Max Brallier

The Last Kids on Earth

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don’t go in for a lot of that boring junk. I like action! I like capturing that single moment in time that will never, ever be repeated.

      And now? Now my camera is full of once-in-a-lifetime death-defying moments and crazy-close calls!

      I mean, just this week . . .


      Anyway, even though June maybe kind of hates me, I also maybe probably definitely kind of like her – a lot.

      But is she still out there? Is she still alive? Is she still in town?

      Here’s what I know . . .

      The day the Monster Apocalypse began I know FOR A FACT June was inside our middle school. But I don’t think she’s still there, because I went by a few days ago and I stood outside hollering ‘June!’ and there was no answer.

      I’m also VERY SURE that June’s parents did not leave town, because I went to her house last week and their cars were still in the driveway. I broke in and looked around inside the house, too, and it didn’t seem like they’d packed up and taken off on a train or something.

      And I REFUSE to believe that June has been zombified.

      So that means she MUST be here, in town, somewhere.

      So I’m going to find her. And I’m going to rescue her.

      There you have it.

      That’s my life.

      And that’s my goal.


      I will not rest until I’m done.

      I’m a dorky warrior orphan. I’m a zombie-fighting, monster-slaying tornado of cool (not really, but this is my story, so deal). And I will – Rescue June Del Toro and complete the ULTIMATE Feat of Apocalyptic Success!

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