Heidi Rice

One-Amazing-Night Baby!

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upgrade my BlackBerry,’ she explained, setting her china bowl on the sideboard. ‘Treena Allen says mine is two whole models ago.’

      He slid his wallet out from his back chinos pocket as he moved towards her. ‘How much?’

      ‘A debit card might be easier.’

      He didn’t flinch. ‘No doubt it would.’

      He handed one over, but she handed it straight back. ‘Not this one.’

      He grinned. No flies on Paige.

      The card boomeranged back. ‘It has a limit, Paige, but a very generous one. I’m sure you won’t run into trouble.’

      Knowing she was beaten, Paige succumbed to give a grateful smile. When she craned up, he bent down to accept a kiss on his cheek. ‘Thanks, Coop.’

      No big deal. Hell, if keeping his sister’s techno needs in superior shape was the least of their concerns, he wouldn’t grumble. When she started having trouble with boys, then he’d have something to say.

      He blew out a long breath. God, he wished their parents were alive, then he wouldn’t need to say things like this old favourite. ‘No talking to strange men while you’re out today.’

      Paige groaned and rolled her eyes. ‘Do we need to go through this every single time?’

      While he had her attention, he’d slip in another one. ‘And if anyone tries to pull you into their car, you scream and kick—’

      ‘And run the other way. I know, Cooper. I know.’ She slotted the plastic into her designer handbag. ‘I’m not a baby.’

      He placed his hands on her small, vulnerable shoulders. ‘You’re my responsibility, and I take that responsibility seriously. You might not agree with what I say, but there’s only one boss in this house. While you live under this roof I set the rules, and I expect those rules to be obeyed.’ His voice lost some of its sternness. ‘So, remember … home before dark.’

      The doorbell chimed. Her expression alive again, Paige sprang around. ‘I’ll get it.’

      Heartbeat slamming into overdrive, Cooper strode past. ‘That’s for me.’

      Paige sideswiped his arm as she skipped past and overtook him. Naturally he couldn’t let that offence go unchallenged, and he stepped on the gas. Paige crashed against the timber as they both skidded to a stop in the foyer.

      Laughing, Cooper swung open the front door.

      Sophie stood on the porch, wide-eyed and stiff.

      He’d expected her to be glowing, like the last time he’d seen her. But in dark trousers, a white blouse buttoned to her throat and a black cardigan she looked staid and rather pale. Even her long tousled hair looked unfamiliar, tied back in a high, tight ponytail, though it was still super-sexy, with those haphazard spirals on either side.

      But he wouldn’t think along those lines. Sexy or not, no encore was permitted. They were as incompatible as oil and water—bedroom activities obviously excluded.

      Paige wheeled in front of him and gasped. ‘What are you doing here?’

      Cooper squeezed his sister’s shoulder. ‘Paige, don’t be rude.’ No matter if she thought Sophie was a salesperson who’d ignored the sign at the entry gate. She needed her manners. ‘This lady is here to see me.’

      Paige squeaked at Sophie, ‘You know my brother?’

      Sophie’s eyes shot wider. ‘Cooper’s your brother?’

      Groaning, Paige smacked her forehead. ‘Now it’s coming together. Cooper must be the guy you’ve been getting all dressed up for.’

      Sophie shrank into her collar and gave an awkward half-shrug. ‘Who said I was getting dressed up for anyone?’

      Paige laughed. ‘It’s kinda obvious. All the girls are saying so. It’s like these past weeks you’ve had a makeover. New clothes, hair down—not like today,’ she noted, inspecting the ponytail. ‘Even the way you walk has changed. It’s fantastic!’

      Trying to track the conversation, and now hopelessly lost, Cooper held up his hands. ‘Slow down. Someone fill me in on the missing piece of this puzzle.’

      Paige spoke over her shoulder. ‘Ms Gruebella is a teacher at Unity.’

      Belated colour bloomed in Sophie’s cheeks, but Cooper didn’t allow his expression to let on either way. If a person had to hide a last name, Gruebella was one worth hiding.

      And what about that second lot of information?

      ‘You’re Ms Gruebella from school?’

      He’d imagined a fifty-year-old with wiry hair and Victorian morals. Not a desirable goddess of a woman with a voluptuous body, who had left him sated and then instantly craving more. When he lay down at night her unique vanilla scent flooded his imagination. The vision of her reaching for him gripped and didn’t let go. Instead of their night fading, memories had become stronger, until when he closed his eyes to sleep she was all that he saw.

      But he needed only to recall those qualities which could not and would not be ignored for sanity to return. Argumentative, ambivalent about marriage and having children. And let’s not forget her impulsive nature. Of course he took full responsibility for making the first move … the second and third, as well. However, the fact remained she’d fallen into bed with him in record time. Outstanding mistress material? Absolutely. But he wanted a wife, dammit. Not sex on the side.

      He half wished he’d known the drawbacks before asking her to dance. He could have saved himself some sleepless nights, as well as what promised to be an awkward meeting today if she planned on breaking their agreement and seeing him again. As much as his body might sit up and respond, this time he would listen to common sense and years of field experience. He had enjoyed their time together, but the answer to any future liaisons would be a resounding no.

      He knew best, and this was best for all.

      A late model black Mercedes glided up and around the paved circular drive lined with soaring pencil pines. Paige’s friend, Marlo Daniels, popped her head out of the lowering back window. Her large freckled nose scrunched. ‘Is that you, Ms Gruebella?’

      Paige wrung her handbag and addressed Sophie. ‘You’re not here over anything we’ve talked about, are you?’

      Unease looped in Cooper’s gut. He swung a furrowed glance between the two. ‘And just what have you two been discussing?’

      Sophie’s face softened and she touched Paige’s arm. ‘I’m here to see Cooper about something else entirely.’

      Paige seemed to think it through before she smiled, her teeth straight and white. Those braces had been worth every dime.

      ‘Okay. But be good.’ In a running skip, Paige headed off towards Marlo. ‘Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.’

      As the passenger door closed and the Merc, Mrs Daniels driving, eased off, Cooper swept an arm through the air, ushering his guest in. Damn, she looked hot—

      He set his jaw.

      But not too hot to resist. When he made a plan he stuck to it. No detours.

      Sophie edged in across the threshold. ‘Small world, big school. There are quite a few Smiths. I didn’t put it together.’

      He brushed it off. ‘Totally understandable.’

      But her visit today had nothing to do with her being Paige’s teacher—although he was grateful to have heard only stellar compliments regarding the mysterious Ms Gruebella. It made his impaired judgement that night seem slightly less unreasonable.

      Passing a cosy sitting room, he automatically cupped her elbow. Even through her shirt’s fabric, the powerful physical response sent lit fuses hopscotching across his nerve-endings. The impulse