Claudette Yarbrough

BAD (Begin Again Differently)

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      “Claudette provides an inspirational reflection and pragmatic roadmap that is useful for anyone looking for a way to recover from a significant setback.”

      —Matthew J. Pepper, Ed.D.

      “Claudette inspires you to fail into your success by transforming old patterns within yourself. Her book will help people to change their circumstances in order to reach new levels in business or personal endeavors. You will ultimately accomplish your purpose of producing what you expect to result every day!”

      —Sabrenay Brandon, YES, INC. Team Member

      “I encourage every reader to communicate with Claudette and to share your own stories and endeavors. I believe that regardless of the products or services being offered, the strength of her messages in BAD will work for anyone. Any organization will benefit from her 7 smart processes to begin again differently, better, stronger, and more effectively.”

      —The Late Margaret Jorgensen, Ph.D.

BAD (Begin Again Differently)







      NEW YORK


      BAD (Begin Again Differently)

      7 Smart Processes to Win Again After Suffering a Business Loss

      © 2020 Claudette Yarbrough

      All rights reserved. No portion of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means—electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording, scanning, or other—except for brief quotations in critical reviews or articles, without the prior written permission of the publisher.

      Published in New York, New York, by Morgan James Publishing in partnership with Difference Press. Morgan James is a trademark of Morgan James, LLC.

      ISBN 9781631950568 paperback

      ISBN 9781631950575 eBook

      ISBN 9781631952081 audiobook

      Library of Congress Control Number: 2020933034

      Cover Design Concept:

      Jennifer Stimson

      Cover Design by:

      Jonathan Lewis,

       [email protected]

      Interior Design by:

      Christopher Kirk


      Cory Hott

      Book Coaching:

      The Author Incubator


      Morgan James is a proud partner of Habitat for Humanity Peninsula and Greater Williamsburg. Partners in building since 2006.

      Get involved today! Visit

      This book is dedicated to first of all, my mother, Minnie Lee Higgs, because one day she turned her life over to God, and my sisters and I have never the same after that. Secondly to my son, Benjamin, because he is the best son a mom could ever ask for and finally to God who has given me many experiences and caused me to meet many people over the course of my life that have caused me to become the person who wrote this book.




       Chapter 1: Is This You?

       Chapter 2: Eat Dirt

       Chapter 3: Begin Again Differently

       Chapter 4: Smart Process #1—Believe

       Chapter 5: Smart Process #2—Find Your Noble Goal

       Chapter 6: Smart Process #3—Over Communicate

       Chapter 7: Smart Process #4—Make Decisions

       Chapter 8: Smart Process #5—Be Reflective

       Chapter 9: Smart Process #6—Get Motivated

       Chapter 10: Smart Process #7—Make Rock Stars

       Chapter 11: Don’t Let Fear Stop You

       Chapter 12: Here’s What I Know for Sure

       Books Our Team Have Read, Books We Continue to Read, and Books We Are Preparing to Read as We Continuously Begin Again Differently!


       Thank You

       About the Author


      A little over a year ago, I was living in Buffalo, NY. A place I called home for my entire life. I was working two full-time jobs with a master’s degree, trying to keep up with life. My debts were mounting, and I found myself living to work. There were many days when I could not tell when my day was beginning or ending. I could not think because I did not have time. I was too busy, let alone able to find time for much else. There were so many days when my workday would start at 7:00 AM and it would not finish until 2:30 AM. I would travel from one job to the next, with twenty minutes in-between to stop by a drive-thru window. After work, if I was lucky, I had just enough time to sleep for a few hours, maybe eat a little something, and take a shower to refresh myself before repeating the same process of work each day. Time off for me was a rare occasion. I had earned plenty of it, but I was so busy working, I did not have time, nor did I understand the concept of taking a break. I did not even take any time off from work when my father passed away. I am sure many