Nicole Cooke

When Love is Unfinished

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can I ask you a question? If it’s none of my business just tell me. Okay Ashley said with a smile. Who’s the guy in all of these pictures? Ashley smile faded away slowly. His name is Malik, he was my boyfriend. Are you still in love with him? Derrick asked. Yes I am, and I don’t think I will ever stop loving him, Ashley eyes starting to tear up…

      Ash, I’m on my way I’m running a little late but I’ll be there, Malik love watching the football games with Ashley it was their time to act a fool and cheer on the home team, Malik got off late and was trying to get through downtown traffic. Malik and Ashley met their freshman year at Coppin State both being young and full of life became best friends up through Graduation. Malik was Ashley’s first, and he loved her the first time he saw her, he almost cried the first time they made love because he never had a virgin before; the night they shared together was amazing. Ashley was so comfortable with Malik that she vowed to never love another. Malik was zooming through traffic when a motorcyclist cut him off, to avoid hitting him Malik swerved into oncoming traffic and hit a SUV head on. The impact killed Malik instantly, and killed a part of Ashley totally.

      So where is he Derrick asked defensively? Why isn’t he here taking care you? Ashley looked up with tears in her eyes and said he died two years ago in a car accident. Ashley ran to her room and cried her eyes out. The mention of that day always tore her up inside. Needless to say Derrick felt like the biggest jerk ever, he walked to her room and sat down beside her and put his arms around her and whispered I’m so sorry Ash I never meant to bring up the past and I don’t like seeing you cry like this. Just go Derrick I’ll be okay Ashley said with her face buried in the pillow. Just go! Derrick slowly got up went to the living room, got his helmet and slowly walked out the door. He walked to his motorcycle and turned and looked up at Ashley’s window and he dropped his head; he got on his bike and started it up. Varoooom… Ashley screamed and cried bitterly when she heard Derrick’s motorcycle start up and pulled off. This was not how Derrick wanted this day to end.


      I wonder where she’s going tonight probably out with ole pretty boy; I can’t believe she changed the locks to her apartment. I can’t even get in contact with her, that hookah changed her number too… James said to himself. I just want us to get back together… I miss the smell of your hair the touch of your skin…shoot she driving off…

      Clarissa was so in tuned to going to see Mike she didn’t see James following her two car behind her, she wore her hair down, her naturally curly hair cascaded the side of her face and shoulders, Mike has never seen it like this before. She usually wears it up in a bun or straightened out in a wrap. Mike told her that the door would be open and to just come right on in, baby? I’m here… Baby where are you? I’m in the kitchen Beautiful! Clarissa took her jacket off and hung it on the coat rack along with her purse. Hey sweetie, Clarissa said walking around the counter given Mike a pat on the butt. He turned around and look at Clarissa, hey sexy I like your hair like that, it’s cute, he said picking her up and sitting her on the counter. He stood between her legs and wrapped his arms around her waist. How was your day beautiful? Mike asked. It was okay I’m just happy it’s Friday and the weekend is here how was yours, you had any cases today? Naw I didn’t, today was pretty breezy, but enough about work! Are you hungry? He asked. Starving! Clarissa said patting her stomach, what are you cooking Chef Boyardee? You stay coming with the jokes, but if you must know I made fettuccini Alf redo with my homemade sauce, with grilled chicken, Shrimp, scallops, some steam broccoli and garlic bread! Ummm…the sounds good baby is it almost ready? Yes, he brought the wooden spoon to her mouth so she can taste the homemade sauce, aw, baby that is delicious! I know ’cause I can cook! I see she giggled. He came in and kissed her lips softly. You know I love that laugh of yours, hmm really what else you like of mine she kissed him back, I can show you better than I can tell you, hmmm he said sucking on her bottom lip, well you have to show me later ’cause I’m starving! The two ate their dinner, talked and laugh and enjoyed each other’s company. Meanwhile on the outside James was waiting on Clarissa to come back out, little did he know he would be waiting all night. Ughhh, baby you give the best foot rubs, where did you learn to do this Clarissa moaned. It’s just something that comes naturally I know how I want to feel so I just reciprocate it to you. Oh so that’s how it works? Clarissa asked. So if I do this, Clarissa stood and straddle his lap and started rubbing Mike’s chest that means I want this done to me? Hmmm Mike moaned… So if I do this Clarissa said gently kissing Mike’s neck and licking his ear lobe…means I want this done to me? Hmmm. Mike moaned again with his eyes rolling in the back of his head. Clarissa continued kissing and licking on Mike’s ear a winding her hips against his already stiff. Mike let out a groan; he couldn’t take it no longer he stood while Clarisse’s legs and arms still wrapped around him. Clarissa these past weeks with you has been amazing I’ve never felt this way about a woman in my life. I want to make love to you and I want you to be my lady I’m falling in love with you. I can’t guarantee that we won’t have disagreements but I promise you that I will always make it my business that you go to sleep every night with a smile on your face and you feeling loved. Clarissa looked in Mike’s eyes, they showed how sincere he was so she replied I love you Michael Russell Monroe Jr. Esquire with a giggle. That just turned Mike on. He carried her to the room and shut the bedroom door behind them. Mike laid Clarissa in the middle of his California king size bed. He gently remove her pants and shirt, and kissed her belly, tracing her belly ring with his tongue, instantly giving Clarissa chills. He slid her arms out of her bra and with one hand he unhooked it and it fell to the side. He stepped back and looked at her perfect breast, what? Clarissa said looking confused. Oh, nothing I’m respecting the tatas! Clarissa giggled she sat up and slid to the end of the bed and pulled Mike sweat pants down. He stepped out of them what are you doing Rissa? I’m about to speak into the mic” she giggled again. No sweetie tonight I’m in charge okay? Yes. Okay. Mike laid her back down and removed her panties her perfectly shaven womanhood was a major turn on to Mike. He kissed the top of her mount and then slowly slid his tongue between her lips finding that pink pearl that makes every woman go crazy when licked correctly. Clarissa started to breathe heavily. Mike knew that she was almost at her peak so he stopped and slowly moved to her breast he sucked and licked them until her nipples was rock hard. He did this while sliding on some protection; he slowly entered Clarissa’s warm body. She moaned deeply, Aghh Mike, you feel so good… Mike was enjoying his warm stay. He gently went in a little deeper, ughhh, moaned Clarissa. Are you okay beautiful, do you want me to stop? He asked. No don’t stop she moan. Mike knew that he was built like a stallion, so the last thing he wanted to do is hurt her or make her feel uncomfortable. Ummm she moaned as he went all the way in. While in there he explored every part of Clarissa. He made love to her like his life depended on it. Meanwhile on the other side of the bedroom door, James snuck into Mike’s loft. Clarissa forgot to lock the door behind her. Well, well, well. James thought, this is how the rich and famous live. He sat at the table and finished off the red wine they were drinking and ate a shrimp. All of a sudden noise in the bed room caught James’ attention. He walked closer to the door and listened. His mind suddenly went back to when he use to make Clarissa moan like that. James slid his hand in his pants and begin stroking his dick while imagining being inside Clarissa. He had to catch himself because his moans was starting to drown out Mike’s. James released himself in the umbrella holder in the hallway and turned to leave the loft but not without reaching into Clarissa purse and taking her house key off of her key ring and a couple of dollars for his next fix.

      Baby, are you sleeping? Clarissa said softly…hmmm No beautiful I’m up Mike said rolling over pulling Clarissa in his arms. “What’s the matter?” he whispered. Nothing, everything is so perfect it’s almost too good to be true. Did you mean all those things you were saying last night? Yes Rissa, I meant every word of it, you are gonna let me love you right? Yes baby, I love you Mike and I never want to leave your side. And I hope James never raise his ugly head around me again, she thought to herself.


      The weekend had come and gone. Ash got up enough strength to make it in to work. She entered in the build and noticed no one was at their cubicles. Hmm I wonder where everyone is. Hey Mr. Jimmy! Good morning Ashley how are you feeling today. I’m feeling a whole lot better, where is everybody? Oh everyone’s