Leann Harris

Redemption Ranch

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The dog settled his chin on Tyler’s foot. Tyler squatted and ran his hand over the dog’s head. “Are you telling me to snap out of it?”

       The dog’s eyes met his master’s.

       “Okay. I need to think about what I can do to help Riley.” He scratched the dog’s head. “But it still hurts, friend.”

       “What hurts?”

       Tyler looked up at Sophie.

       “Did you strain something? Or are you feeling sick?”

       Tamping down his embarrassment, Tyler slowly stood. “No, I’m not sick, but you did catch me talking to my dog, which could make you wonder about my sanity.”

       She waved the comment away. “Then I’d have to wonder about Zach and myself. I spent more time talking to Charming than anyone when Zach started coming here. Charming helped me a lot of nights.”

       Tyler breathed a sigh of relief. Sophie didn’t think he needed a shrink.

       “The reason I’m here is Riley’s mom is on the phone.”

       “Is anything wrong?”

       “I don’t know. She didn’t seem too panicked.”

       Tyler’s heart slowed down and followed Sophie to the phone by the entrance to the stables.

       “She’s on line two.”

       He picked up the hand set and pushed line two. “Tyler here.”

       “I’m so glad I got you, Tyler. I have a favor to ask. My business meeting is running late, and I’m not going to make it over there before about eight. Could Riley stay with you until I’m finished?”

       He didn’t know how he felt, but he couldn’t refuse. “Sure.”

       “Thank you. This meeting got delayed and there’s no way I can leave.”

       “It’s okay, Susan. We’ll get something to eat.”

       “Oh, you don’t have to do that.”

       He laughed. “Susan, he’s a thirteen-year-old boy. Yes, I do.”

       “You’ve got a point. He’s eating everything in the kitchen, even fruit.”

       “Don’t worry. I’ve got it covered.”

       “Thank you, Tyler.” Her voiced vibrated with emotions.

       “I’m happy to do it.”

       “I’ll give you a call when I’m on the way to pick Riley up.”

       “You’re covered.” He hung up. Well, it didn’t matter if he or Riley were prepared to do this. They were about to bond.

      * * *

       When he knew he wasn’t being watched, excitement shone in Riley’s eyes. Beth wanted to laugh with delight, but knew the move would shut the boy down.

       But the excitement she felt nearly overwhelmed her. Riley stood taller as he walked beside the rider. He tried to act cool, but his excitement and pride bubbled up.

       Chelsea carefully made her way down the steps. Once on the ground, she smiled. “Did you see that?” she crowed. “I did it myself.”

       Riley’s shoulders went back.

       “I did see that,” Beth replied. “What an improvement.”

       She walked into her mother’s arms. “I did it, Momma.”

       Mother and daughter hugged, thanked them and left.

       “Okay, Riley, let me show you how to care for Brownie now. You’re Brownie’s caretaker and need to be responsible to unsaddle her, rub her down and make sure she has feed.”

       He nodded and followed Beth.

       They were settling Brownie in her stall when Tyler found them.

       “How’d the afternoon go?”

       Riley shrugged.

       “He was great.” Beth volunteered the praise. The boy deserved it. “I think he’s going to be a natural.”

       Riley rolled his eyes, but Beth could tell the words pleased him when the corner of his mouth curved up.

       Tyler glanced at her and they shared a moment of pride. “Riley, I just got a call from your mother. She has a meeting that is running late and told me it might be eight before she gets here.”

       “What?” Riley’s eyes grew large and he glanced around. “I’ve got to get home and—” His stomach growled and a red stain crept up his neck. “And I’m hungry. What does she think I’m going to do for food?”

       Signs of his panic screamed at Beth and she wanted to head off disaster. “I’m hungry, too.”

       Riley’s mouth hung open and he stared at her.

       “How about you, Tyler? You hungry, too?” Beth prayed he understood her effort to divert the boy.

       “I am.”

       Stepping toward Riley, she asked, “How about we go to the burger place down the road? That little place has the best burgers within fifty miles. When I want to treat myself, I go there.”

       Riley looked from Beth to Tyler. The alarm drained out of his expression. “Yeah, okay, that sounds good.”

       She slipped her arm around Riley’s skinny shoulders. “Thank you for agreeing to go. I can’t tell you how much I needed an excuse to stop there.” Grinning, she whispered, “None of the trendy people go there. It’s got big, greasy burgers in giant buns and the fries are to die for—” she closed her eyes and moved her head from side to side “—and my friends are all health nuts, wanting me to eat alfalfa sprouts and wheatgrass and all the things my cows eat. I can simply tell them I’m helping feed a young man who worked hard.”

       Riley’s chin came up. “Sure.”

       Beth smiled at Tyler. The man simply shook his head.

       “Then let’s finish with this horse, get the truck and go get burgers.”

       “Okay.” Riley went to put up Brownie’s bridle.

       Tyler stood staring at the boy.

       “You’re welcome,” Beth whispered in his ear.

       He jerked back. “What?”

       “I was simply responding to your thank-you.”

       “But I didn’t say anything,” he protested.

       She gave him a look that said “I know” and walked off, chuckling to herself.

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