B. Cochrane Clark

The Fighter Within

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girls’ team is doing amazing this year, they have a real shot at taking state.”

      Sydney couldn’t help but notice the strong change in topic, for which she was very grateful. Either he believed her weak-ass answer, and, if that was the case, he was a horrible detective, because she knew she sucked at lying, or he could tell she really didn’t want to talk about it and changed the subject. She was sure hoping it was the latter.

      “I go to as many games as I can, at least home games. My cousin is the first-string point guard. This is her senior year, so I want to support her as much as I can before she heads off the college. What about you, though? You don’t really seem like the type to just enjoy a good girls basketball game.”

      Cody chuckled a little “Why not?”

      Sydney’s face turned bright red as she tried to come up with something that did not make him sound like a creepy pervert for watching young high school girls play ball.

      “I’m just teasing you, I’m not some creepy stalker person. My sister is the coach, Anna Daniels.” Cody beamed with pride for his older sister. “Although I really don’t think there is anything wrong with any of the members of the community that come out and support the local team.”

      “There isn’t, and I’m sorry if I gave that impression that I thought there was. It’s just not very common. The stands are usually filled with high school kids and family members of the teams is all.” Sydney was a little ashamed of herself even letting herself think of it any different than just support. She swore a year ago, before the incident, she would have never let a thought like that pass through her head. She hated that it had changed her so much.

      “Don’t worry about it, you didn’t hurt my feelings. I probably would think the same thing if a strange man was coming to watch my cousin and her teammates play,” Cody said, obviously trying to ease the frustration that must have been written all over her.

      “No, you wouldn’t, but thanks for trying to help remove the big-ass foot from my mouth.” Sydney tried to giggle, but her mood had gone to shit after she let her mind wander back to the open case of her own.

      “Well, foot removed now, so no worries, and technically, you really didn’t say anything wrong. You may want to work on your facial expressions, though, they are kind of a dead giveaway.” Cody laughed out loud as Sydney’s face turned bright red again. “Yep, like that. You might want to keep your nose clean and make sure you never break the law, because I doubt you would be able to lie your way out of it.”

      “Ha-ha, you think you’re so damn funny. You may be cute, but you need to work on your sense of humor.” At the realization of what she just said, Sydney could feel her face get even hotter. This truck ride really just needed to be over.

      “Hey, I am funny, just so you know, and you’re pretty damn cute yourself,” Cody grinned at the very red-faced woman sitting next to him.

      When they finally arrived in front of the station, Sydney turned to Cody. “I had a great time, just so you know, but I need to be honest with you. I am not looking for nor do I want a relationship beyond friends with anyone. Friends is all this could ever be,” she said as she waved her finger pointing back and forth at each other.

      “I agree completely. I don’t have time in my life, or the desire to have anything other than friends,” Cody replied.

      “Good. Well then, have a good night, and good luck on your case.”

      “Thank you, and you have a good night too,” Cody said as he climbed out of the truck and headed into the station.

      “So smooth, Sydney. Nothing like making a lasting impression of being a giant ass,” she said out loud as she backed out of the parking space and headed for home.

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