Jean-François Sigrist

Numerical Simulation, An Art of Prediction, Volume 2

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      1  Cover

      2  Foreword: Forms of Citizen Knowledge

      3  Introduction: A Technology at the Service of Humans

      4  1 Agriculture 1.1. Feeding the world 1.2. Agriculture is being digitized 1.3. Decision-making support 1.4. Environmental impact 1.5. Plant growth

      5  2 Air and Maritime Transport 2.1. The long march of globalization 2.2. Going digital! 2.3. Optimum design and production 2.4. Improving performance

      6  3 The Universe and the Earth 3.1. Astrophysics 3.2. Geophysics

      7  4 The Atmosphere and the Oceans 4.1. Meteorological phenomena, climate change 4.2. Atmosphere and meteorology 4.3. Oceans and climate

      8  5 Energies 5.1. The technical dream 5.2. Combustion 5.3. Nuclear energy 5.4. New energies

      9  6 The Human Body 6.1. A digital medicine 6.2. Medical data 6.3. Mechanical behavior of muscles and organs 6.4. Blood circulation 6.5. Cosmetics 6.6. Neurosciences

      10  7 Individuals and Society 7.1. Calculated choices 7.2. A question of style 7.3. The shape of a city 7.4. A question of choice 7.5. What about humans?

      11  Conclusion: A Digital World

      12  Glossary of Terms

      13  References

      14  Index

      15  End User License Agreement

      List of Tables

      1 Chapter 7Table 7.1. A version of the prisoners’ dilemmaTable 7.2. “Repeated phrases” in four works by Émile Ajar and five by Romain Gar...

      2 Glossary of TermsTable G.1. The eight French IRTs cover advanced technical fields and are distrib...Table G.2. The number of researchers in different OECD countries in 2016: full-t...

      List of Illustrations

      1 Chapter 1Figure 1.1. Cereal harvest, Tomb of Menna, Sheikh Abd el-Gournah Necropolis, Egy...Figure 1.2. Allocation of land areas for food production (source: Our World in D...Figure 1.3. World population growth between 1750 and 2015 and projections to 210...Figure 1.4. Annual world wheat yields for 2014, expressed in tons per hectare. W...Figure 1.5. Although edible, these tomatoes, produced in France, are discarded b...Figure 1.6. How thirsty is our food? (source: 1.7. Satellite image showing algae growth in a North Atlantic region (sou...Figure 1.8. Typical evolution of the prey/predator populations as predicted by t...Figure 1.9. Agricultural drones are used to monitor crops and collect useful dat...Figure 1.10. Share of production allowed by the ecosystem services associated wi...Figure 1.11. Working hours (per ha and per year) required by a farmer for “conve...Figure 1.12. Soya is a legume valued for its nutritional qualities and whose int...Figure 1.13. Calculation of wheat crop yields in France and worldwide: the figur...Figure 1.14. Fertilizers promote plant growth but their overintensive use has lo...Figure 1.15. Global use of nitrogen, potassium and phosphate fertilizers worldwi...Figure 1.16. From the use of nitrogen fertilizers to ammonia emissions in France...Figure 1.17. 3D representation of atrazine (source: ...Figure 1.18. Example of calculation at the atomic scale [BEL 17b]. For a color v...Figure 1.19. Vegetation map obtained from satellite observations (source: NASA/w...Figure 1.20. The Fibonacci spiral: a model (too simple?) to explain plant growth...Figure 1.21. Variety of leaf shapes (source: www.123rf/Liliia Khuzhakhmetova)Figure 1.22. Weeds generated by a three-dimensional L-system program (source: ww...Figure 1.23. The virtual plants (left), obtained in silico by means of L-systems...

      2 Chapter 2Figure 2.1. To which countries does the world export? (source: Observatory for E...Figure 2.2. Taken from the work of Édouard-Thomas de Burgues, Count of Missiessy...Figure 2.3. Visualization of maritime and air traffic. For a color version of th...Figure 2.4. Flow calculation around a lifting profile (source: Naval Group). For...Figure 2.5. Simulation of the aerodynamics of a sail (source: image owned by Tot...Figure 2.6. Simulation of possible routes for an offshore race (image made using...Figure 2.7. Chocolate is a non-Newtonian fluid (source: 2.8. Old man contemplating the flow of water, drawing by Leonardo da Vinc...Figure 2.9. A flow from the laminar state (left) to the turbulent state (right) ...Figure 2.10. Observation by Osborne Reynolds on flows [REY 83]Figure 2.11. Triangular prism presenting one of its