her husband’s health troubles.

      “A few days ago, I asked Wendy to marry me.”

      He sensed the oblique glance his mother sent in his direction. “And?”

      “She accepted. We were looking at engagement rings when you phoned about Dad.”

      “If you’re engaged, you should be happy about it. Why aren’t you?”

      Looking at his watch with an ironic laugh, he said, “As of one hour ago, I’m no longer engaged.”

      Hilda Kessler wasn’t one to waste words. She didn’t answer, but Evan felt her gaze upon him, waiting for him to continue.

      “I called Wendy to tell her I would be staying on the farm until Daddy recovers. She wasn’t thrilled about becoming a farmer’s wife. She said to forget our engagement.”

      “Evan, if you want to marry Wendy, don’t let Heritage Farm be a burden to you. If I hadn’t been a farm girl who’d known the Kesslers all my life, I would have been intimidated by the fact that Karl was wedded to family tradition before he married me. We have good hired help, and we can manage without you until Karl is better. True love is rare. If you’re sure Wendy is the one for you, don’t let anything stop you.”

      Evan explained his doubts about Wendy’s spirituality, adding, “And from what Wendy says, she hasn’t ever had a comfortable family home like we have. If she could only visit us and understand why family tradition and our faith are so important to us, she’d surely understand. I’d invited her to come for Christmas, but with Daddy sick, I don’t think it’s a good idea.”

      “I want to meet Wendy, so let’s see how your father improves. If he’s getting along all right, I’ll invite Wendy to visit us. And we must pray for Wendy’s spiritual awakening.”

      “I’ve been praying for her. I’ve asked her to go to church with me, but she’s always made excuses. That’s the reason I hadn’t proposed to her.” With a sheepish expression on his face, he admitted, “But I got carried away a few days ago and asked her to marry me, without considering the consequences.”

      He remembered vividly how Wendy had looked when she’d walked toward him earlier in the week; he felt as if he were waiting at the altar for her. He realized that much of his love for her stemmed from a physical attraction, but he wanted it to be so much more. He yearned for a marriage like his parents had, united not only physically, but spiritually and emotionally, too.

      “Wendy and her mother live alone, and she may not want to leave her mother on a holiday.”

      “We’ll find a way. All things are possible to those who believe. Now that my concern for Karl has lessened, I’ll spend more time in prayer for you and Wendy. If it is God’s will that you should marry Wendy, He’ll provide a way.”

      Heartened by his mother’s support, Evan picked up speed. They left the town of Gallipolis behind them, and headed south on a highway along the Ohio River toward their home.

      “I don’t know what to do next,” he said. “Should I call her, or let the situation rest for a few days?”

      “Use your own judgment.”

      “I want to call right away, but being impulsive has already caused trouble. Maybe I should wait a few days to give her time to decide if our love is strong enough to overcome all barriers.”

      Although she’d angrily ended the conversation with Evan, Wendy was convinced that he’d get in touch with her. Should she apologize or should he? As the days passed and Evan didn’t call, Wendy became more and more distressed. Why had she been so angry with Evan? Was it because she’d been overwhelmed with the possibility of losing him? Yet had she lost him through her own misguided words?

      She didn’t leave the apartment during the Thanksgiving weekend, fearing that Evan would call and she wouldn’t be there to talk to him. Wendy didn’t tell Emmalee that she’d broken the engagement. But her mother must have sensed there was trouble because she was more lighthearted than she’d been since Wendy had told her about the engagement.

      After her return to the university, Wendy practically lived with the cell phone in her hand, fearing she would miss Evan’s call. Throughout the week, she couldn’t keep her mind on studying, and she doubted she would pass any of her final exams. In desperation, she decided that if she and Evan were going to make up, she’d have to make the first move. And rightly so, she figured, since her bad temper had caused the problem in the first place. She would ask about his father’s health, and if he seemed to be angry, she wouldn’t prolong the conversation.

      After another night of sleeplessness, as soon as she got out of bed, Wendy dialed Evan’s cell phone number. No answer. Before she completely lost her nerve, Wendy punched