photo hangs inside a simple black frame on the wall behind me. It's a picture of Maxwell Street in Chicago circa 1938 – a reminder of a special time, of someone who was very special to me.
As a little girl, I sat at the feet of my grandmother, listening to her tales of the magical market that lit up the short three blocks known as Maxwell Street – a place of wonder and fascination from her childhood to mine. What do you have around you that reminds you of who you are? Of where you've come from? Of the people who've gone before so that you can be who you are?
Hang pictures that inspire you. Mementos. Artifacts. Small items no bigger than a shot glass or ones that are as big as a motorcycle – whatever it is that feeds your soul and fits into your space. Place items nearby that remind you of what you've done – or to spark what you're going to do. We all stand on the shoulders of so many who have paved the way before. Who are those people, for you? In your home office, your choices are truly your own. The history, hopes, and dreams of my family and friends are a source of inspiration and comfort on every kind of day.
On my desk, in front of me, I see the box of cards from my three goddaughters. They wanted to inspire me while I was writing this book, so they sat down and wrote about 50 handwritten notes. (You'll have to check out my next book, Listen Up! [Wiley, 2020], if you want to meet the most amazing three girls on the entire planet, But I digress.)
When I'm feeling a little low, or a little quarantined (are you with me?), I reach into the box for a fistful of encouragement. I just pulled one out. The envelope is addressed to me, so it's like a miniature present with my name written under a big red heart. Like all of the cards, it's unsealed for easy access. This note happens to be from Lorelei (she won the Most Likely to Become a Leader award, at her virtual sixth grade graduation): “Don't give up!” it says, in multi colored markers, with a revised “e” next to a big exclamation point. She's not afraid to be bold. I like her style. “I am very proud of you and proud that I know you. So don't lose hope. – Lorelei”
How awesome is that? I'm lucky to have an entire box of inspiration right here on my desktop. Hope by the handful. How about you? What picks you up when the workday gets you down?
What is in your field of view, right now, that encourages you? What reminds you of who you are – and pushes you toward who you are yet to be? Surround yourself with the mementos and reminders that reflect your heart, so that your mind can function more effectively.
Building Blocks: Making Your Space Productive
More specifically, here are some clear‐cut do's and don'ts, designed around a home office environment where video calls are part of your daily bread:
DO: Look here. Figure out a way to raise the camera on your laptop up to the level of your eyes. A shoebox or even a stack of books can help. From a nonverbal standpoint, we use eye contact to convey warmth, connection, and trust. How can you send that message without looking into the camera? Remember the old‐school networking strategy: “Look 'em in the eye.” The camera is where your audience is – keeping the camera at eye level will help your impact on every possible level.
DON'T: Have a stare‐down contest. If you leave your laptop in your lap, or stare down at it on the table, you'll be broadcasting like Nostrildamus. I'm not talking about the sixteenth‐century futurist and author of Les Prophéties (the prophecies). His name was Nostradamus. I'm talking about a twenty‐first‐century goofball, broadcasting nothing but nostrils to the boss and co‐workers. I predict that nobody wants to see that. You don't have to be a prophet to know that a nose cameo could limit your future prospects at the company.
DO: Look for your light. The best light is natural and comes from a window in front of you. If you don't have a window in your space, place a lamp in front of your face so that you can be seen clearly. Ideally, it's a ring light or something that throws even focus onto your features. Want to find the best light, in any room? You need to do the Hokey Pokey. Let me explain: turn your smartphone into selfie mode and slowly turn yourself around. You'll see where the shadows grow – and where they go – as you spin. (If you want to put your left foot in, and then your left foot out, I'll leave that up to you.) Ideally, place your camera so that a good light source is in front of you – the source you identified in our hokey experiment. And let's just be honest: nobody likes seeing themselves on camera (we'll talk more about that when we discuss Zoom zombie syndrome a little later). But here's the deal: your face is the point of connection and expression, when it comes to making work‐from‐home work for you. If you don't care about how you look, you won't find your lighting. How will people find your ideas and your contribution if you can't be seen? So, you'll send a message of carelessness to all of your peers and co‐workers. Just consider what kind of reflection that will make on your career.
DON'T: Play in the shadows. If you've got a massive light source behind your head, you're going to be sharing in silhouette. Why do that to yourself and your co‐workers? Being backlit is the quickest way to invite your teammates to amateur hour, as your shadow work takes center stage. You've got to be conscious of what your lighting is doing to help or hinder your success.
DO: Consider your background. Piles of laundry and shelves of books behind you? You're inviting more distractions as people try to understand why you've got a copy of Vin Diesel's autobiography on your shelf. If you've made it this far, you realize that your home office needs to strike a balance between self‐expression (the items that say who you are) and self‐distraction (those odd figurines and mementos are creating questions for folks – are those the kinds of questions you want?). If your background creates a barrage of bizarre inquisition, adjust your settings (starting with the setting behind you). When what's in the frame reflects unnecessary details of your personal hygiene, hobbies, or interests, there's a quick fix: make a change. You don't have to change who you are, just take some time to consider what's behind you! I'll say it again: your home office is your new context. That camera on your computer is a window into your world. Settings matter. Set your stage for your best possible performance, so you're not upstaged by your surroundings.
DO: Put on those headphones. Whether wired or Bluetooth, headphones are the quickest way to improve your audio quality. That way, there's little echo when you speak and outside noises (like the lawnmower right outside your window) aren't on equal footing because you're on the laptop equivalent of a speakerphone. What you have to say is important, but so is listening. Good headphones can make for a great start. As anyone in the video production business will tell you, “Good video is good audio.” And if you're going to rock your presentation (that chapter is coming up), you've got to have a way to be heard. If you want to trick out your audio and your setup even further, you'll love reading about the guidance in the presentation chapter – where Hollywood producer Brant Pinvidic shares how you can quickly pump up the volume on a killer setup (without killing your expense account).
DON'T: Come on a group call unmuted. Don't be the person who shows up like it's the first time you've ever used Zoom. If you're in a noisy spot, where dogs are barking and phones are ringing, you're going to play the fool instead of making an impact. Learn where the “Do Not Disturb” setting is on all of your devices, and use it. That way, the bells and pings from email won't interrupt your calls. It's tough being interrupted in any conversation – but when you're interrupting yourself, as well as the 45 other people on the call, what does that say about your skill set? Not much! How about your ability to function effectively in this brave new online world? “I've got things well under control,” the leader says, as his phone burps, his email jingles, and his dog bites the cat while the doorbell rings. Yikes! You need to learn how to turn down the noise in your home office – starting with the mute button on your favorite video call platform.
DO: Understand that interruptions will happen! Whether it's that huge presentation where your internet goes out or that tiny person who comes in crying and needs a hug, everyone knows that life happens. The question is, how will you respond when it does? I hope you squeeze the people who need a hug (work will still be there for you) and that you have a backup plan when the power blows.