Chris Cooper

Rascal: Lost in the Caves

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said firmly to the big dog. He didn’t shout, but his voice was strong.

      The dog paused, uncertain.

      ‘Take the bone and go home,’ Joel continued. He flicked the bone closer to the dog with one foot. ‘Go on, now.’

      The big dog took one last look at Rascal and Joel. Then it swept up the bone, turned and ran back the way it had come. The boy and his dog watched it go.

      Joel began to wipe the flat of his hand against his jeans. ‘Yuck! Dog spit!’ He turned to Rascal. ‘What were you up to anyway?’ he asked.

      Joel attempted to give Rascal a stern look, but the dog knew better than that. He jumped up and tried to give the boy’s face a good licking.

      ‘Get off, you crazy dog!’ said Joel, but he was laughing and that just made Rascal try even harder.

      Joel gave the dog a friendly shove, but Rascal was quickly up on his hind legs again. He was just too happy! He loved this place they were staying in.


      Trees everywhere! No trim front lawns with flower beds that you weren’t allowed to dig up! No having to wear a lead and no stopping at the kerb to look out for cars on the way to the park! Here he was free just to run and explore wherever he liked. It was great!

      But more than all of that, he loved being here with Joel. That was the really good thing – spending all day, every day, with his master and best friend in the whole world. Every morning Joel was there and ready to play with him. And Joel was always ready to stand up for him, just as he had done with the big dog and its precious bone.

      ‘Right!’ Joel grinned. ‘No more Mr Nice Guy!’

      Rascal recognised those words. They were the signal for his favourite game – chase! He charged away, barking at the top of his voice. He didn’t run too fast though, being careful not to get too far ahead of the boy who was pelting after him.


      They had reached the bottom of the hill now. Rascal veered left off the path and doubled back through a clump of bushes. He could hear Joel behind him, the boy was right there, and then –

      Rascal stopped.

      Right ahead of him, sunk into the side of the hill, was a cave.

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