Laura Ellen Anderson

Amelia Fang and the Barbaric Ball

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      ‘So what’s the news?’ said Grimaldi.

      ‘THE KING’S COMING TO THE BALL . . .’ Florence blurted out.

      ‘Wow! Nobody’s seen him in years,’ said Grimaldi. ‘I was worried he’d died . . . Grimpapa keeps checking his diePhone in case he missed him. Happens sometimes.’

      Suddenly, the Catacomb Academy welcome bones rattled, announcing the beginning of school.

      ‘But that’s not all,’ said Amelia quickly. ‘Prince Tangine is coming too!’

      ‘Maybe you’ll actually have FUN this year!’ Grimaldi smiled.

      ‘I hope so,’ said Amelia. ‘Do you think Prince Tangine likes playing Goblin Tag?’

      ‘Amelia!’ shouted the head teacher, Miss Inspine. ‘Florence, Grimaldi! Hurry up! You’re going to be late for Abominable Assembly!’

      Amelia and her friends wound their way down to the Catacomb Academy crypt.

      ‘Whose lap do you want to sit on today, Squashy?’ Amelia asked.

      Squashy immediately pa-doinged into Amelia’s arms and started licking her face.

      ‘I think that’s settled!’ she said, laughing.

      In the crypt, the music teacher, Mr Blob, was playing the ‘Death March’ on the organ. Then he exploded, marking the beginning of assembly. An eyeball landed in the hood of Grimaldi’s cloak.

      ‘EVERY time!’ Grimaldi grimaced.

      ‘OK, class, take your plinths please,’ said Miss Inspine. ‘Firstly, I’d like to make a very special announcement. As you all know, the Barbaric Ball is taking place in a couple of nights. And I’m happy to announce that King Vladimir will be attending with his son, Prince Tangine, after all these years!’

      The students muttered excitedly.

      ‘I have ALSO been informed that, as of tonight, Prince Tangine will be joining Catacomb Academy as part of his king training, to get to know the young creatures of Nocturnia!’

      The whole crypt exploded in squeals and burps of delight.

      ‘Oh, wasn’t it just AWFUL that his mother was EATEN by a fairy?’ cried Frankie, who had stitches over her face and bolts in her neck.

      ‘There will be NO mention of the fairy incident,’ hissed Miss Inspine. ‘The prince is probably anxious enough, leaving the palace for the first time in years.’

      ‘So brave!’ said Frankie, fanning herself with her detatched ear.

      ‘The king has requested,’ the head teacher continued, ‘that Amelia Fang show Prince Tangine around the school and look after him while he settles in.’

      ‘That’s only because he used to be best buddies with Amelia’s dad!’ Frankie spat.

      Amelia muffled a groan. Frankie was the most annoying ghoul in the whole of Catacomb Academy.

      ‘Enough, Frankie!’ said Miss Inspine, losing patience. ‘The prince is due to arrive any minute, and I want you ALL to be on your BEST behaviour.’

      ‘Imagine.’ Grimaldi grinned. ‘The three of us hanging out with the future king! We’ll be the coolest kids in school.’

      ‘HEY,’ said Florence. ‘WE ALREADY ARE.’

      I wonder what Tangine is like, thought Amelia, before a loud noise caught her attention.

      ‘You stupid bird! Why can’t you ever land properly?’ came a high-pitched voice.

      ‘Oh! Wait here, everyone . . .’ said Miss Inspine, scampering out of the crypt.

      Seconds later she returned looking flustered.

      ‘Students! It gives me great pleasure to welcome our special new student to Catacomb Academy . . . Prince Tangine the First!’


      A long shadow appeared, stretching across the length of the crypt. Amelia watched as the shadow became smaller, and smaller . . . And smaller . . .

      Until Prince Tangine stepped into view.

      ‘’OW WEENY IS ’E?’ Florence whispered loudly.

      Miss Inspine shot her a sharp look.

      The prince was tiny. Titchy even. Which was very unusual for a vampire.

      Frankie began applauding frantically. ‘Tangine rules! Tangine, you’re amazing!’ she yelled across the room.

      ‘JOSEPHINE!’ Tangine bellowed, clapping his tiny hands twice.

      A grubby Mummy Maid ran in and crouched down at Tangine’s feet so he could use her as a platform.

      ‘Yes, it is I, your future king!’ said Prince Tangine, revealing his pearly white fangs. ‘I suppose I look forward to learning stuff at your inferior little school.’

      Amelia was a bit surprised by Prince Tangine’s tone. He must be nervous, she thought.

      ‘Anyway,’ continued Tangine, yawning. ‘I’m bored. I demand brunch . . .’ He clapped his hands again and shouted, ‘FRESCO!’

      Maybe the nerves make him hungry, thought Amelia.

      Another Mummy Maid rushed into the crypt, holding a tray of Slug-ends.

      ‘Ooh, isn’t he delightful?’ oozed Frankie as the Mummy Maid crawled back out of the crypt, still carrying Tangine.

      ‘Well.’ Amelia looked at Florence and Grimaldi. ‘Tangine seems . . . nice?’

      After Abominable Assembly, Amelia waited outside Miss Inspine’s room for Prince Tangine. He was already ten minutes late for class. Maybe he’s lost? she thought.

      Squashy sniffed around inside Amelia’s backpack, looking for something to chew.

      ‘No, no, Squashy, that’s my homework!’ Amelia giggled. ‘I knew you’d get hungry, so I took some of Dad’s breakfast for you . . .’

      Amelia pulled out a fistful of Honeyroasted Maggots, and Squashy gently nibbled them from her hand.

      She was still feeding him and rubbing his pumpkin tummy when a voice echoed down the corridor.

      ‘Aren’t you going to show me to the classroom then?’

      ‘Oh!’ said Amelia, clambering to her feet. Tangine was standing proudly on a Mummy Maid at the end of the corridor. ‘Hello, Prince Tangine!’ She smiled.
