Mary Lynn Baxter

Totally Tempting

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you don’t have a secretary lined up to replace me, for one thing.”

      He groaned. “Don’t remind me. But that shouldn’t take too long.”

      “Well, um…”

      “Why do you make such a point that I’m difficult to work for?”

      “Because you are difficult to work for. Or have you forgotten how many secretaries walked out on you before I was hired?”

      He pulled his earlobe and looked uncomfortable. “I’ve mellowed since then.”

      “I’ll take your word for it.”

      “Haven’t I?”

      “You’ve mellowed because I learned how you like to work.”

      “That doesn’t sound too hard.”

      “That’s true. It doesn’t.” She looked around. “Shall we go?”

      “Wait a minute. I’m missing something here, Jodie. Tell me.”

      “You want your office to run smoothly. I know your likes and dislikes enough to anticipate how and what you want, that’s all.”

      “In other words, you can read my mind.”

      “Not at all.”

      “That’s good to know considering some of my thoughts while on this trip.”

      A burst of heat engulfed her and she knew she’d turned a fiery red. Jodie picked up her water glass and drank. When she had emptied the glass, she studied it without looking up.

      “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to embarrass you.”

      Why should he apologize when she certainly wouldn’t want him to learn of any of her thoughts these past few days?

      “It’s all right.”

      He brushed his fingers across the back of her hand. “No, it isn’t. I’ve made you uncomfortable around me and that’s the last thing I want. You’re right. It’s time to go.”

      They drove back to the condo listening to music. Once inside the condo, Jodie said, “If you’ll excuse me, I think I’ll go to bed.”

      “Of course. Sleep well.”

      Dean watched her walk out of the room, still irritated with himself. What was the matter with him, coming on to her like this? He’d been off balance where she was concerned since he’d first seen her at the airport.

      He wandered over to the window and looked out. The view continued to be spectacular, even at night. While he stood there, he thought about their trip to Oahu the next day.

      In an airplane.

      In a small airplane.

      Of course, Jodie knew they would have to fly. From what he remembered, the flight was a short one. They barely got into the air before it was time to land. The small plane could make the experience a little bumpy since the pilot flew at a reasonably low altitude.

      Perhaps the flight here from Chicago had helped to allay her fears about flying. He could only hope.

      One look at her face the next morning and he knew his hope had been futile. Not that she said anything. However, despite the slight tan she’d gotten thus far on the trip, she was a pasty white. Not a good sign.

      Without a word, he poured her a cup of coffee. He’d been up since dawn and had already had several cups.

      “Thank you,” she murmured, immediately picking up the cup and sipping.

      He waited until she set the cup down and then casually asked, “How are you this morning?”

      “Okay,” she said quietly.

      “I believe our flight leaves in a couple of hours.”

      She didn’t comment.


      Startled, she looked at him. “Yes?”

      “Are you nervous about the flight?”

      “How did you know?”

      “I remembered you were a little nervous—” there was an understatement if he’d ever made one “—on our flights here.”

      She nodded. “I don’t mind it once we get in the air and level out. It’s the taking off and landing that bothers me.”

      “Unfortunately that’s what we’ll be doing this morning.”

      “Oh. Well, of course.”

      “Why don’t we go downstairs and get some breakfast. Are you up for that?”


      She didn’t sound at all certain.

      While they ate, he chatted about the office and some projects he was working on, trying to keep her mind off her upcoming ordeal. She responded in monosyllables.

      Finally he said, “I thought we might go to the Big Island tomorrow. It will mean another short flight, but I’ve been told the volcano is something to behold.”

      She went from pasty white to an interesting color of green.

      “Of course, if you don’t want to go…”

      “That’s fine. Really. Whatever you want to do is fine with me.”

      Sure it was.

      Dean checked his watch. “We should head for the airport soon. Do you need to go back to the condo?”

      She shook her head.

      Today she looked like the secretary he’d known for years. She had her hair pinned up—he hadn’t realized how much he liked to see it down until now—and wore a lightweight suit. She looked like a business professional despite her pallor. Unfortunately for his peace of mind, he had the vision of her in a swimsuit and wearing a sarong. He would never view his efficient secretary in the same way now that he’d gotten to know her better.

      She must have been hurt badly by the jerk she’d thought would be her husband. How else could he explain to himself the subdued person he’d known for the past five years?

      Seeing her literally letting her hair down and enjoying herself had been a revelation to him.

      Once in the car, he tried to make conversation by asking her about various subjects. She answered in monosyllables until he gave up and turned on the radio.

      By the time they were seated in the smallish plane, he knew that the situation required drastic action.

      He’d been on flights like this before. The plane took off at a steep angle. Since she’d admitted she’d never been on one this small, she probably would be startled.



      He took her hand. “Do you know what I’d like to do right now?”

      She turned and looked at him hopefully. “Get off the plane?”

      He laughed. “Um, no. What I’d like to do is kiss you senseless.”

      Well, that certainly took her mind off flying. She stared at him in astonishment. “Why?” she asked starkly.

      “Well, for one thing, you have the most kissable mouth of anyone I’ve ever known.” He looked down at their clasped hands. With his other hand, he stroked the back of her hand with his finger. “And you fit into my arms as though you were made just for me.”

      He felt her hand tremble and she turned a charming shade of red, which nicely replaced her ashen color.

      The plane started moving. He lifted her hand to his mouth and kissed her palm, his tongue lightly touching her. She stiffened when they took off. He wasn’t certain whether it was the kiss or the flight. So he leaned