Heidi Rice

One-Amazing-Night Baby!

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you know Madame Laurent will sort it out in no time.’

      Sophie added, ‘You must feel good, knowing your French teacher is chaperoning?’

      When other duties allowed, Sophie and Madame sometimes lunched together in the staffroom. To avoid questions or awkward moments today, she’d let Madame Laurent know in advance that she and Paige’s brother were on the verge of dating. Sophie had been a little anxious about letting the cat out of the bag, but Madame had seemed delighted.

      Of course lifting the lid on her pregnancy would be something else again, and it seemed people were already talking.

      Paige chewed her lip. ‘It’ll go quickly, right?’

      With a fond glimmer in his eye, Cooper grazed a knuckle down his sister’s cheek. ‘We’ve travelled abroad before. Believe me, those weeks will fly.’

      Sophie considered Paige’s hands nested in hers, then relaxed slightly against Cooper’s palm, which had come to rest low on her back. She had to concentrate to stop her eyes from drifting shut, the immediate heat of arousal was so intense.

      As agreed, she and Cooper hadn’t seen each other over the previous fourteen days. This morning, when he’d collected her from her apartment, as arranged via a phone conversation the previous week, the overwhelming sense of attraction and temptation had been so strong she’d imagined seeing sparks fly when they’d accidentally touched.

      However, although the warmth infusing her body now was mostly due to serious sexual chemistry, the other reason for her pleasure buzz was the feeling of being included in this family—a feeling she could no doubt get used to alarmingly fast.

      From a group of parents and their soon to be departed girls, Madame Laurent called over to Cooper. ‘Mr Smith, could I see you before we go through?’

      Cooper nodded, then assured Paige, ‘I’ll be right back.’

      Paige eyed the gate she would soon pass through. She sighed so hard she visibly shuddered. ‘I wouldn’t feel so bad if I wasn’t leaving Hallam for so long.’

      Hallam Gregson: first-year university student, Paige’s boyfriend, and, at her tender age of sixteen, the love of her young life.

      Sophie put on a brave face. ‘He’ll be here when you get back.’

      ‘I know you think it won’t last,’ Paige said earnestly, ‘but Hallam and I really are in love. Like Romeo and Juliet.’

      A shiver skated down Sophie’s spine. They’d studied that Shakespearean play last term. Such a tragic ending.

      Perhaps she should offer a suggestion. ‘Maybe you could invite Hallam over for a Sunday barbecue when you get back?’

      Paige had talked with the same passion about her secret boyfriend for months, but seeing her student out of school put a different spin on how Sophie interpreted the situation—and how involved she believed she should become. Time away from each other might defuse their feelings. However, if Paige felt this deeply when she returned, it might be time to introduce Hallam to the family.

      Sophie smiled softly. ‘I could even speak to Cooper beforehand, if you like. To lay a little groundwork.’

      Paige blanched. ‘Please don’t do that. He’d freak. When Cooper found out I kissed a boy two years ago he went ballistic.’

      Sophie could imagine. Still … ‘I’m sure he’ll understand that you’re older now.’

      Given Cooper was a lawyer who helped couples sort out messy family issues, and given how protective he was of his sister, no doubt he would react strongly to Paige branching out towards this next phase in life—dating. But putting on blinkers wouldn’t make Paige’s feelings go away, or stop her growing up.

      Unconvinced, Paige shook her head. ‘I’m not any older in his mind. He’s great as far as big brothers are concerned, but he doesn’t understand the first thing about how a girl thinks. His biggest motto is: I make the rules; you just have to follow them.’

      Cooper reappeared, raking a hand through his clean, dark hair.

      Each time she laid eyes on him Sophie felt her heartbeat set off at a gallop, and a profound craving which had nothing to do with food gripped her stomach. She’d signed up for three whole months of this sweet torture, while making a vow never to succumb to his transparent plans for seduction. Refusing any and all invitations to his bed was the only way to arrive at a responsible decision regarding the possibility of matrimony. Unfortunately, as much as she couldn’t see herself married to Cooper with his dominating nature, she could clearly see them making love. In fact, since their last meeting, that and their baby had been pretty much all she’d thought about.

      Cooper spoke to Paige. ‘They’re ready to go through.’

      Paige bounced up on tiptoe, kissed Sophie’s cheek and whispered in her ear. ‘Thanks for coming today—and for listening.’

      While Sophie acknowledged a heart-warming rush of affection, Paige threw her arms around Cooper’s waist. Kissing her blonde crown, Cooper hugged his sister back. ‘Remember to eat a decent breakfast. And watch out for those French boys.’

      Paige broke away. Eyes glistening like stars, she waved as she joined the other girls moving through the gate which led to the waiting lounge. ‘I’ll send you a postcard from the Louvre.’

      Cooper waved back. ‘Bon voyage! Phone when you get there.’

      Paige curved a hand around her mouth as she disappeared from view. ‘I think you two look really cool together.’

      With Paige gone, Sophie and Cooper each exhaled, then shared a look. Her gaze was drawn to the sexy curve of his lips as he grinned and said, ‘Guess it’s just you and me.’

      As they set off down the wide, now less crowded thoroughfare, Sophie trembled inside. Tonight would be the first they would spend together. In Cooper’s house. Alone. Like Paige, she was excited and yet scared to death.

      She stepped onto a stretch of motorised walkway. Strolling alongside, Cooper took a few seconds to realise he’d lost his companion. As he stopped in his tracks, Sophie put on a sad face, waved goodbye, and let the walkway carry her further away.

      Cooper’s eyes flashed, before he pushed up his sleeves, took a running leap and scissor-jumped over the rail, landing just behind her.

      Outrageously surprised, she laughed as he steadied himself, then squealed when he pulled her close and growled, ‘Can’t get rid of me that easily. I was regional high-jump champion three years running.’

      His smiling mouth inches from hers, his hot, masculine scent wound out to envelop her, and for one crazy moment she almost succumbed to an overwhelming urge to wrap her arms around his neck and kiss him hard. Not a good start to her pledge to reject his charms.

      Locking that impulse soundly away, she smoothed back her curls and asked, in a remarkably steady voice, ‘Have you done much travelling?’

      He stepped back, but remained close, his broad chest almost brushing her shoulder. ‘Some. What about you?’

      ‘Not yet. But I’ve decided I really want to see the Eiffel Tower, the Statue of Liberty, Big Ben … I want to see it all.’

      ‘Though you won’t be jumping on a plane any time soon.’ He laid a light hand on her tummy. ‘Risk of premature labour.’

      Sophie mulled it over. ‘Isn’t that only from the thirty-sixth week?’ Molly Saunders, a teacher from Unity, had been pregnant last year, and had done the research.

      Cooper’s jaw jutted. His tone was low and adamant. ‘Can’t be too careful in your condition.’

      When they stepped off the walkway, Cooper linked her arm through his. Given this kind of connection was a long way from kissing or, heaven forbid, making love, Sophie saved her energy and complaints, and instead quietly enjoyed the comforting sense of protection his strength offered.