
I Love Animal Stories

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Owl, Hooty seemed to have no neck at all. He looked as if his great head was set directly on his shoulders. From each side of his head two great tufts of feathers stood out like ears or horns. His bill was sharply hooked. He was dressed wholly in reddish-brown with little buff and black markings, and on his throat was a white patch. His legs were feathered, and so were his feet clear to the great claws.

      But it was on the great, round, fierce, yellow eyes that Peter kept his own eyes. He had always thought of Hooty as being able to see only in the dusk of evening or on moonlight nights, but somehow he had a feeling that even now in broad daylight Hooty could see perfectly well, and he was quite right.

      For a long time Peter sat there without moving. He dared not do anything else. After he had recovered from his first fright he began to wonder what Hooty and Mrs. Hooty were doing at that old nest. His curiosity was aroused. He felt that he simply must find out. By and by Hooty flew away very carefully, so as not to attract the attention of Mrs. Hooty. Peter stole back the way he had come.

      When he was far enough away to feel reasonably safe, he scampered as fast as ever he could. He wanted to get away from that place, and he wanted to find some one of whom he could ask questions.

      Presently he met his cousin, Jumper the Hare, and at once in a most excited manner told him all he had seen.

      Jumper listened until Peter was through. “If you'll take my advice,” said he, “you'll keep away from that part of the Green Forest, Cousin Peter. From what you tell me it is quite clear to me that the Hooties have begun nesting.”

      “Nesting!” exclaimed Peter. “Nesting! Why, gentle Mistress Spring will not get here for a month yet!”

      “I said NESTING,” retorted Jumper, speaking rather crossly, for you see he did not like to have his word doubted. “Hooty the Great Horned Owl doesn't wait for Mistress Spring. He and Mrs. Hooty believe in getting household cares out of the way early. Along about this time of year they hunt up an old nest of Redtail the Hawk or Blacky the Crow or Chatterer the Red Squirrel, for they do not take the trouble to build a nest themselves. Then Mrs. Hooty lays her eggs while there is still snow and ice. Why their youngsters don't catch their death from cold when they hatch out is more than I can say. But they don't. I'm sorry to hear that the Hooties have a nest here this year. It means a bad time for a lot of little folks in feathers and fur. I certainly shall keep away in from that part of the Green Forest, and I advise you to.”

      Peter said that he certainly should, and then started on for the dear Old Briar-patch to think things over. The discovery that already the nesting season of a new year had begun turned Peter's thoughts towards the coming of sweet Mistress Spring and the return of his many feathered friends who had left for the far-away South so long before. A great longing to hear the voices of Welcome Robin and Winsome Bluebird and Little Friend the Song Sparrow swept over him, and a still greater longing for a bit of friendly gossip with Jenny Wren. In the past year he had learned much about his feathered neighbors, but there were still many things he wanted to know, things which only Jenny Wren could tell him. He was only just beginning to find out that no one knows all there is to know, especially about the birds. And no one ever will.

      The Burgess Animal Book for Children

      (Thornton Burgess)

       Table of Contents


       Chapter I. Jenny Wren Gives Peter Rabbit an Idea

       Chapter II. Peter and Jumper go to School

       Chapter III. More of Peter's Long-Legged Cousins

       Chapter IV. Chatterer and Happy Jack Join

       Chapter V. The Squirrels of the Trees

       Chapter VI. Striped Chipmunk and his Cousins

       Chapter VII. Johnny Chuck Joins the Class

       Chapter VIII. Whistler and Yap Yap

       Chapter IX. Two Queer Little Haymakers

       Chapter X. Prickly Porky and Grubby Gopher

       Chapter XI. A Fellow With a Thousand Spears

       Chapter XII. A Lumberman and Engineer

       Chapter XIII. A Worker and a Robber

       Chapter XIV. A Trader and a Handsome Fellow

       Chapter XV. Two Unlike Little Cousins

       Chapter XVI. Danny's Northern Cousins and Nimbleheels

       Chapter XVII. Three Little Redcoats and Some Others

       Chapter XVIII. Mice with Pockets, and Others

       Chapter XIX. Teeny Weeny and His Cousin

       Chapter XX. Four Busy Little Miners

       Chapter XXI. Flitter the Bat and His Family

       Chapter XXII. An Independent Family

       Chapter XXIII. Digger and His Cousin Glutton

       Chapter XXIV. Shadow and His Family

       Chapter XXV. Two Famous Swimmers

       Chapter XXVI. Spite the Marten and Pekan the Fisher

       Chapter XXVII. Reddy Fox Joins the School

       Chapter XXVIII. Old Man Coyote and Howler the Wolf

       Chapter XXIX. Yowler and His Cousin Tufty

       Chapter XXX. Some Big and Little Cat Cousins